Shrimad Rajchandra lived only 33 years, and he is 150 years old today.
Rajchandra was a Jain master. Jainism is a minority Indian religion, the most important principle of which is
ahimsa -- not harming of people or animals.
Other important principles include
anekantvada -- the multifaceted nature of truth, reflected in many traditions.
aparigraha -- freedom from having possessions
Gandhi credits Rajchandra with inspiring him to seek a spiritual core in his life and his work. He was a young lawyer when he met Rajchandra, who, though not much older than Gandhi, had devoted his life to spiritual practice.
Rajchandra came to his self-realization via a path of renunciation and unflinching contemplation of death. He credits his ascendance to imparted grace from a spiritual master.
Mighty foes like egotism cannot be overcome by self-indulgence,
They can be overcome with little effort by surrendering to a true guru.
One who attains omniscience from the teachings of a right Guru reveres him, even though the Guru himself might not have attained omniscience.
These lines come from (translation of) a poem called Atma Siddhi, written by or through Rajchandra.