The Bush Administration neo-cons would like for us to be on the brink of starting yet another war justified by the same kind of lies that they used to start the war in Iraq. The pieces are in place for a false flag terror attack, another Pearl Harbor event, martial law, and power consolidation at the expense of the Constitutional rule of law, billions of dollars, and countless dead, drowned, and nuked into oblivion. And as horrified spectators might watch a slow moving train wreck, we watch the news wires nervously hoping that a manufactured provocation (details yet to be revealed as some incredibly sick Christmas or New Years surprise) won't actually occur.
Don't listen to the cynics who say we can do nothing. Don't demotivate yourself with moaning and complaints about the unresponsive or complicit Democratic leadership [sic]. Exert political pressure. You might be surprised to learn that many representatives do listen, and they may even want to act in the way that you will suggest, but as politicians many of them fear getting ahead of conventional wisdom. Yeah, ok that doesn't exactly scream out "fearless leadership", but it is a political reality and they must see the groundswell to feel as if they can safely take action. They do respond to real pressure and popular support. You just need to direct your efforts so that they see and hear you. You are the key to change. Let's be the change that we wish to see. We can motivate them to take action.
Call, write physical letters, e-mail, fax, and speak with House Judiciary Committee members and their staff to quickly address House Resolution 799 (formerly numbered HR 333) - Impeaching Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Here is an excellent resource (Thank you David Swanson and AfterDowningStreet) for composing letters to pressure the House Judiciary Committee
Dick Cheney must be impeached and removed from office. He is the prime instigator, deceiver (links to source transcripts to numerous to list - please refer to the articles of impeachment), and the original war monger. Much could be accomplished by dragging his office through impeachment proceedings and occupying them with politically defensive measures. Putting the Veep and his minions on the defensive can potentially derail any false flag terror event and stop them from publicly pushing for war with Iran. Cheney won't be able to soften up the press with more lies, spun to manufacture consent for more war.
We can't let the neo-cons sacrifice our ships and sailors in the Persian Gulf just so they can create another scapegoat bogeyman.
Don't sit back and let somebody else do your work to save Constitutional rule. Sit up straight and get some strength and discipline in your own backbone instead of kevetching about the Democratic leadership. Protect America from the Neo-con threats to our world and democracy. Make your voice heard.