Anyone with planets in the middle degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be most strongly affected by this eclipse.
The Leo Sun will oppose Jupiter (August 14), Chiron (August 16) and Neptune (August 17). This is be a time of brilliant creativity as we open our consciousness to the healing and vision of this Aquarian stellium.
Mars in Gemini will first square Saturn in Virgo on August 10th, pushing us to re-think our priorities and re-ramp what isn't working. Then Mars will trine Jupiter (August 13), Chiron (August 15) and Neptune (August 17) and sextile the Sun (August 17) dynamically working to bring the creativity that the Leo Sun enhances and new ideas and discoveries into the light. Find groups that you resonate with and work with them now. The group can achieve things that you alone cannot achieve.
Pluto forms a cardinal grand cross (4 squares and 2 oppositions) with 3 very feminine planets which symbolize our feeling, intuitive nature. Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto demands that we let go of anything that no longer nurtures us and those we love. The asteroid Ceres in Libra, the Great Mother goddess, squares Pluto, taking us down into the underworld where we can find those lost parts of ourselves which we neglected to nurture. And the asteroid Juno in Aries, the Sacred Partner, the fourth leg of the table, asks us to partner up with new and like-minded people.
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