Politico ran a Jeanne Cummings article headlined "Class warfare returns to D.C."
Glenn Beck, has said, that we are on the verge of Civil War.
And this afternoon, MSNBC joined the pile-on, with a segment asking:
"Is there a war against the wealthy?
Do we have a class war developing?"
The Main Stream Media Declares Class Warfare Has Returned?
My question is—When did the class warfare end? The rich have always exploited the poor! Always! It has never been different.
I watched with a fascinated contempt as Rush Limbaugh rewrote history and relabeled the Obama administration as "authoritarian" at the CPAC convention in washington D.C. Authoritarian? Excuse me? This is a misnomer of staggering proportions considering the long history associated with plutocracies and fascist authoritarianism. I guess he just assumes that his uneducated "dittoheads" will not question this elaborate misdirection and redefinition of truth. He is right; they are for the most part "deadheads" from the neck up.
For the last 18 out of twenty four years, the rich have held sway, partying at the expense of the average American citizen. They have deregulated and globalized and free traded our nation into bankruptcy.
Consider that California has a 42 billion dollar shortfall and that over the last six years its share of the needless Iraq war cost it 83 billion in state revenues. Who made the money that California lost? Haliburton, KBR, General Dynamics, Blackwater, and a thousand other rich multinational companies that feed off the murder of human beings. War profiteers like Dick cheney et al.
Where did trillions of dollars go in American wealth? To greedy oil companies that have gouged the American public by buying up green technology so they can squeeze every last nickel out of the American economy. At the same time, they pay next to nothing for the control and exploitation of America's resources.
Why have the multinationals made union busting a top priority in every industrialized nation in the world and shipped those jobs to foreign countries that pay less than a living wage to its third world citizens? Japan's once prosperous middle class is being devastated by the wealthy, who have established a right wing conservative government, who have rewritten labor laws that have thrown millions of Japanese into poverty and homelessness.
Contrary to the recent screeds on FOX and the other, bought and paid for, MSM propaganda outlets, that accuse Obama of declaring "Class Warfare," I say that Obama declared a cease fire,in the wealthy classes unrelenting attack on America and the middle class. He has said "enough" to the plutocracy of military industrial multinationals, that have fed, unchecked, on the blood of the world's children for the last decade, and that their orgy of unbridled greed is over.
Unfortunately, they are drunk with their delusion that they are better than everyone else and deserve to live in decadent opulence while the rest of society live, "lives of quite desperation". The story of class warfare is as old as the story of humankind, when powerful warlords declared themselves, kings ordained by god, to rule over others. Everywhere we look in history—when and where a right wing plutocracy (rich fat bastards that want to rule the world by subjecting the poor to servitude) has taken power, e.g. Hitler—millions have died and suffered for the benefit of a rich powerful few.
Glenn Beck was talking about a new Civil War the other night on mainstream television. He is a dolt, or a "tool," I don't really care which. The point is that that declaration, had it been uttered by "liberals," would have been branded as rabble rousers, stirring the cauldron of hate. Or of playing the "race card" or being guilty of the "mentality of victimization."
This is not the first time the right wing has stirred the cauldron of politically driven ideological hate. During the Clinton years, with no other purpose than to bring the Clinton administration to a grinding halt, they said damn the country, we want Clinton to fail, just like Rush Limbaugh recently declared he wants Obama to fail, regardless of the consequences to the country and the American people. Once again they are cranking up their Mass Media Propaganda Machine, to crank out the same rhetoric of hate that produce the Timothy McVeigh's of the world.
The reality is "the Plutocracy" has always waged war on the poor and uneducated for its own benefit by keeping them poor and uneducated. Not the other way around. To hear the rich speak of being taxed for their fair share, you'd think that "we" were taking the last crust of bread from their, caviar and Dom Perignon stained mouths. It is that kind of arrogance that produced Marie Antoinette's, infamous statement, "let them eat cake" and that sparked the French Revolution.
Commentary: Vive la révolution!