It really is a bit disheartening to see how people can, out of one side of their mouth, bemoan the political process surrounding the debate over the economic stimulus package, and then out of the other side, actually believe the U.S. Congress is exercising sound judgment on behalf of the nation.
No one asks the question, "What good is a stimulus package coming from politicians (on both sides of the aisle) who have done everything to remove real economic opportunity and replace it with the most grotesque casino the world has ever seen, and by so doing, have led our nation to the brink of insolvency?"
Truth is the Congress is attempting to stimulate a corpse, and therefore should be charged with necrophilia.
Now, being we are in an election year and a Republican rout looks like a cinch, my next question is this:
Do you really think things are going to get better once the Democratic Party regains an absolute majority in both Houses of the Congress?
You're dreaming! As long as Fascists like Felix Rohatyn are allowed to dispense their financial "wisdom" upon those in the Democratic Party who hold positions of leadership, like Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Hoyer and Mr. Frank, the party will be useless to the People. That is a fact.
This Democratic Party is so far removed from the principles and policies of FDR, it practically makes me ashamed to call myself a Democrat! Nevertheless, I am not enraged, which is more than I can say for other people. They call for revolution!
A revolution? Good God! Calm down.
Why not just start in your neighborhood, dear patriot. Organize your street to understand how FDR's Reconstruction Finance Corporation rescued the nation from the depths of the Great Depression. Get to know REAL economic stimulus, as compared to the pathetic bribe our Congress is presently putting forward.
There IS a difference between promoting "the general Welfare" and buying votes.
Then, after getting FDR's RFC nailed down, take a look at H.R. 3400 - the Rebuilding America's Infrastructure Act. Do note the bill's sponsor! Any mistaken notion that the majority within the Democratic Party is on the side of the forgotten 80% of Americans will be dispelled. Ask yourself, why would this bill's sponsor -- a man who was forced to drop out of the presidential race -- be so arbitrarily excluded from nationally televised debates while he was running, and then be made to defend his Congressional seat in the March 3rd primary election against an opponent who is outspending his campaign 5-1? What kind of Democratic Party would allow this kind of thing to even happen, given how friendly to the People his legislation is?
Understanding there's a difference between being an informed citizen versus being Uncle Sam's whore (which is what this stimulus package is venturing to make us), we might help our communities understand the nature of TRUE economic stimulus.
Thus, too, we might enlist people who would courageously take that stimulus check, write "VOID" in big red letters on the front of it, sign the back in black "Alexander Hamilton" and return it to their Congressional Representative uncashed.
If enough people were to do this, Wall Street would get the message.
Then, dear patriot, you'd have your revolution without even firing a single shot...