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Soumitra Chatterjee in a Satyajit Ray film, From Uploaded
Art and Ideals (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Monish Chatterjee)
  This series deals with expositions of art in all its manifestations- its practitioners, its dimensions and its tracks through societies.  
green new deal (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jack Lindblad)
  First Nations Peoples Wisdom considers 'green new deal' as colonizing capitalist opportunismJACK LINDBLAD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 201817 ReadsTen years ago, the term 'green new deal' was coined by myself in my oped news article. Indigenous First Nations Peoples took exception and expressed contempt for the term, rightfully so, since inferred was an imposition of a new deal with First Nations Peoples supposed inability to shepard their flora and fauna.      That point was not considered in my coinage though it is my belief that we must learn from First Nations Peoples if there is a scintilla of hope to avoid #neartermhumanextinction.My coinage was intended to take after FDR's new deal to emphasize the world war ii level of effort needed, ten years ago. Arguably, it's too late now to sustain a resilient civilization in this 6th Great Extinction of all life as we know it.My urging of obama to move on transforming the oil based economy to a circular steady state economy, in a world war ii level effort fell on deaf ears, outside of token lipservice paid immediately prior to leaving office in 2016.Current scientific consensus is too cautious in stating the inexorably coming extinction.   It's much sooner than 10 years out.A needed now system change to collectivism, cooperative groupings, and communalism stands in polar opposition to current governance by nazis, simply an advanced state of uber capitalism that brought us to unstoppable extinction and complete destruction of inhabitablity on this planet.Capitalism and its tools of societal conformance and order, being democracy and voting representative governance has failed. Unless we make a system chance and attempt to address #neartermhumanextinction, we will all go, subservient and obedient to the ism that extinguished all life on earrh.Running repeatedly as a registered and endorsed green found no real assistance from the green apparatchik, my 2010 campaign for California assembly ran up to 22% with significant support from Fernando Espueles.It was my realization in 2015 that running national green campaigns was a conscious act of enabling nazism. Four states that tipped the election to drumpf would not have, if greens did not run a presidential candidate as it became obvious nazi drumpf would snag the rethuglicon nomination.System change to collectivism      Sorry to say, the capitalist system that we vote and layer over with pretensions of democracy with representative goverance is the ism that led us to #neartermhumanextinction.      Nazism, that is uber capitalism, is the nail in the coffin of planetary habitability.      A system change is needed for a scintilla of hope.      The blue wave, as expansive as it is becoming with every new flip from red to blue, means simply we have only entertained a not yet crystallized glimpse of the enormity of the system change that urgently requires the First Nations Peoples guidance to survive as a species.https://www.facebook.com/notes/jack-lindblad/first-nations-peoples-wisdom-considers-green-new-deal-as-colonizing-capitalist-o/10156786001487118/  
Cui Bono? Who Benefits? (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
  Often the best way to understand why things happen, why the system works the way it does, is to see who benefits. Cui Bono is latin for 'to whose benefit?'Wikipedia says, 'It is the key forensic question in legal and police investigation to find who has a motive for a crime.'it works well when looking at politics, corruption, influence, laws, injustice, media and more.   
Struck by Enlightening, From ImagesAttr
Humor (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Pollutants have a variety of health impacts, From InText
What are we doing to our kids and ourselves? (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert Adler)
  The environment is awash in thousands of chemicals, many known to have a wide range of toxic impacts on fetal or infant development, on growing children and on adults. Researchers are just starting to study the effects of the 'cocktails' of these compounds that we carry in our bodies and blood.  
General Qassim Suleimani, From InText
US/NATO Imperialism (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by JACK DRESSER)
  'Western' imperialism is directed from on high (the long-established transnational 'deep state') and protected by its military legions is ever active in naked warfare, covert warfare, 'color revolutions' and coup d'etats, economic warfare, propaganda warfare, cyber warfare, corporate predation, resistance suppression, and 'pacification' of target populations including our own by any means necessary.  As a retired psychologist, Vietnam-era veteran and national vice-chair of the Veterans for Peace working group on Palestine and the Middle East, I write about this here and elsewhere as well as my weekly radio show at www.kepw.org on Thursdays at 7pm Pacific.   
Refuting the Biggest Lies Against Communism (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Revolution Newspaper)
  Setting the Record Straight on Communism and Socialist Revolutionby Raymond Lotta The revolutions in Paris in    1871, in Russia in 1917 (to mid-1950s), and in China in 1949 (to   1976)--were all great historic breakthroughs. Hundreds of millions rose   up and gained precious experience as to what it would take to get to a   world without exploitation, without oppression, without destructive   violent clashes among humans, without enforced ignorance and   superstition. These first attempts to emancipate humanity were defeated.    History is being written by    the victors--the imperialists. The oppressors issue endless lies on what    'the wretched of the earth' were trying to do, what brutal forces lined    up against these heroic attempts, and why there were limitations and   even secondary errors in their theory and practice.   Bob Avakian (BA) has not   only defended these pathbreaking experiences, and shown a way to truly   understand them, but most importantly, he has developed a new communism   based on a much deeper and more scientific view of what is involved in   emancipating ALL humanity. The new communism of BA breaks with and is a   leap beyond the previous understanding of communist revolution and represents    and embodies a qualitative resolution of a critical contradiction that   has existed within communism in its development up to this point,   between its fundamentally scientific method and approach, and aspects of    communism which have run counter to this.' (From Resolution 1 of Six Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, January 1, 2016)    Along with bringing out the    positive achievements of socialism and communist revolutions, and   critiquing these previous revolutions through the prism of the new   synthesis--how to do better next time around--there is a real need to   boldly challenge the flow of lies, slanders, distortions, and phony   representations of this history that has lowered sights and shut down   discussions over how the world should/could be radically different. The   lies serve to reinforce the rotten status quo and its conformist wisdom   that the best we can do is adjust or reduce the misery in today's   capitalist world order. This series aims to answer the most widespread   lies about communist revolution. Raymond Lotta is an advocate for Bob Avakian's new synthesis of communism. He is a political economist and author of America in Decline and You Don't Know What You Think You 'Know' About... The Communist Revolution and the Real Path to Emancipation: Its History and Our Future. He writes for Revolution/revcom.us and is a spokesperson for The Bob Avakian Institute. He has written extensively on China during and after the Cultural Revolution and has, through the 'Set the Record Straight Project,' which he leads, fought to spread the truth--and refute the lies--about the experience of the communist revolution in the Soviet Union between 1917 and 1956 and China between 1949 and 1976.  
