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Third Party Thoughts: An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders

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Message D W

US Senator of Vermont Bernie Sanders in Littleton NH on August 24th, 2015 by Michael Vadon
US Senator of Vermont Bernie Sanders in Littleton NH on August 24th, 2015 by Michael Vadon
(Image by Michael Vadon)
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First off, let me say Bernie, I have a lot of love and respect for you. You have inspired me to participate in the political process for the first time ever. Up until this time, my feelings about politics were something to the effect of, "Why bother? Politicians are all owned by the banksters and our other corporate masters." But you have woken me from that bad dream of disempowerment and lit a fire in my belly for political revolution. Your life and political journey have inspired millions of people. When the revolution finally happens and the people regain our government, I am certain that you will go down in history as a true American hero, and will be considered one of the great and noble politicians of our time. It's not about you, and you get that Bernie. It's about us, the people. It's not about you "fighting for us." It's about you inspiring us to engage and win the fight. It's about We The People rising up and taking back our country. You are simply the figurehead inspiring that with the bully pulpit of the presidency. An activated, engaged and empowered 99% will crush the 1%, and restore true democracy to this country.

I would follow you just about anywhere Bernie. But there is one place I will not follow you to. If you lose the democratic nomination, do not ask me to support Hillary Clinton. I should note that I have zero loyalty to the Democratic party. I entered the Democratic party to vote for you. Hillary is an example of everything that is wrong in American Politics. If she gets the nomination, she may incorporate some of your ideas into her platform in order to win over your support, and the support of your voters. But she will simply renege on those promises once she gets into office. Nothing coming out of her mouth can be trusted. I fear not just for this country if Hillary becomes president. I also fear for the world. Hillary is a neocon to the right of the Republicans. Her AIPAC speech was truly disgusting. The ability of so-called progressive people to conveniently ignore this fact is truly astonishing. I honestly don't know who would be worse for the country -- Hillary or Trump. I will certainly not vote for either of these clowns. If not you Bernie, I will vote Jill Stein in the general election.

We The People need to start a viable third (and 4th and 5th and 6th) party. I know this will be heresy to many diehard democrats, but I would support you Bernie in abandoning the Democratic Party if you don't get the nomination and starting your own party of the 99%. In a three-way between you, Hillary and Trump, I think you would win. "We can't divide the democratic vote and give the presidency to republicans," some would say. I would counter that if anyone really thinks there is a significant difference between the Democrats and Republicans, you are being deceived. Both parties' answer to the same people behind the scenes who are really running the show. The idea is to create a perception of difference so we all think that we get to actually vote in a meaningful way.

So Bernie, I am with you, as long as you do not ask me to integrate into the burning house that is the Democratic Party. Either you win the nomination and transform this party from within, or you go rogue and start your own party. Any other choice, and I'll have to vote for someone else. Either way, you have lit up the path for me/us on how to take back our country, and for this I will always be grateful.

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Doug is a nature lover living in Washington State. His hobbies are climbing and backpacking.

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Third Party Thoughts: An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders

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