Running your own life while improving your steering. You can punch it out of the way, scream at it until it plugs its ears, or put the pedal to the metal, but, in reality, you want to do more than you currently are to heal our global, climatic illness. And as scientists speak, someone else is not listening. George W. Bush...and a few cozy friends. Our climatic pulse, monitored by a group of ignored scientists, can, reportedly, still recover by way of the mainstream. In my hope and suspicion, it can even happen in the day-to-day, with Heloise, and her concoction under the sink.
Bring the remedy home. Less extravagantly than the empowerment of Motel the tailor with his sewing machine, simple magic could be achieved with the very here and now, and a little help from the General Store. Does an energy-efficient light bulb have to cost US$15.00, last I checked? Can the price of solar panels be brought down to Earth? How much aluminum foil does it take to heat a home? And how small a yard can support wind turbine? Can I just hook up a few small ones?
We need a marriage. Heloise and the Union of Concerned Scientists, Al Gore presiding. And, though not a courtroom, they'd benefit from a stenographer. At your service. Such collaboration could enable Earthlings to fend for themselves as rock and water meet sun.
The powers that be may not exactly be strumming their fingertips on a desk. They, too, want movement, as well as a louder voice. We ALL want remedies. This Earthling knows she's not alone, and I'm envious of anyone who has converted their car's engine to run on vegetable oil, or is using solar power to heat their home. As easy as it is to collect the morning paper, it should be made similarly possible for Earthlings to act.
Might the economics of crude oil and gas versus vegetable oil, wind, water, sun and revolving rubber on pavement someday be a non-issue? Come to think of it, the doctor's office should empty out a bit, too. This does sound like a fairy tale, doesn't it? Or, perhaps, a desert island. A logical middle ground shouldn't be so impossible to attain.
And to help reach that destination, I am writing out a citizen's prescription for Heloise and the Union of Concerned Scientists.