Qumsiyeh being arrested on 15 May 2011
*In today's digest (knowledge is power): reflections on the future, replacing zionism, ancestral homeland, Israel's illusion of normality, articles in French and Spanish, Inspirational video and more.*
It is really not that satisfying when one's own predictions come true. In a chapter in a book titled "Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine's Toughest Questions" published in 2018 (Click Here ), I argued that another (15th) intifada is inevitable and hoped it would be the last. But much earlier in my 2004 book "Sharing the Land of Canaan" (available free here Click Here ) I expressed the certainty that Zionist colonization will end one way or another. I explained that this can happen violently in very unpleasant way (like in Algeria) or will happen a bit less traumatically (though still violent) like happened in South Africa. This is merely a reading of history and is irrespective of one's own emotional desires.
I have been politically active for over 40 years now and in those decades have seen and argued with many Zionists. Few of them became post-Zionist or even anti-zionist. I only feel sad that I did not manage to convince too many of them who remained tribalistic (with that classic superiority-inferiority complex found in all colonial oppressors). A rather tectonic shift in awareness is happening to humanity as we collectively watch the utter depravity and insane behavior of the colonizers (demolishing high rise building, pogroms against non-Jews, children massacred, ethnic cleansing) facing heroic resistance from the indigenous people. Yet, it is still not clear that this sumud is enough to coerce the oppressors to abandon oppression or that the machinations of the oppressors that created the Oslo (Vichy) government would not succeed. Perhaps I was too optimistic to assume that popular resistance can succeed to end Zionism in a half-decent way. Perhaps the deep-rooted brain-washing of generations of colonizers and colonized makes it too hard to turn back. I hope I am wrong.
But we Palestinians must face up to the reality that we have far more challenges than a well financed and powerful Zionist movement that corrupted many governments to support oppression. We must acknowledge that the Zionist movement's greatest success was facilitating the empowerment of a political elite group of Palestinians who hijacked a political faction (Fatah) and claiming representation of Palestine and do not want to pay the (financial) cost of repentance and return to sanity.
Instead they continue to live in their delusions of importance and ignoring corruption all around them not even realizing that the end of such a road for them will be far more ruinous than the alternative. They need to learn the lesson of history of encounter with Zionism and its Arab facilitators. It is urgent. It is existential to them and to all of us (and indeed the whole of humanity). Zionism does not merely aim to control Palestine and ethnically cleanse it (when strong even of its own collaborators). Like previous colonial movements (see US as an example) it is expansionist and aims for empire. No one will be safe even the collaborators and the facilitators as far as the Arab Gulf (and certainly not Jews themselves yearning for normality).
Sheikh Jarrah: Clashes, scuffles, conflict - western media's euphemisms for Israel's violence
Watch: German TV "regrets" airing this interview about Gaza
Inspiring video https://youtu.be/f9lq-uBdxg8
The myth of "ancestral homeland" is used to justify the genocide of indigiunous people of Palestine
"Se a Palestina fosse livre, eu estaria a caà §ar borboletas, nà £o perderia tempo com polà tica
Israel's illusion of normality collapses: May 2021 by Haim Bresheeth-Ã... ½abner