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3.) New Spiritual Order, 5-D Awareness

Domp Filanowski
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New Spiritual Order, 5-D Awareness
New Spiritual Order, 5-D Awareness
(Image by Dominic Filanowski)
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Many people believe the cliche acronym #NWO stands for #NewWorldOrder, but it actually stands for #NewWorldlyOrder, from the Latin: #NovusOrdoSeclorum. #Seclorum is where we get the English word #Secular, or #Worldly.




Given the abuses of power which existed when the hierarchy sanctioned the religious beliefs of the community, it's quite understandable how one might misassociate these abuses with the nonsecular, with the mystical, the spiritual, whereby everything secular is viewed as #Enlightenment and everything nonsecular as #Benightedness (see #Benightedness, #MikhailBakunin below).


However, the Hellenistic Greeks, whom gave us the foundation of our modern, Western way of thinking, were not soul-crushing #NWO types. The Ancient Greeks were very #Spiritual and very much #Enlightened, unlike the current #GenPop (#GeneralPopulation) #PrisonersOfMisUnderstanding. The #Virtues of these #Enlightened, #Spiritual #Stoics of ancient Athens and Rome were tremendously #Influential to #EarlyChristianThought. See University of St Andrews article below:


"Stoicism and Christian Ethics" by Elizabeth Agnew Cochran


#Athens: #Zeno, #Cleanthes, #Chrysippus

#Rome: #Seneca, #Epictetus, #MarcusAurelius




#Benightedness #PresumedStupidity

#Enlightenment #PresumedIntelligence


"The only difference between REVOLUTIONARY DICTATORSHIP and THE STATE is in external appearances. Essentially, they both represent the same GOVERNMENT OF THE MAJORITY BY A MINORITY in the name of the PRESUMED STUPIDITY of the one and the PRESUMED INTELLIGENCE of the other."

- Mikhail Bakunin (all-caps emphasis mine)




It has become an undeniable fact that the #SnaresOfTheMent are soul-crushing #Mesmerization(s) by design, as the #GenPop (#GeneralPopulation) has become addicted to the #MaddeningWine of #EnTech (#EntertainmentTechnology), which is mostly comprised of #BiasDriving #SocialMedia at this point in time. However, the traditional #MediaAndEntertainmentIndustry still plays a decisive role in propagandizing the masses with the #MaddeningWine of the #EstablishMent. #InternetAddictionDisorder and #PartisanRancor are not #UserError(s), nor are they design flaws of the system that is responsible for providing an opportunity to be afflicted by such disorders.




The Great Realignment


When the old partisan lines started wearing thin and the working class started to unite, Donald Trump entered the political arena to divide us, once again, along party lines. The #GreatRealignment, which was instrumental to #MaintainingPublicSupport for the #TwoPartySystem, began to take shape in Obama's second presidential term.


The political dynamic of the time allowed for the populist left and right to start seeing things eye-to-eye, and a nonpartisan coalition was beginning to form. Populist Democrats were already questioning the party's leadership because of Clinton era policies, and Obama's shortcomings had many constituents on the fence with the Democratic Party's leadership.


Likewise, the #GlobalWarOnTerror patriotic propaganda was finally wearing off, and populist Republicans started questioning the trillions of dollars wasted on destabilizing the region. People on both sides of the aisle were hungry for so-called "outsider candidates", as in outside of the #BipartisanNeoliberalCoalition that began with the Reagan administration. The 2016 presidential election became known as the year of the outsider candidates.


From the "left", the three main outsider candidates were Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard, and on the right, there was Donald Trump. After the DNC and MSM openly colluded to prevent frontrunner Bernie Sanders from winning the primary, many of Sanders' supporters did not vote in the general election (likely a large portion of the 50M registered voters who didn't vote, considering it was roughly the same number of people who registered for the first time that year). Other Sanders supporters voted for #JillStein2028 or Hillary Clinton, but there were also a considerable number of so-called #BernieBros who crossed over and voted for Trump. As odd as this may seem, the two platforms were very similar, albeit with polar-opposite branding.


After Elizabeth Warren published an op-ed informing the public of a looming free trade agreement which was bad news for the working class (the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership, or TPP), it became a major topic of public concern.


Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders made campaign promises to quash the TPP. Both candidates also criticized Clinton's war hawk proposal for a no-fly zone in Syria, and, in 2015, before Trump called for expanding border security, Sanders referred to open borders as a "Koch brothers proposal", in addition to criticizing sanctions against Russia as a policy that punishes the public instead of the intended target.


