There are so many people who want to do good.
There are so many misguided people who think they are supporting the good, when they are hurting humanity, hurting the planet. This doesn't happen by accident.
There are people who do not want to do good-- at least not for humanity, not for the planet. They have different ideas. They want to take care of themselves and their own. They THINK they know what is good for humanity. They may not give a sh*t about the planet.
Who are these people-- the good and the bad, the wise and the misguided?
If you are reading this, then you are probably a liberal or progressive, a green, a democrat, an independent, maybe even a Libertarian. Possibly you are one of the people I'd call misguided. But at least, then, you are trying to find things out and see the other side.
The good news is, the numbers are changing. People who no longer trust George Bush are way up. People who oppose the Iraq war, who see that it was a bad decision, their numbers are way up.
Yet still, 27-32 percent of the US public support Bush, support the war, believe there were weapons of mass destruction. Who are these fools? Why do they fail to see what is soooo obvious to about 70% of Americans and a much larger percentage of the rest of the awake people on this planet?
The answers are not big mysteries. Some of them, perhaps many of the remaining die-hard Bush-believers, are regular listeners to right wing talk radio. Their brains are rotted out from listening to too much limbaugh, hannity, beck, savage, etc.(Sorry. I can't capitalize these despicable bottom dwellers names.) Another big percentage of the last of the bush kool0aid drinkers are listeners to, participants in big tent, megachurch, televangelist TV and radio. They are the sheep that speak in glossolaliac tongues. They are the dupes who send millions to John Hagee and James Dobson, Pat Robertson and other pimps who wear the garb of Jesus' ministers.
These people, these suckers, dupes, fools, koolaid drinkers-- they think they are doing the right thing. Their radio and minister handlers, manipulators, pimps-- they keep them thinking that way. The lamestream media, with its continual output(visualize the central sewer from a giant toilet system) of entertainment news, the latest media distractions, the latest car being tracked by a traffic helicopter-- these surrogates of the big megacorporations-- they support the garbage, the toilet spewings of right wing radio and religion. The lamestream media are co-conspirators. They are conscious criminals, intentional destroyers of the planet, intentional enemies of democracy, of freedoms, of the end of slavery, the end of exploitation.
MegaMinisters and megamedia. They are the enemy of the good. They are the enemy of humanity's future. They are the enemy of planetary peace.
They are driven without head, heart or soul, with decisions based on greed and power. They are wealthy and or powerful. They will do what it takes to hold on to what they have and pass it on to their spawn. They will kill, enslave, torture, steal, defraud. They have done it. They vote for people who will do it for them. They hire people who will do it better.
They are your neighbors. They drive next to you on the public roads. Many would not care if you would die, if they could keep their money and power. They might not push a button to kill you, unless it's in a voting machine. You can't wake them up. You have to BEAT them. Some, you have to indict. Not like Scooter Libby. You have to indict, prosecute, convict, INCARCERATE and punish them.
Where do our Leaders, our legislators fit into this?
Some start out with good intentions. Then, they learn what it takes to keep their jobs-- how many millions of dollars in campaign funds they need to bring in. They learn that if they don't get the support of their party, they can't bring in the big PACs, the big donors. They learn that locals can only do so much, and that to raise the money they need to win, they can't really depend on their constituents. They must depend on money people. That is a dagger hanging in the air, threatening to kill democracy, and it is a dagger that has already struck again and again.
There are too many legislators who no longer consider their constituents wishes, let alone interests as primary. There are too many legislators who no longer consider the US constitution more important than the latest tax legislation or the latest de-regulation that will protect a corporation or industry that has been lobbying... that's it, just lobbying them.
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