"White" male. 70 years old. Politically an eclectic, (confused?) mix of Conservative and Progressive. Have a dislike for capitalism, as it is practiced in the United States and as it is used to promote the tyranny of the new world order. Advocate of "Direct Democracy" and "Mutualism". Member of a new Third Party called "Citizens Party" and the "Green Party". Plan to vote for "Green Party" candidates, whenever Citizen Party candidates are not available. I am anti new world order, pro temporary American Isolation from the affairs of the rest of the world until We can establish and maintain Our ever improving Good example of a Better Benign Culture for Ourselves and the rest of Humanity Of Earth. We need the time and space to cure the illnesses of Our Capitalist Culture and become so much More than takers, profiteers and exploiters. Also advocate of "New Tribalism". Ally of "some elements" of the "Old Tribalism". "First Seed Bearer Of "Narbarism"; one tiny and struggling branch of New Tribalism...that, nevertheless, has afforded me wonderful opportunities to personally become More and Better, through the work of trying to establish Narbarism in Reality. I see the Evolution of America as interconnected with that of Narbarism and, Hopefully, a source of Many, Many kinds of "Strength" for it. We will see. I have become very dependent on OpEd News for the sharing of Kindred Souls who reassure and even inspire me with their ideas about Life and Our Society. I am also grateful to the conservative agents, who come here and share their perspective on life and Nation and issue challenges to what We Progressives are trying to achieve. I come here just about everyday to watch for news and discussions that reveal the progress of Meaningful Change and Humanity's Evolution on Earth and the oppositional challenges to the same.
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