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Juneteenth: A Government Boondoggle

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Gary Brumback
Message Gary Brumback

I decided to write this extremely short piece during "Juneteenth", a mind-boggling government boondoggle. I must begin with a disclaimer. I was reared as a pacifist and an egalitarian. I don't have a racist bone, thought or utterance in and from my body! I am the opposite of Thomas Jefferson, who considered "the blacks to be inferior in both mind and body to the whites". [1] Abraham Lincoln, the "Great Emancipator", was of the same opinion. [2]

Juneteenth is a supreme hoax and pick pocket of ordinary non-government workers. I found it impossible to find estimates of the total cost to taxpayers from government and industry workers not losing a bit of their pocketbooks from Juneteenth. My failed research is understandable. Why would government and industry want to tell the American people how much they are being fleeced?

Why Not "Warteenth"?

Let's be consistent in our idiocy. Let's create "Warteenth" and give everybody paid leave for the billions of people killed over the years from U.S. militarism. The Fed's revenue would shrink to zilch. No more money for killing or anything else!


1. The American Ywap Reader. Thomas Jefferson's Racism, 1788.

2. Singer, A.J. Abraham Lincoln Never Believed in Racial Equality. History News Network, November 18, 2013.

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Dr. Gary Brumback is a long-ago retired organizational psychologist turned "arm-chair peace and social justice activist.
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