Trump also made campaign promises that were, frankly, progressive, if only he had attempted to live up to those promises. He criticized the wartime spending in the Middle East as money wasted that could have gone toward infrastructure, specifically mentioning our "third world" airports, and he adopted Sanders' popular proposal to reinstate the #Glass_Steagall #BankingActOf_1933.


Nullifying the #GLBA (a deregulation of the banking industry, under the Clinton Administration, that led to the #2008_GlobalFinancialCrisis) would break up several of the big bank trusts that are currently bankrupting the working class.


Our #Airports never did have a makeover, and the #Corporate/#Investment #BankingTrusts remain intact. But the point is that the #OvertonWindow shifted dramatically to the left for Republican constituents, and Trump responded accordingly. Or so it would seem. Meanwhile, the #OvertonWindow shifted dramatically to the right (authoritarian) for Democratic constituents, to the detriment of election integrity, labor protections, and unalienable rights, along with international peace and diplomacy.




Although Donald Trump does not appear to be a war hawk, appearances can be deceiving. *Trump has proselytized for the #WarMachineObjective known as #REAL_ID, which was initiated as part of W's "Global War on Terror" back in 2005.




Seeing the #Light, #Understanding the #SpiritualRealm


Being dyslexic does have its disadvantages and is often considered to be a handicap. However, the condition allows for the #Understanding of the #FifthDimension, which is sometimes referred to as having a #MultidimensionalBrain, as opposed to having a #LinearBrain like most neurotypical people. If you would like to bear witness to the fifth dimension, simply cross your eyes. Dyslexia is the key to #Understanding, and we have all been blinded by our own binocular vision for all these years and for all these days.


The fifth dimension is upon us.


Having a so-called "multidimensional brain" gives one access to information on a plane of existence that is not perceivable to most people, access to the spiritual realm of #Understanding. The spiritual realm is fundamental to #Understanding social-, cultural-, political-, and #Power- #Dynamics, and the spiritual realm is fundamental to #Understanding the collective #Metaphysics of #Humanity, the collective #Psyche of #Humanity.

The #HiveMind of humanity is our spirituality, and conceptualizing human intelligence in such a way is fundamental to understanding #PowerDynamics. The collective hive mind acts to govern a single organism, a large group of individuals who often self-identify as ideological teammates.




While the reelection of Donald Trump is most definitely not good news, do not despair.


First off, because she is a card-carrying member of the #UniParty, KamaLa Harris would likely have implemented policies that are equally as authoritarian as the alleged Trump agenda, #Project2025 (Matt Walsh's #Comment was an example of sarcasm, something people are intentionally ignoring for political purposes; #Newsweek cut off part of the quote, "lol", which, given the context, means "laugh out loud; the previous statement was a joke").


Secondly, behind closed doors, the elite tend to focus on long-term dynamics within the political field and are not very concerned with the outcome of any one particular election. This is how they make subtle changes, by utilizing incrementalism, and it's how they have been winning for the past few decades.


It would do the #WorkingClass well to learn from the elite in this respect, to stop watching #ChannelZero, to stop believing in the #Hype, and to focus on the long-term consequences of the political process instead of getting caught up in the short-term misdirection(s) of the #EstablishMent.


#SheWatchChannelZero?! #DontBelieveTheHype


#ItTakesANationOfMillions #ToHoldUsBack


For example, it would be wise to focus on Jill Stein's 2018 #Victory in PA court, and the way this #Victory gave accountability to electronic voting machines (#EVM) up until the #VoteByMail campaign of 2020, as opposed to focusing on the Green Party candidate's multiple "losses" in Presidential elections. Dr Stein's #2018Settlement regarding the 2016 #RecountLawsuitPennsylvania (#Recount2016) was a huge win for #ElecionIntegrity because it required a #SecurePaperTrail to provide #Accountability for #ElectronicVotingMachines.


#EVM_AccountabilityOrNoEVM, #VoteOnElectionDay, #LocalPollingPlace


It would also be wise to focus on the coalition that has been built by the Green Party over the years and to not allow the #EstablishMent to distract us by focusing on the outcomes of individual races. The current Presidential election is eternally being promoted as the most important election of our lifetime. It cannot be true that the outcome of all these elections have been more important than the last.


