At the coming of the Son of Man which precedes the Last Judgement we have the danger the Lamb warned us all of which would confront all christians or indeed any of the quick of understanding at the End: for to judge Rev. Moon without understanding who he really is will bring all who do so to share his fate; that of being "cut asunder" and given his reward with the hypocrites. And it is hypocrisy which is the "mark" of the beast; the "beast" being man's fallen nature. Thus it is of this the Lamb spoke when he told his disciples to do what the elder's of Judah said: but not what they did. This is the duality which is the dichotomy between rhetoric and ethic; saying and doing.
Rev. Moon earned his lot amongst the hypocrites by having judged John the Baptist as guilty for the death of Jesus in his flawed masterpiece "Divine Principle". This might mean nothing to most people who consider Rev. Moon to be a false christ or a false prophet: yet he is neither; being in Truth ( of which all say they revere ) the prophetic figure spoken of by Lord Jesus as "the Faithful and Wise Steward" in Luke and Matthew.
- Judge not: lest ye be Judged!
Thus all who have now decided to judge Rev. Sun Myung Moon as a charlatan, a false prophet or a false christ I come to bring you all this warning: judge not; lest you earn what Moon himself earned with the hypocrites who call themselves christians but continue to judge others; and with the understanding that I offer in this article may all who wish to stand before the Son of Man escape this snare above all; for they who fail this small test will never pass the others.
The "snare" is that Rev. Moon is John the Baptist even though he denies it and even condemns John as responsible for the death of Jesus; yet Rev. Moon denies he is John today just as John the Baptist denied he was Elijah the Prophet 2,000 years ago; nor is this the end of the matter; for in condemning Rev. Moon we are drawn into his Judgement by God at the Coming of the Son of Man; for this is the "snare" that accompanies his Coming.
In reality Rev. Moon is the prophetic figure little known outside christianity called the "Faithful and Wise Steward"; whose Fate and Destiny are spelled out by the Lamb: and which all are now called upon to witness; at this: the Last Day. This I now reveal to all who read this so that they might consider and reflect on the possibility mankind has reached the Last Day; the last of the 7 last days of Noah.
- The Bearer of the Cross of Jerusalem; even New Jerusalem!
What I hopefully have brought to your attention is that the prophetic parallel in Sun Myung Moon's denial that he is John the Baptist is exactly the same situation as when John the Baptist denied he was Elijah the Prophet. If I seem indeed know all of Rev. Moon's failings and shortcomings it is because my Father sent his Servant John to me to restore what Rev. Moon failed to do; but this brings us to why I am actually revealing to you and others that Rev. Moon WAS given a mission; a real mission; and is, in fact, the personage called "the Faithful and Wise Steward/ servant" mentioned in Matthew and Luke whose "Destiny" was to be "given all things" as the Messiah; yet whose Fate is to be "cut asunder" if found wanting. Those who do not recognize Rev. Sun Myung Moon as this figure in the Gospel are then missing the "signs" in the "Sun and Moon" the Lamb promised. I warn the people of the earth that there is more to "Mr. Sun" and "Mrs. Moon" than might at first appear. Much more.
This might seem impossible in light of all you may have heard about our Korean friend; the small one who became the representative of his divided nation; but as few people have had the time to sit down and read his book "Divine Principle" from beginning to end as I have done I beg you in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Name of Love itself to NOT judge Rev. Moon as you will then deliver yourselves into absolute perdition: for his fall as that "evil servant" is written of; but the fact that he failed in his mission brings Christianity to the actual cause: he was to have Sealed the 144,000 of the 12 tribes in America; and kept himself virgin until his Master returned.
But Rev. Moon decided to marry and take the position of the Lamb by enacting the "Marriage of the Lamb" instead. Thus he is the "snare" that appears along with "The Day" who is "The Christ" that appears to take his place: for the Sun of Righteousness is the Son of Man himself.
For the Last Judgement which Rev. Moon inadvertently brought about starts with himself because he judged John the Baptist in his book; ignoring the fact he stood in John the Baptist's position itself until the Lord who put him in charge of the Providence returned.
