If the desire should arise for some alluring young girl, adolescent or even prepubescent child no thought is given to the unspeakable, unbearable pain traded in a heartbeat for the pleasure sought that lasts but a moment. A moment exchanged for lifetimes and often lives as well. Released from incarceration for a similar but lesser offense the criminal may attain a Saturday night special. Instead of accosting the man on the street or liquor store this time he brazenly enters the First National Bank. His nature unchecked escalates to bigger and better things, he steals thousands instead of hundreds. Why not, if caught the penalty is the same.
In prison he is both the perpetrator and the victim. Rapes other men and is raped by them, becomes more animalistic binding pleasure to pain both given and received. Associates sex with anger and violence so when released he seeks added release in perversion. He follows home someone's wife, forces his way into a home and commits Rape. His pleasure twofold because after beating and binding the husband he makes him watch. Sooner or later he will be caught, arrested, tried convicted, sentenced and probably paroled a time or two. Eventually justice will grow tired of nibbling and when the offender shows up one too many times Justice devours with execution of one kind or another. This is the Microcosm of the Criminal World.
The Macrocosm Criminal is quite a different story. Like his embryonic sibling he does share the belief in the divine right of kings. But he IS A KING and knows not the pains of the pauper. Knows not and cares less than naught. His game is Chess, Monopoly and WAR and his board is the world, its citizens are his pawns, his soldiers and his debtors. To him all games are Trivial Pursuit and all games are for the winning. The victims of his Rape are not just women but nations and those forced to watch are their citizens and neighbors. He strides across continents as the pre-civil war Gentry strode across their plantations. Like the nursery song "little toy soldiers, their games are such fun" he plays ARMY not on a blanket on his bed but on fields of wheat and corn, meadows and forests, cities and towns of the world. His troops are not little blue and grey and green "army guys" but the sons and daughters of the world's citizens the children whose lives are but chess pieces to be laid down. Laid down never to arise again but then there are plenty more where they came from. The Lord of the Manor knows the value of culling the herd. Population control is necessary and what could be better than the "killing of two birds with one stone."
This is not a being that enters "the First National Bank" with a Saturday night special. These men have no need of such primitive tools they create and destroy monetary institutions with a mere nod of their head, trade and transfer the wealth of nations bringing their inhabitants to their knees for sport. They gamble the futures of their pawns as a back street crapshooter does on dollars and dimes. The small time burglar in the darkness of night sneaks into the house of the vacationing owner and pilfers the silverware, the stereo, Plasma TV and Jewelry. Not so the Lords of the world, from their command centers they push buttons, dictate directions, assemble Armies, Navies and Special Forces. Sell weapons of destruction to the countries of the world and then pit them against one another. Rake in the spoils of the aftermath for themselves. They assign code names to their nighttime thievery in their book of "black-ops." Their "neighborhood" raids consist of overthrowing left wing third world democracies that would hamper their plunder rather than allow the theft of their Natural Resources. The creation of dictatorships and the propping up of fascist regimes becomes a favorite and financially rewarding pastime.
These men need not fear the penalties of worldly justice for they control those who legislate, prosecute and occupy the judicial bench. They need not show concern for the concern of the people over whom they rule, the people who "elected them, appointed them," for while the people slept the machine was rewired. Orwell came and Democracy slipped quietly into the depths of history.
The petty thief will be caught and will pay. The Mugger, the small time con artist, the dope peddler and the prostitute will find their way to the docket and the cell. The armed robber the rapist and the murder will all eventually be caught and face justice. The microcosmic criminal will suffer the consequences of his deeds. The macrocosmic criminal however is another matter. His crimes by comparison are as the Sun to an amoeba but instead of "life without Parole or lethal injection his penalty shall continue to be banishment to high office and wealth beyond imagination which perhaps is the just reward for a species that truly is not human. A species with it's own rules and regulations, perhaps even punishments and rewards of which we mere human beings have not the ability to comprehend.