Where is the line drawn between the two and why there is a
line necessary? Why is it that someone like me who supports freedom equally for
all must be labeled?
I truly hate labels, for many years I was a rabid "Christian" and was able to
convince myself that what I was doing was right, the late night prayer
meetings, and twice a day on Sunday once on Wednesday meetings. I drove hours
one very just to listen to another person explain another somewhat different
section of the bible. I heard sermons from many pastors and attended churches
ranging from hard core Charismatic Pentecostal all the way up too Calvinistic
Baptist churches. I have sat through hours of "prayer wars" and hours of
multiple pastors going on and on about things that I honestly do not think they
even know. Of course, there is the me now, somewhat different and not nearly as
rabid as I once was.
I am still very strongly grounded in my beliefs in the equality of freedoms and
the preservation of the Constitution. However, I am no longer rabidly religious.
In fact, I am not religious at all and after changing over a long period, I
found that it was the religion and religious experiences themselves that
contributed the most to my being able to live where I am now. It was the last
"Church" I attended, as a member and its pastor that helped me become who I am
today. Without his guidance in my continual quest for knowledge and the
wonderful doors, he helped me see still existed I would still be stuck chanting
mantras and praising "Jesus" daily
versus researching, and learning the actual history attached to all of this.
I have been told that my fascination with history is just plain odd and that
history cannot help us now, yes, I have been told this. Obviously, we know this
is not true. History is the only true method of divining the future. Our
futures are closely intertwined with our histories and to have knowledge of
both we must be able to lay down our religious differences, beliefs, and rabid
ideals. I have taken to the study of American history, our foundations,
Founding Fathers, ideals, and above all the very basis of our country FREEDOM!
So when someone calls me a "liberal/ libtard etc" or a "conservie/ conservative etc" I tend to dismiss them as uneducated. Anyone at this point who still strongly supports their party based on what they feel is correct or what they have heard to be right deserves the presidents they have received and the changes they are seeing. There is no real difference between the two parties any longer, the major players from both sides vote the same, dress the same and attend all the same parties. So am I a liberal or a conservative?
If you have an answer to that question than you are less intelligent than I originally figured...