Right-wing radio hosts rabidly froth like mad dogs while growling out the Republican talking points.
This morning on a San Francisco Bay Area "Hot Talk" AM radio show (read: Republican talking points radio), the local spit-bile jerk, Lee Rogers said:
"We should have just nuked Iran right after 9-11!"
That is disturbing on so many levels!
First, that statement was completely irresponsible, reprehensible, and just plain wrong. It should be criminal to advocate perpetration of a war crime! People who shout fire in a crowded theater or corporations who accidentally let a bad word get broadcast face far stiffer penalties than somebody who tries to justify violent and criminal acts as solutions to problems.
Second disturbing angle: Aside from the obviously homicidal and psychopathic call to incinerate innocent human beings, that loudmouth has the infrastructure to broadcast his ignorance and intolerance to any number of conservo-bots being programmed for hate and violence while sleepily driving to work. Broadcasting justifications for mass murder are so much more obscene than any amount of swearing. Kids being driven to school might be exposed to this knuckle-dragging neanderthal and think that mass murder is acceptable. Where is the FCC when you actually need them?
Third disturbing observation: The rabid rhetoric directed at Iran is a national Republican talking point being fed to the zombies to prepare them to expect immediate violence after another false flag event like 9-11 (yes, 9-11 was an inside job - look it up people, I quadruple-dog-dare you! Nobody likes that reality, but it is true.) Republican radio talking points state that a terror event like 9-11 should be reason for violently lashing out at any convenient scapegoat fingered by the real neo-con death-mongers. This is preparatory foreshadowing for the Kool-Aid drunk conservo-bots. Message: Get your subconscious knee-jerk reaction ready for the next black operations false flag event.
While truly terrorized and shocked into fear we will be told that only Iran could be responsible for whatever horrors this evil administration has cooked up. The black ops, shadow forces will have learned from the tracks they left on 9-11 and they will plant more convincing and incriminating evidence while leaving fewer traces of their treason. Most mainstream media outlets will try to force-feed us foregone conclusions fabricated by official sources. Even six years later, you may hear and see repugnant ones calling for violence and animalistic reactions to lash out at the next neo-con enemy of the moment.
That is,… if the Administration is not forced to realize that they won’t get away with it.
Of course the hypnotized minority and some percentage more just might believe it if the administration had a shred of credibility. We must work doubly hard to make sure that:
1) everyone understands that Bush Administration has no credibility;
2) the minority that remains is not puffed up and hyped to officially justify any reaction; and
3) everyone including the trusting dupes will hold the Bush Administration responsible if they stage or allow another terror attack on America.
The Bush administration has no moral authority to take action on our behalf. This LAME DUCK administration can’t be allowed to claim momentum by terrorizing us again.
We all must make an effort to wake as many people as can. The media is feeding good-hearted people infotainment, song, dance, spectacle and pure bullshit. The good (yet gullible) people, those who usually can’t be bothered with details, facts, or conspiracy theories, those overworked, over-tired, fearful, and terrorized people who normally support the President must be inoculated against accepting another Bush failure to protect American when he has been given near omniscient spying power.
This criminally corrupt and lame administration must prevent terror attacks or THEY MUST BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM!