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Jan Resseger: Arne Duncan's Shameful Legacy

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Susan Lee Schwartz
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The End
The End
(Image by ewen and donabel)
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HERE'S The TRUTH about education reform and the END of the INSTITUTION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS.. and  of the calamities imposed on our nation’s education system by Arne Duncan, who changed the national education goal from equality of educational opportunity for all to a “race to the top” for the few, SHIFTING our sights from equal opportunity and equitable funding to test scores, PRETENDING that poverty was unimportant and could be solved by closing public schools and TURNING CHILDREN  over to private entrepreneurs who had little supervision. A Dept of Ed obsessed with data-driven accountability for teachers -- an obsession with “game-changing” innovation and inadequate attention to oversight!  The nation faces an epidemic of teacher shortages  as states rush to implement the teacher-rating policies they adopted to win their No Child Left Behind waivers from the federal government. "

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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side (more...)

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