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Lies, lies and more Damned lies.

By Robert D. Daily (Driftwood)  Posted by Robert Daily (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   1 comment

Robert D. Daily
Message Robert Daily
Lies, Lies, and More Damned Lies.

We should be more than aware by now that we have a Maniac in office that believes in sacrificing any and everything for Greed and Power who has joined the Throng on Outsourcing our nation causing untold misery to the citizens of the United States.

We have a man who has knowingly and with forethought lied us into a war and occupation with a Sovereign Nation, where with his "Shock and Awe" he has literally murdered unknown thousands and maimed even more. This has to be the King of All Mass Murderers. He has completely destroyed an entire countries infrastructure then topped it off by using not only Depleted Uranium but Napalm and White Phosphorus, throwing said country into a Civil War as well as making it a training ground for terrorists.

The exposure to Depleted Uranium will be showing its effects for generations to come in our troops and their families and to think that the Iraqi people have an entire country polluted with this insidious life altering poison.

This same misnamed pResident evidently gets off on Death and Destruction as if he has a God Complex allowing him power over life and death. His lies led us into Iraq and now he is trying with his cohorts Rice and Rumsfeld to lead us into Iran on almost the same pretense, almost line for line the same lies. The big difference now being instead of settling for "Bunker Busters" he has some New Nuclear Bunker Busters that he is dying to set off. There has also been threats against Syria and Venezuela. Of which the US was instrumental in trying to overthrow the government of, and is still actively doing so.

Is this is not Warmongering just what is it? It damned sure is not making us any safer by pissing off the world.

We have seen our elections go from bad to worse and now they are but unnecessary to elect someone. The pencil and paper have given over to the machine with no paper trail. Machines that have a history of being tampered with and hacked into. Knowing what these machines are they still try to load them unto states that do not have them. This can only be for one reason. Election Tampering.

Here it is 2006 and we are still hearing the tales of disenfranchisement, voter fraud intimidation, and they are still finding ballots uncounted. We cannot believe in the ones that were and it seems we can no longer have faith in the voting system. We have seen three elections clouded in deceit and corruption.

We have a pResident who is literally hated worldwide who is going Hell Bent for Election in Outsourcing our resources as fast as he can. A Do Nothing Congress that barely shows up for work long enough to rubberstamp whatever Bush wants.

There is no accountability, responsibility, all checks and balances have been removed, lifted or outright ignored while Corporate and Special Interest Groups write the Bills and Programs.

We are seeing neighbor turned against neighbor. Whistle Blowers, those who risk a lot in exposing the lies, greed and corruption in government are doing a big service for us. They are persecuted for doing this and now Bush wants them to be Prosecuted as well. All this while at the same time he signs the Patriot Act which wants the citizens to do the same thing as the Whistle Blowers, only on friends, family, teachers, anyone they could come into contact with.

We have the democrats who point out wrong doing from the Dubai Port Takeover. Enough being said to get those like Lou Dobbs of CNN interested. That opened the door exposing even more corruption, this time too big to be swept under the carpet. Had it not been for the democrats and Lou Dobbs you can believe that this deal would have been "Rubber Stamped" just like everything else, and it's still not a done deal. From what I understand the only thing done about the deal is the fact that an American company will have to run it.

I'll lay a dime to a lead donut that before it is all over you will find it all wrapped around the Carlyle Group or Halliburton. Which of course means Bush or Cheney.

However it has given the republicans chance to once again steal the Democrats Thunder, like they are the ones that are exposing the deal for what it really is. Another give away. Excuse my English but as the hosts of my favorite show Penn and Teller would say "Bullshit". It's a wonder that Congress got off its Dead Ass and even perked up at this one. Opp's. Almost forgot. It's Election Year.

We hsve seen one progrsm after the other sh*t Canned with Nothing to take its place. Everything goes up but the wages and income. That is with the exception of our Do Nothing Congress who can be sure of a "Cost of Living" raise every year, as if all the perks are not enough. Not bad for some who only show up to work half the time.

I have read and heard repeatedly about how much Bush has done to make living better and making us safer. After all we haven't been attacked since 9-11 and if the truth be known the only reason we were then is because of Bush. He is the one with the ties to the Bin Laden Family, not the American People.

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