Hello: Some of you may know me from my previous work.
I have been battling for Nevada-USA election justice
since 2004. Unfortunately I have been pretty much
alone in this endeavor as strangely enough (I say this
tongue in cheek) Nevadans are convinced that 1) Nv.
elections are crooked and there is nothing they can do
about it. It's useless to try or 2) Nevada elections
are just fine. The press would have reported if things
were crooked here in wild and wooly Nevada...
Therefore I have stood alone - Cassandra in the desert
crying out for Nevada election justice. That's why I
need you to join me as an Nevadan pollster or election
Most of you don't know me from Eve so I take the
liberty of further introducing myself as follows
(knowing full well that self praise is no
recommendation): I sued and won a public recond law
suit against Nevada Secretary of State, (then Dean
Heller) in 2004/5 and therefore gained access to the
2004 and election records as well as the records
surrounding Nevada's decision to purchase the Sequoia
AVC Edge with Verivote Printer for statewide use in
2004 and beyond. I have steadfastedly researched Nv.
and County voting practices and procedures and find
them profoundly flawed and vulnerable to vote
corruption and election theft. I have also documented
Sequoia AVC Edge with Verivote Printer and
Diebold/Premier DIMS Voter Registration machines and
systems and found them rife with product defect.
Consequently I have sued Sequoia and Diebold/Premier
Voting Systems (Diebold provides DIMS voter
registration systems to Washoe County wherein I reside
and vote) for product defect and consumer fraud. I
have also sued the State of Nevada and Washoe County
for failure to excercise due diligence, vendor
collusion, cover-up, misrepresentation and fraud. This
lawsuit is now underway. (I hasten to assure the
reader that I am not an attorney and I don't play one
on television. Therefore I am oddly pleased to report
that I am now battling against no fewer than 15
attorneys for the defense - including Jones-Day and
Democratic party operative Lionel, Sawer and Collins.)
I am moving towards oral arguments.
Regardless of the outcome of this lawsuit, I
desperately need boots on the ground to act as
monitors and pollsters for the Nevada primary, on
election day, and also for early voting days. Will
you come yourself or help me recruit people willing to
come here at their own expense? (unfortunately - I
have a big mouth but a tiny purse) Please.
questions only: 1) did you have any problem with the
voting machine or did you observe any machine problems
including machines out of service. 2) did you have any
problem registering to vote 3) who did you vote for 4
I also need monitors inside watching voter, poll
worker, precinct captain, and machine performance. I
beg of you to help me help Nevada and thus our country
in the battle for Nevada election justice. I know
that the machines are defective and I firmly believe
that the Nevada election outcome has been rigged for
Hillary. Nevada was ignored in the 2004 election and
thus became easy prey to the election vultures who
swept down from on high to steal this state. Please
help keep this from happening again in 2008. The
vultures are already on wing. There is no time to
lose. Please sign up to help Nevada help our county
beat and defeat election deceit. I'm begging you.
Your pal in solidarity,
Patricia Axelrod
PS: Apologies to actual vultures who perform a fine
job for nature.
PPS: My spell checker is not working - so please
excuse typos.
And one other note of incentive: I live in Reno,
Nevada which is high mountain teritory - just one hour
from Lake Tahoe. It's cold and often snowy here in
winter and fairly comfortable in summer. Las Vegas,
Nv. is always warm and often down right hot. You might
like to take this climate information into
consideration as you contemplate coming to Nv.
Wouldn't you like a mountain or desert working
'vacation'? Reno is just 3 or so hours from San
Francisco. We've got it all - mountains, lakes,
forrests, deserts and all the corruption you can
stomach. O yes and we have casinos too.