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Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU

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George Eliason
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Yaroslav Stetsko, the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations

Stetsko was Stepan Bandera's second in command and founder of many of the groups that would push for Ukrainian independence. Stetsko took over world leadership of Bandera's OUN-B faction in the late 1960's until 1986 when he died. He was never charged with crimes against humanity.

***The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations was a group of extreme ultra nationalist Eastern European countries whose purpose was the destruction of the Soviet Union and Communism by furthering the Promethean project's aims. ABN countries were developed on ultra nationalist foundations, and their acceptance across the west was due to their work during the cold war.

The ABN provided Europe with:

  • On the ground intelligence inside the Soviet Union
  • Espionage experts inside the Soviet Union
  • Propagandists that could communicate with people inside their respective bloc countries and disseminate anti Soviet propaganda to the local populations, building nationalist tensions.
  • Raise funds for conservative and ultra conservative candidates in countries across Europe
  • NATO actionable intelligence: Bandera has been described as the only weapon needed to destroy the Soviet Union. This was due to its ability to infiltrate governments, influence policy makers, and get their own people into positions of power.

ABN Groups included;

  • The Bulgarian National Front, (Bulgaria)
  • The Belarusian Central Rada, (Belarus)
  • The Cossack National Liberation Movement
  • The Croatian National Liberation Movement, (Croatia)
  • The Czech Movement for Freedom (Za Svobodu), (Czech Republic)
  • The Czech National Committee,
  • The Estonian Liberation Movement, (Estonia)
  • The Union of Estonian Fighters for Freedom,
  • The "Free Armenia" Committee, (Georgia)
  • The Hungarian Liberation Movement, (Hungary)
  • The Hungarian Mindszenty Movement,
  • The Latvian Association for the Struggle against Communism, (Latvia)
  • The Lithuanian Rebirth Movement, (Lithuania)
  • The Slovak Liberation Committee, (Slovakia)
  • The National Turkestanian Unity Committee, (Turkestan)

***Details will be filled in later in the series

The Re-emergence of the Ukrainian Government in Exile

When Symon Petliura (president of the government in exile) was assassinated in 1926, Andrii Livytsky took over. In 1945 Livytsky reactivated the Government-in-exile of the Ukrainian National Republic and invited representatives of the new emigration to join it. In 1946 he instructed Isaak Mazepa to unite all political parties around the state center of the UNR, and that union eventually resulted in the organization of the Ukrainian National Council (1947).

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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