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General News    H4'ed 4/11/19

Ukraine Exports Terror 1992-2019 Shows Why the Election Doesn't Matter

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George Eliason
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The OUNb Bandera Demand Yulia's Release
The OUNb Bandera Demand Yulia's Release
(Image by The Ukraine Weekly)
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The shame of post-2014 Ukraine is that the only equivalent situation that could exist is putting the Ukrainian SS death camp guards, their families, and officers' in charge of Israel. Would giving death camp torturers and lever pullers free rein to do what they want to an entire people have been the thing to do during or after WWII? As you'll soon see, the Israeli's and some stellar international Jewish leaders think so as long as it ain't them.

In 2014, Israel's Ambassador to Ukraine Reuven Din El and the ADL's Abe Foxman met with Pravy Sektor leader Dimitry Yarosh. Even though Yarosh is a disciple of the WWII criminal Bandera and the Israelis know the OUNb murdered 900,000 Ukrainian Jews in Ukraine, they decided they believed Yarosh that the OUN is not anti-Semitic.

What Yarosh may not have told them but they knew anyway, is that prior to Pravy Sektor, he was the leader of Trizub Bandery. It was the militant arm of Slava Stetsko's new political party in Ukraine called CUN (Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists). Yarosh was the WWII murderess' bodyguard. In his eyes, he was the heir apparent and incarnation of what Nazi sycophant Stepan Bandera would hope for to lead Ukrainian nationalists in 2014.

So, of course, Jewish leaders had every right to give Yarosh a clean bill of political health to the rest of the world. Sure. That was the only reasonable and responsible thing for them to do. Ukraine still denies any responsibility for the millions of lives their progenitors took or the lives they are taking today.

Slava Stetsko's OUNb (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists -Bandera faction) made a triumphant entry into Ukraine and cemented the dominance Diaspora nationalists would have in the region. When she came in June 1991, part of celebrating her husband's work was commemorating the June 1941 Lviv Pogrom her husband started. He was celebrating his declaration of the Ukrainian state which never came into being.

Why is this relevant to the events of 2014 through the 2019 Ukrainian election? What does it have to do with exporting terrorism?

Back in 1991, the Ukrainian nationalists OUNb were at a loss at how to proceed. "It had great ideological difficulties, however, because of its confrontation with Western democracy, its inability to deal fully with the question of the political beliefs of Ukrainians in Ukraine, and its lack of contact with political processes there." Encyclopedia of Ukraine- Nationalism article.

Since their side (Nazi) lost the war, the Ukrainians were never able to set up a state. 1991 provided the perfect opportunity and let's face it that only comes around once. The nationalists, now based in the Ukrainian Diaspora thought they would inherit Bukovina and Galicia. Instead, they hit the jackpot with all of Soviet Ukraine.

The Ukrainian nationalists were given the lands they couldn't conquer or coax into line. The problem they faced was over 80% of those lands were never nationalist and hated OUNb fascism. Diaspora Ukrainian nationalists thought people in Ukraine were too Sovietized and could not be remade into nationalists.

The Ukrainian nationalists started a slow process of genocide through Ecocide across Ukraine and especially in Donbass. The Ukrainians suppressed the economy in areas not hospitable to their politics and moved the money and resources toward western Ukraine. The thought was and is if you can't convert them, kill them or move them out of the way.

The Diaspora and OUN leadership started handpicking politicians in Ukraine based on these objectives.

WWII Nazi decides Ukrainian Elections
WWII Nazi decides Ukrainian Elections
(Image by George Eliason)
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How both Stetsko's viewed Jews in 1941 is how Ukrainian nationalists see today's Donbass and the way they want to resolve the situation for posterity. Why does post-Soviet Ukraine and especially Donbass Russians have less value than animals to the Ukrainian government?
"Although I consider Moscow, which in fact held Ukraine in captivity, and not Jewry, to be the main and decisive enemy, I nonetheless fully appreciate the undeniably harmful and hostile role of the Jews, who are helping Moscow to enslave Ukraine. I, therefore, support the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine, barring their assimilation and the like.
-Yaroslav Stetsko Carynnyk, 'A Knife in the Back of Our Revolution'

For any of this to be current and threatening, reality dictates the World War II relic OUNb has to exist today, doesn't it? For there to be a Nazi threat, there has to be Nazis. Is it possible Ukraine could find people so filled with hate; they fill those shoes in 2019?

Imagine finding out real political Nazis not only exist, but you also subsidize them. Do you think your WWII era grandparents would talk to you after finding out you supported this "democracy?"

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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