The potential for disease is high among flood victims as for most there is no fresh water and the threat of water born diseases is high. The monsoon, which began a week ago, has permanently displaced hundreds of thousands of people, particularly children. Of the three million plus affected by the floods UNICEF reports that one million of them are children.
The government of Pakistan have stated that they expect the need in the affected region to be significant for at least the next 4 to six months.
Pakistani Professor M. Iqbal Khan stated that he believes the melting glaciers is the main cause of the floods. In an interview with the Associated Press of Pakistan Prof Khan stated "It is the glaciers which are adding fuel to the fire and due to the melting of glaciers the flood situation is aggravated," heg oes on to say that the apparent gradual Himalayan glacial melt will continue to exasperate future flooding. Professor Khan's glacial melt theory has been reiterated by recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) findings.
I welcome any thoughts, comments or suggestions.-Brian