The news on Rush Limbaugh, right wing Neocon radio talk show host, is that he may have had a heart attack but he is resting comfortably.
Rush gets to rest comfortably knowing that his millions of dollars has likely bought him adequate healthcare. Or maybe his healthcare is provided by the syndicaiton firm that he works for and he doesn't have to spend too much of his fabulous fortune for adequate care.
But for the rest of the 100 million Americans that have inadequate or no health insurance getting sick means that they won't be resting comfortably.
Instead the uninsured and underinsured not only have to deal with the pain and suffering of being sick, they also have to worry about whether they will receive adequate and perhaps life saving treatment. On top of that, they also have to worry about the cost of that treatment, inadequate or not.
Now normally I wouldn't take the time to contrast a super wealthy person getting adequate care in the hospital with the rest of the 100 million Americans that have to worry about their healthcare, or lack of care, and the fact they can't afford it. But Rush Limbaugh condemns socialized medicine and 'Obama Care' and for that he needs to take some time in the hospital and consider his care and contrast it with that of the 100 million without decent healthcare.
Rush Limbaugh gets paid too much not to care about the healthcare of Americans. After all, he is paid mucho dinero to be America's clown of the right wing.
Rush won't be dissuaded from his inhumanity or his ignorance on healthcare, just like he wasn't dissuaded about those that are thrown in jail for drugs while he received the most elaborate treatment for his own illegal addiction.
In fact, Rush is suffering from more than a heart attack at this point. He is suffering from a lack of a heart.
Among counselors and psychologists it is known that emotional turmoil will often find its outlet in bodily dysfunction or pain. Perhaps Rush Limbaugh's lack of a heart has somehow had an effect on his own heart.
Well, you might think this conjecture is all psychological nonsense.Good hearted people have heart attacks every day.
It is true that the good hearts and the dark hearts of the world all get heart attacks. But it is possible that havinglittle or no compassion really does have a deleterious effect on a person's heart.
Moving beyond the irony of Rush having a heart attack while lacking a heart, is the horrendous situation of 100 million uninsured and underinsured Americans
I don't wish Rush anything bad. As a matter of fact, I am glad that he is resting comfortably and is well taken care of. But I feel great sadness for the 100 million Americans that are likely going to get shafted in America's so called healthcare 'reform' because they will not be given a public 'medicare' style healthcare program. It is precisely because of people like Rush Limbaugh that 100 million Americans will not have the option to rest comfortably when getting sick.
So my hope is that as Rush gets feeling better and as he mends his physical heart, he actually begins to develop a heart for others. I am glad Rush gets to rest comfortably as he mends, but I do wish the rest of uninsured and underinsured America would also be allowed to have that option.
But given the fact that Rush, and people like him, are directly responsible for Americans not being given real healthcare reform, I do hope Rush doesn't lose any sleep as he rests comfortably.