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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 6/26/23

The Russian "BULLY BAIL" - A "Bully v Bully" Case Study"

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Brock Novak
Message Brock Novak

C'mon...don't lie.

Who among any of you did not scream "WTF" from the rafters when news broke Saturday that Wagner's stunning march on Moscow folded like a cheap suit, collapsing faster than the OceanGate Titan implosion, when only 120 miles from Moscow.

Even Hitler and Napoleon got further.

Speaking for myself, I screamed it to the point of a metaphorical knock on the door from the police for disturbing the peace.

Seriously, jaws dropped...everywhere.

That said, and then really deep thinking through all involved here, it now however makes perfect sense. I need not be a fly on the wall in Prigozhin's mind, nor Putin's to understand the thinking behind mutual capitulation. It's not sinisterly complex. Its actually quite simple, so much so, it's ironically not obvious to all the world who desperately in this socio-poltical climate needs and seeks a 50,000 foot wild crazy complex conspiracy theory to accept it...unfortunately for them, none here.

It simply boils down not to anything ideological, treasonous, political, nor anything else but really one basic issue only...personalities.

What we witnessed was a wonderful lab experiment in human nature, in this case real human frailty, masked by phony fraud "fire and brimstone" arrogance...the BULLY.

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