Neo-classic soul artist India.Arie offers just the kind of inspirational soul-healing music that refreshes folks who are feeling bullied and wounded by current events and by our government.
India.Arie is a multi-Grammy award winning singer/songwriter who performed with Stevie Wonder during the Songs in the Key of Life tour. Her music has received rave reviews from Rolling Stone, Billboard and Vibe among others.
SongVersation: Medicine is her new release. It was made to be listened to in a quiet time, meditation or yoga. I recommend taking a few breaths to get centered, and then drink in the deliciousness of this empowering offering, "I am Light."
India.Arie notes, "My wish is that these songs bring softness, clarity, calm, and inspiration." Preview the other seven songs in SongVersation: Medicine, here.
Politics may try, but in the end, it is always the arts that save humanity, and this is a perfect example.
Note: I appreciate Pam Grout's inspiring daily blog, which is where I read about India.Arie and this beautiful song. OpEdNews interviewed Pam in A More Positive Perspective on Elections and Life. Pam Grout's website is here and her Facebook page is here.