Reflecting upon the relative unimportance of past elections that were hyped by the media as being paramount is beneficial in deconstructing this myth. Remember when Democrats were fretting over a potential John McCain presidency in 2008? What would we have done if McCain had managed to get his "finger on the button"? #Sarcasm


Given the veiled threat contained in #Section_1669 of the NDAA FY-17 (the Obama Administration's final defense budget), implying that McCain would have initiated a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia and China would not be all that far-fetched. But the #BonaFideThreat of thermonuclear Armageddon is no greater from a Republican president than it is from a Democrat.




Reunification of the Progressives


The Democratic Party leadership actively opposes progressive and even liberal change. They don't care about making the world a better place. They only care about getting votes to hold on to power. The leadership will never allow for the vetting of their own preselected puppets in a fair primary process, in spite of the party's legally binding charter. This has been undeniably demonstrated by the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential races.


Progressives must come to the #Realization that the corporate-owned Democratic Party is an obstacle to progress, and this fact will never change.


Due to this #Realization, one might anticipate a #Repeat of 2008 in the 2028 presidential election. The Democratic Party leadership can be expected to promote another faux-gressive like Ravenous Wolf Barack Obama, whose administration threatened Russia and China with a preemptive nuclear strike in addition to investing a trillion dollars to modernize the nation's nuclear arsenal, thrusting us back into a Cold War where all nuclear-capable forces have a #FingerOnTheButton (#Section_1669, page 1630/3076).


Keeping in mind 1.) the imperialistic neocon strategy of #ACleanBreak, 2.) the fact that #FDR_Knew the Japanese war ships were heading towards Hawii in December, 1941, 3.) the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex (DOD & CIA) was planning a false flag operation to instigate WWIII back in the '60s, and 4.) the fact that some "smart" people believe Mutually Assured Destruction is a thing of the past, e.g., "The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy" #Paper published by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press. . .


. . .#Section_1669's veiled threat was likely intended to instigate a global nuclear conflict (NDAA FY-17).


In spite of being a grisly war criminal, Putin has seemingly demonstrated a considerable amount of restraint to avert such a disastrous calamity, particularly with all of the provocations associated with the Western support of Ukrainian leadership, following the Russian invasion in 2022 and the *Nuland-Pyatt coup in 2014.


Two days after the election, on November 7, 2024, BRICS News announced that Trump and Putin are going to be #WorkingTogether to end the war in Ukraine. Ending the war is a good idea, but the whole thing reeks of being staged for some alternative purpose.


"Making war just for fun; Treating people just like pawns in chess" - #WarPigs by Black Sabbath.




Although it may be hard to imagine, Donald Trump's reelection, following his proselytization of #VoteByMail, may actually be a gift in disguise for the progressive cause. The EstablishMent has handed us the opportunity to mend the progressive divide, the schism brought on by #PiedPiperCandidate and #PerpetualRealityShowHost Donald Trump. However, the path ahead will be fraught with snares of deception intended to divide and conquer.


It's up to us to make a game plan now for the upcoming 2028 presidential election, an arduous event which will be here before we know it. It's time to realize that the Democratic Party is never going to allow a true populist-left strategy to move forward, and it's time to abandon the party once and for all.


It's time to start working on the Green Party coalition and beyond.


Progressives don't need centrist Democrats to win, and progressives cannot win if they are tied down by the snares of centrist idealogues. What we need to do is annihilate the partisan divide that tears right through the nation, right down to the alternative parties which have a lot more in common with each other than they do with the "corresponding left-and-right" corporate-owned substitutes.


We need to form a coalition to unite the Green Party and the Libertarian Party, among others.


Additionally, we also need to consider the predictive warnings of Mikhail Bakunin (quote above) regarding the so-called "tankies", a legitimate threat, along with the faux-libertarian Trump supporters (people who "talk the libertarian-talk" but ended up fawning over the authoritarian former president, DJT).


But it is also important to remember that not all progressives identify with the left. Chris Hedges, a progressive libertarian, is a prime example. You don't have to agree with him on everything to know that his heart is in the right place, and an alliance with Hedges strengthens the progressive cause.


We need to form a bottom-up, grassroots movement to unify the progressive left with progressive libertarians like Chris Hedges. This unifying movement must have a political aspect, meaning #ProgressiveIndependents should always evaluate the status quo to determine who we throw our support behind.


In 2024, Jill Stein had the momentum.


