Leo also rules politics and politicians, representatives, investment bankers, presidents (the eclipse occurs the day after Obama's birthday), and the stock market. Aquarius rules the people, Congress, the Senate, Iran, and groups. Collectively, we need to release old behavior patterns that no longer serve these institutions and find the freedom, innovation and future that a renewed alliance between Leo and Aquarius can bring us.
As Pluto continues to retrograde back in Capricorn (it turns to direct motion on September 11) exposing the structural fractures and dead wood in our financial, corporate and government policies and ideologies, we can only watch in disbelief as our (Leo ruled) representatives and government officials still continue to defer to (Leo ruled) moneylenders/ corporate lobbyists on health care and food safety. These people and institutions are still caught up in a "me-first' belief that has brought us to the breaking point.
The (Leo ruled) entertainment of right wing "news' is getting more nasty, delusional and hateful. While our satirists are supposed to expose the fact that the emperor has no clothes on, hate-mongering spew poisons under the protection of freedom of speech. The masks are off, so hopefully people will get disgusted with the hypocrisy of people who say they're moral Judeo-Christians who only want what's best for us and yet act like the Devil himself.
The Leo trait of "self before others' needs to be excised from our national psyches, and rallying cries of "defeat Obama at whatever cost" are so blatant we can no longer ignore the truth that many of our elected officials are more interested in their (Leo) power (no surprise) than in the (Aquarius) welfare of the people they represent.
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