Democracy and high technology make prostitution in New York an unattractive source of income. But more and more people are doing this business because they do not have worthy alternatives. For the first time in 150 years, morality and economics jointly justify the decriminalization of prostitution and the creation of new jobs for prostitutes. However, this will only destroy the worst part of the sex market and protect the poorest participants in the market. Highly paid prostitutes will continue provide your services. They require a different method of influence. This is legalization!
Economic component of the sex services market
Apparently the number of prostitutes in New York is growing faster than the population. That is, supply is ahead of demand, and this can worsen the economic situation of the average prostitute. At the end of the 70s, the number of prostitutes in New York was 40,000. (3) At the same time, the city's population was 7.071 million people. (4) In 2021, there were approximately 69,000 prostitutes working in the city, (5) which is almost 75% more than 50 years ago. However, during this time the population increased by only 20% or 1.4 million people. (6) That is, at the end of the 70s there was one prostitute for every 175 residents of New York. In 2021, the same ratio was 1 to 123.
Apparently the number of prostitutes in New York is growing faster than the population. That is, supply is ahead of demand. And this can worsen the economic situation of the average prostitute. At the end of the 70s, the number of prostitutes in New York was 40,000. At the same time, the city's population was 7.071 million people. (4) In 2021, there were approximately 69,000 prostitutes working in the city. (5) This is almost 75% more than 50 years ago. However, during this time the population increased by only 20% or 1.4 million people. (6) That is, at the end of the 70s, there was 1 prostitute for every 175 residents of New York. In 2021, the same ratio was 1 to 123.
Adjusted for inflation, the average earnings of a prostitute in New York have declined over 50 years. The small gains in income were wiped out by inflation. In the late 70s, the average earnings of a prostitute were about $58,000 per year. (7) In 2021, the same value in New York was $72,000.* (8) But from 1977 to 2021, the inflation rate was 157%! (9) That is, the real income of prostitutes has decreased by almost half! For most prostitutes, practicing their craft becomes unprofitable. But TOP representatives of the sex industry are an exception. The most successful prostitutes in New York earn $100 an hour. (10) And the annual income of the most successful sex workers can reach $1 million a year! (2) Such high earnings are supported by wealthy fans of sex services. Some New Yorkers spend $60,000 a year on prostitutes! (11)
However, the success of a select few is unlikely to correct the general deterioration of the situation in the industry. For the first time in the history of New York, the epicenter of the prostitution market left the central part of the city and shifted to the periphery. In recent years, the maximum concentration of prostitutes has not been observed in Manhattan. It is now located in Queens on Roosevelt Avenue. Sex industry bosses can no longer afford to pay rent for buildings in central New York. These people are forced migrate to areas filled with residential buildings, but not offices. This is the logic of economics. The areas with the most expensive land are occupied by commercial companies. And low-value land is occupied by residential buildings. From the 70s of the 19th century to the 90s of the 20th century, brothels could compete with commercial companies in the New York real estate rental market. However, now the former red light districts are history. Tenderloin (North from 23rd Street and between 5th and 8th Avenue), Rialto (14th Street from 3rd Avenue to Broadway and Union Square), East Side (North of Union Square East 22nd Street between 3rd and 4th Avenue), Bleecker disappeared from the Manhattan map and Washington Square (Bleecker Street and Washington Square), Bowery (Bowery Street and Allen Street), Five Points (Five Points: Cross Street,Anthony Street,Orange Street.Chambers Street behind City Hall Park Water Street Mott Street from Chatham Square to Hester Street). (12) The scandalous brothels in Times Square are also a thing of the past!
It's a paradox, but the decline of prostitution in New York occurred in the era of decriminalization and not criminalization of this type of activity. Prostitution in New York was killed by democracy and high technology. The United States has become the world leader in sexual freedom. Even the most bizarre sex is no longer in short supply. The general emancipation of the population coincided with an increase in opportunities to find new acquaintances. The Internet does not make it possible to be alone in your sexual fantasies. As a result, prostitution becomes the grandmother's method of satisfying sexual desires. Why pay someone if you can do it for free with a like-minded person who is easy to find?
The moral component of the sex market
As we see, the sex services market is a branch of the economy like all others. There are rich and poor, successful and unsuccessful. The sex industry is a social elevator or a burial mound. Therefore, it is wrong to unequivocally assess the sex industry as a place where victims of sexual exploitation are concentrated. And this calls into question the policy of only decriminalizing prostitution. A striking proof of this is New York, where, in addition to the unfortunate girls on Roosevelt Avenue , (1) there are successful workers earning $1 million a year and who are the heroines of the Washington Post! (2)
If the first group of poor sex workers may still need decriminalization, then the second group of glamorous girls deserves legalization! Such a dual approach has never been considered by any US state government. But it's in vain. The need to legally pay taxes can divide the sex industry into two sections of losers and successful people. The city dweller will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Poor sex workers who fall under the concept of decriminalization need to be helped to start a new life. Girls who are successful in the sex business should be encouraged to continue doing business and paying taxes! This is similar to stimulating any other sector of the economy!
Now all prostitutes and their clients are in an illegal situation. Even if a prostitute wants to pay taxes and receive social guarantees, she will have to lie about her work so as not to be punished. This was reported by President of Popular Tax, Inc., Lee Slater. And society and politicians are against the legalization of prostitution. Chairman of the Bronx County Conservative Party, Patrick McManus, speaks about this. But opposition to legalization makes civilized payment of taxes impossible.
Combining decriminalization and legalization will improve the sex industry. That part of the business that is now shocking the public will be liquidated. Massage parlors, sex on the streets, pimps, violence, disease and crime will become symbols of poor quality services. Working in this segment will become futile. But the segment of high-quality sex services that work legally and pay taxes will increase. This segment of sex services must develop in accordance with economic laws. Consulting and marketing companies, tax consultants, specialized media, etc. should work here. Legal expenses for prostitutes can be deducted when paying taxes!
Prostitution will cease to be what it was before! If a prostitute is so unsuccessful that she is a victim in her own field of activity, then she has no place in the sex industry. Sex services can only be provided by successful representatives of the profession. A prostitute who does not pay taxes must be liquidated as a participant in economic activity. Agree, it's hard to imagine a hairdresser, taxi driver or representative of any other profession who wouldn't pay taxes because he's a failure in business. But this is a common situation in the sex industry. The role of the victim is a kind of indulgence from paying taxes. This primitive trick must be put to an end. Prostitution is a business like any other. Or you pay taxes. Or you are not in business. Prostitutes can no longer rule society by pretending to be victims and continuing to do their job year after year!
To implement this two-tier system, it is necessary to offer all prostitutes legalization and fulfill a number of requirements for work. For example, rent a separate apartment to receive clients, open your own pages on the Internet, regularly do medical examinations, etc. Anyone who cannot do this is subject to decriminalization and transfer to other areas of economic activity.
However, New Yorkers are unlikely to be ready for this compromise solution. But most prostitutes will resist this even more actively! This happens because prostitution is more a moral issue for society than an economic issue. But philosophical questions, unlike tax returns, cannot be answered.
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