Scales Of Justice balanced On The Will Of The American People
(Image by Daniel Penisten) Details DMCA
The Constitution Of "The Direct Democracy Republic Common Wealth Of The United States Of America" -- Part 2 - Our New Bill Of Rights and Responsibilities -- Article 5 -- Our Basic Alienable National Legal Rights and Responsibilities:
(36) The Right to have three Federal, or State government provided choices for one Competent Legal Counsel, for those lacking the funds to buy the services of a lawyer. (Or should We be thinking in terms of "Legal Teams", instead of singular legal representation?)
T he Responsibility of this Right is upon We The People in Our Governance Capacity for Justice and Fairness in Our Society. And Standards will be developed for the extent of "Competency" addressed here.
(37) The Right to Tell The Truth. Protection for "Whistle Blowers". This includes "deals" with criminals for National Judicial, or State's evidence. (Dependent on the State's Discretion regarding jurisdiction of a case.)
The Responsibility of this Right is to encourage the revealing of Truth; that is so important to the process of True Justice.
(38) The Right to Sue Corporations for negligence, or harmful services, or products, without "coerced arbitration"*, especially if an offense has caused "harm" to a person or property. The corporate concept of "Limited Liability" has become abused.
The Responsibility of this Right is to not allow corporations to escape their legal responsibilities to the People and to the Nation. *"Coerced arbitration" is any resort to third party adjudication, or compromises that is NOT willingly agreed to by all concerned parties in a litigation matter.
(39) The Right of American Corporations to sue American "Members of Society" and "True Citizens", for immoral, unethical and/or illegal acts that "harms" the corporations. "Harm" does NOT include "potential loss of profits".
The Responsibility of this Right is the provision of Equal Justice to American Corporations"of "Good and Legal Standing". Standards for "Good and Legal Standing" will be developed.
(40) The Right of "Business Members Of Society"* and "True Citizens" to have Freedom from "unfair" Business Activities and competition, from Entrepreneurs and corporations.
The Responsibility of this Right is to help curtail unfair business practices, such as blocking materials and tools that a business would need to fairly compete. To acquire all of these material stocks and items, in order to prevent competition from acquiring them is unethical and illegal.
* "Business Members of Society" are the "Members of American Society" that own and operate businesses in America, but who are not "True Citizens".
(41) The Right of businesses, entrepreneurs and inventors to have Federal and State Government protection from Invention and Patent Intrusion, within the time parameters of patents.
The Responsibility of this Right is to increase the protections for original inventions and patents. Variations on basic invention ideas will come under closer scrutiny and regulation. The "protection" will revolve around the task that the invention was designed to do and the basic design to achieve this task.
(42) The Right of the "Members of Society" and the "True Citizens" to clearly written and otherwise expressed, legal deliberation and documentation. No more "fine print"! All rules and conditions of contracts will be the same font size as the rest of the document. This practice is an abuse of psychology.
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