From ImagesAttr
Raising Happy, Healthy Empowered Children (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by David Kanegis)
  Raising children that will grow into empowered adults who believe they will succeed and are not afraid of failure doesn't just happen.It takes active participation and leadership by parents.Empowered children wil become adults who are not easily intimidated or become prey to the anti-social behavior of others.  
From ImagesAttr
Why Everything You Know about Your "Self" Is Wrong (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert Fuller)
This series explores how our understanding   of selfhood affects our sense of individuality, our interpersonal   relationships, and our politics.
Capuchin monkeys sharing, From ImagesAttr
Korea, From FlickrPhotos
Korea (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by David William Pear)
  These are my article on Korea  
Ian Hughes Psychopaths, Narcissists, Disordered World (2 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
podcast and transcript part 1 and 2  
Refugees waiting at Tijuana border, From InText
Mexican Border Diary (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Mike Rivage-Seul)
  Today in the middle of my 80th year, I'm off to Tijuana to work for a couple of weeks with refugees and immigrants at the border. I'll work with Al Otro Lado (AOL), a Tijuana-based social justice and legal services organization whose task is to help asylum-seekers in their quest to find refuge in the United States. I want to take readers with me on this particular expedition of first-hand observation and discovery.  
From ImagesAttr
Ukraine (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Jim Kavanagh)
Articles on Ukraine.  
The Enlightenment, From YouTubeVideos
Ian Ruskin (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
Figure 1. My bank is stealing $23,559 from my family, and they know that they are stealing our money., From Uploaded
Luxury Tours France Frauds Enlighten Banking Industry Frauds (6 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow)
  A series of Op Eds document the crimes committed against my wife and I by Luxury Tours France, where I was threatened with false imprisonment if I did not succumb to extortion. More importantly, as I performed an investigation of these frauds, I determined that the FBI does not investigate any frauds that are less than $100,000, and the banking industry endorses such frauds through their policies.    Banks endorse criminals by accepting false claims as fact, even when customers object. Also, banks rename these frauds as billing disputes and scam acknowledgements, where such actions are, in themselves, acts of fraud.    Per Merriam Webster, fraud is defined as 'deceit, trickery specifically: intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right'. This definition pervades this series of articles, where bank actions have been clearly described.    There were two purposes for these Op Eds. The first purpose was to recover stolen funds, and this effort was nearly 90 percent effective. The second purpose is to prevent such thefts against other people, and the success or failure of this effort is yet to happen.     To parallel this investigation, the following email was sent to Luxury Tours France.    'As a thief and a liar, you are rather insignificant, but you may have some minor importance to describe international internet [frauds] and credit card frauds. A series of Op Eds clearly documents the lies and crimes that you committed against my wife and I. My most recent Op Ed describes how thieves like you are robbing people in the U.S. and across the globe. There are so many thieves like you that law enforcement cannot keep up with your crimes. This new Op Ed is titled 'U.S. Banks and the FBI Harbor Criminal Fraud Enterprises'. Perhaps this new Op Ed will stop a few thieves like you.'    As usual, Luxury Tours France did not respond to this letter of complaint, nor did they answer another 20 complaint emails before this complaint.               
Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade. 25th Oct. 1854.  The West's reference point for Crimea., From ImagesAttr
Deconstructing the Media (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Deena Stryker)
This series will, from time to time, analyze the specific ways in which the media creates false impressions about key international issues.  
Giraffe!, From FlickrPhotos
April the Giraffe (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
  April the Giraffe  
From ImagesAttr
From Images
Bernie Sanders, From ImagesAttr
Helena Norbert Hodge-- Answers to Globalizaiton, Economics of Happiness (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
a collection of interviews and transcripts  
identity-theft.jpg900 Ã-- 515 - 54k - jpg, From GoogleImages
Data, hacking cyber security (16 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Susan Lee Schwartz)
  Articles that  offer insight into how data is being collected and used.  
Nina Paley (5 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Meryl Ann Butler)
peace journalist, Bob Koehler, From MyPhotos
recount (4 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Joan Brunwasser)
Donald Trump, From FlickrPhotos
Donald Trump (3 articles.) (# of views) (Created by Rob Kall)
  articles referring to Donald Trump  

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