Vote by mail--there will be a flood this fall. How many ballots will be counted?
(Image by btwashburn) Details DMCA
In Verified Voting's latest report, "COVID-19 and the Surge of Mail Ballots: Managing an Unprecedented Volume in the November 2020 Election":
"[M]ost jurisdictions will not [move] to all mail ballot voting systems for the
2020...election; it is [thus] likely that most could manage the increase of mail ballots for
one election using their current equipment if they have the additional staff, extended canvassing time, and ability to reallocate hand-fed scanners to process the ballots. . . .
"Election officials across the country are aware of the likely increase in mail ballots and are already [implementing] appropriate plans[, but] [a]s limited resources are starting to be allocated, it is important to understand whether... new tabulation equipment [must] be purchased or leased [boldfacing mine]...especially given the short time frame and limited resources...."