Mitt Romney, Republican presidential candidate, has broken his two month silence towards the open press. The Romney campaign answered three questions posed by the press and told them off twice. It's a start, at least now they are talking.
Romney doesn't just feel entitled to total privacy in his tax and business dealings as shown by his complete refusal to produce sufficient disclosure. Mitt Romney feels entitled to stop the open press from asking questions. Romney has consistently refused to answer to the press about his policy details, foreign or domestic, questions voters want asked and answered. Questions best not asked during scripted softball television interviews.
In keeping with his one blunder per country foreign policy debut, Mitt Romney managed an insult in Poland as well. This time towards the American people by his chronic refusal to talk to the open press and the lengths his campaign will go to not do so. In order to duck uncomfortable questions, including questions about Romney's refusal to talk to the press, his campaign tried to claim a public plaza "sacred ground" and told the press to "shove it" making a politically damaging foreign policy credentials tour even moreso. What sacred ground has Mitt Romney stood on these last two months when on American soil while refusing to answer to the people through our press?
Romney excuses away everything from teenage bullying to adult lying to the SEC. He has dismissed any semblence of the responsibility to give voters proper disclosure of his finances and his policies. He has dismissed us along with the free press and doesn't even bother with an excuse.
There is no excuse big enough for this man to evade being an open candidate and many reasons he should be far more open than he has. Unlike Sarah Palin, Mitt's duct tape is voluntary and perhaps just as necessary for the survival of his own campaign.
Mitt Romney shouldn't presume to ask us to hire him for the job of President of the United States if he's not willing to produce a full resume or at least talk to the interviewers. It's far past time for him to come clean with the American public with regards to his taxes and policies. Whether he opens up or not, he will be judged by the people. If Romney wants the job he needs to produce tax records and start talking. He can start the conversation with no less than eleven years of full financial disclosure.
Mitt Romney certainly could use the opportunity to perfect any excuses his campaign can come up with to explain away the major leadership gaffes made during his Foreign Policy Vacations For Dummies 101 tour.