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Ohio Election Justice Campaign Monthly Meeting 1/25

Paddy Shaffer
Message Paddy Shaffer

Ohio Election Justice Campaign

Monthly Meeting: Friday, January 25th, 4-6 p.m.

Place: Third Floor Board Room


downtown Library, 96 S. Grant Street, Columbus, Ohio

Guest Speaker: Susan Wiekle, Ohio Ethics Commission, 4-5 p.m.


Franklin County Board Of Elections currently being investigated by OHIO Ethics Commission. (This is the only election justice served in the state, with the exception to Maiden and dreamer of cuyahoga county who are as of this time, not going to jail.)

To get to Third Floor Board Room, go into circulation area, take elevators or steps third floor, go to left side, Science, Business & News Section, glass room in back. parking underneath library is $1.00.


Story on recent conviction of former Franklin County board of Elections member arising from ohio ethics commission investigation: http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/01/04/hackett.ART_ART_01-04-08_B1_AP8V821.html?sid=101

Our business meeting will follow after Susan Wiekle speaks and answers questions.
The February meeting of the OEJC will be held in Dayton, Ohio on Sunday, February 17th, 2008.

Please send any agenda items to marianlupo90@msn.com by Tuesday, 1/22.
Paddy Shaffer
Director, The Ohio Election Justice Campaign
(614) 761-0621
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Paddy Shaffer, Founder and Director of the Ohio Election Justice Campaign, is also an artist and art teacher. Paddy has been working with many other brave citizens to actively seek to put the evidence of fraud for the theft of the 2004 United States (more...)
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