In 2016, it was Gary Johnson, even though Jill Stein's Pennsylvania recount lawsuit had a much greater impact than either candidate's performance in the election.


Who will it be in 2028? Not a Democrat or Republican, that's who.




Spiritual Guidance


Whether or not you personally have faith in Christianity, it is undeniable that we are coming to political crossroads that will determine the fate of our species. The following is an allegorical teaching in response to this crossroads. My interpretation of the Holy Trinity and Biblical scripture are as follows:




The Godhead, or essence of God, is quantum. God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit - the three manifestations of the Godhead - are said to be "three in name", but they also attach the quality of a single, collective essence (one in being). The Bible was encrypted with a code which can only be deciphered with a quantum mindset, and the concept of the Holy Trinity is a clue to #Understanding the encryption.


#TheAlphaAndTheOmega, #TheBeginningAndTheEnd of all things, is an allusion to #Genesis, #Revelation, and humanity's contemporaneous existence within the #GardenOfEden, along with the potential for an apocalyptic event that can cast us out of the #Garden at a moment's notice. A thermonuclear lake of fire is awaiting anyone who's "name was not found written in the book of life" (Rev 20:15), anyone residing within a universe where the people have walked too far down the path of polarization.


Like the Holy Trinity, our very existence is quantum. We live within a multiverse of infinite possibilities, and it is up to us to choose the right path, to seal our fate.




The Book of Revelation makes #Reference to the #MaddeningWine of Babylon's impure passion, the political and economic corruption of #Globalization, along with the resulting #Exploitation of labor and resources:

"and the merchants of the earth have grown rich with the wealth of her wantonness" - Rev 18:3


Eventually, the socioeconomic system which depends on exploitation will collapse, and all the people who are dependent on the system, particularly the people in leadership positions, will be stricken by grief when this happens:

"And the kings of the earth, who committed fornication and were wanton with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning" - Rev 18:9


The #Winepress mentioned in Revelation is God's punishment (the #WrathOfGod) for those who have empowered the corrupt globalist system and, in doing so, have become dependent upon the system:

"the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood flowed from the wine press" - Rev 14:20


In this sense, Babylon represents the partisan corruption of the #UniParty's divisiveness, the foundation of the globalist, neoliberal, secular order (#NWO). Additionally, the word "vintage" in Rev 14:19 represents a single universe, one of 144,000 "servants of God" within the countless droves of multiversal hive-minds.


The four winds (one for each "corner of the earth") represent the shockwaves of numerous atomic blasts eradicating all forms of life on planet Earth, within a single universe. Likewise, the fifth angel, the one in possession of the "seal of the living God" commanded the first four:

"Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God upon their foreheads." - Rev 7:3


The reference to a name or seal on the forehead, which signifies an allegiance to God, alludes to the spiritual protection of the faithful who detested idolatry within the Second Temple in Jerusalem:

"but touch no one upon whom is the mark" - Ezk 9:6


144,000 servants of God will have the Lamb's name and his Father's name written on their foreheads, and these servants will not be tormented alongside the beast and the false profit. The servants of God will not be tormented by "the lake of fire that burns with sulphur" (Rev 19:20).




#TheAlphaAndTheOmega is also an inversion of #TheOmegaAndTheAlpha, #TheEndAndTheBeginning, or the dawning of a new era of humanity, under the inclusive, multi-faith new order of spiritualism, the New Spiritual Order.


But we can only attain this #Illumination by utilizing nonviolent resistance. If we drink the #MaddeningWine of #Idolatry, the #MaddeningWine of #Globalization, of #Partisanship, and of #Division, our fate will be sealed by the #WinepressOfGod, and we will be permanently #BanishedFromTheGarden.


However, if we keep the Lamb's name and his Father's name written on our foreheads, we will get to walk the streets of new Jerusalem, streets overflowing with the river of the water of life, which is adjacent to the tree of life, on both sides. And God shall dwell with his servants, be their light, and they shall reign for ever and ever, Amen!


"To the thirsty I will give from the fountain of the water of life without payment. He who conquers shall have this heritage, and I will be his God and he shall be my son." - Rev 21:6-7


#KillTheUniParty, #NonviolentResistance

#NewSpiritualOrder, #NovusOrdoSpiritualis

#MultiFaith, #Inclusive, #NSO

(Article changed on Nov 10, 2024 at 4:52 AM EST)

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