Thus the world is now a Witness to the fate Rev. Moon has fallen to as being "cut asunder" instead of the destiny he was to have risen to as being given "rulership" over "all things" written of in Luke and Matthew. Our Korean Moses thus missed the better of the 2 possible outcomes Christ spoke of he would face at his "final test"; and let us not forget; the definition of sin is to "miss the target". This is the prophetic sentence Rev. Moon and his church does now face. Thus we have come to a real "Crossroads" as the place to identify where the Last Judgement begins: right here; right now.
It is this terrible fulfillment of the "cutting asunder" of this "evil servant" which is that "time of trouble" that is of the worst failings of those in high positions that humanity has seen in those given great responsibility in these dark times; and this one prophecy was written for a specific reason: which now confronts you who have had the moral temerity to read this far.
In Rev. Moon's decision to marry in 1960 instead of gathering the 144,000 Virgins who are the Children of the Resurrection "who do not marry: nor are they given in marriage" it is quite clear that he was the one "who knew the Lord's will; but prepared not himself" that the Lamb also mentions; but now it seems he was referring to Rev. Moon directly once again. Thus for the more astute or "quick" as opposed to the "dead' or unresponsive a pattern in the Gospel can be seen around the fate or destiny of Rev. Moon.
To explain this I would say that while Jesus was talking and walking in Israel his Angel was at the same time far in the future talking to Sun Myung Moon on that Korean hillside on 4-18 1936; as angels do have this ability. Thus Jesus spoke as one seeing the one who he was talking about at the moment he made his prophecy; a fact which should surprise no one.
Rev. Moon married in defiance of the Will that he remain celibate until the Day and Hour of his Master's return: and this current situation in which he now faces a mortal defeat instead of an immortal victory is the result of this defiance: in my book "The Revelation of Salvation" of which I am now doing the final edit I reveal this disaster and it's typically impossible solution; and a harder mission was never given; for the Second Fall of our fledging "Adam" and his Korean "Eve" is even worse than many of you might think.
Yet it can be done by the Child of the Children of the Resurrection who are the Clouds of the Lord's Second Coming: and this is from the Holy Spirit of Truth; the seventh of the 7 Spirits of God; whose blast is the gospel truth of the 7th trumpet: for the Dead in Christ do rise first: and I speak for them as being one of them.
The Children of the Resurrection
The 144,000 Virgins are the Clouds! The Children of the Resurrection!
I call all who read these words to be "prophets" because I can bring any who suspend their disbelief into their signal company by simply revealing that the Revelation of St. John the Divine is The Word of God; and it is the One who is Faithful and True that represents this written Truth on the White Horse: and it is this I was given from His servant John that God had me reveal in the book "The Revelation of Salvation: the Regeneration of John the Divine". Who hath? He who has "an ear to hear".
All the Lord's people will be prophets because all will be given the Understanding of the Word of God itself at the End; for like Moses we must all ascend the Holy Mountain of the Gospel and enter the Revelation that is the Holy City which rests on it's summit.
Visually the relationship of the Holy City to the Holy Mountain can be seen representing the position of the first tabernacle ( as of the Holy Place ) with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the second tabernacle ( of the Holy of Holies ) with the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
And it is these Two as Single or "One" that are the Tabernacle of God; for as the 12 gates are open to the Holy City there is no "veil" in this Tabernacle between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies; and we all know who removed the Veil of Mystery which hid the Mystery of God; the Lord God Himself did it when His Son forgave those who killed him and proved he sat upon the Mercyseat "upon which no man had ever sat" itself; at which time God removed the Veil. This I also do for you: dear reader.
And "Revelation" itself means "the removing of the Veil".
Here I ask you not to bother with any question about me; rather concern yourselves with the appearence of John of Patmos; last of all the Apostle's; and servant of all: for he is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven: and it is his coming which is part of the Undeniable and Everlasting Sign of the Coming of the Son of Man.
"Behold! I come as a thief"
Even that thief who defended the Lamb at his right hand at the Cross; who was in the position of Michael the Archangel; even as the evil thief at the left hand was in the position of Satan the Devil attacking Christ Jesus to the very end: and at which hand one will stand I now give that choice to the reader to thus render their fate or destiny..
In the Name of Christ Jesus; the Name of Love; the Name of God;
the Offspring of David:
( for the Child he lifted up in the midst of the 12 Apostles at the Last Judgement is the Head;
the Wrath of the Lamb )