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Tim Riley is a father, husband, technical writer, and internet news hound avidly interested in progressive politics, environmentalism, social justice, and playing with his two children.
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, July 11, 2008 Impeach Bush for High Crimes says Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)
Dennis Kucinich refuses to let the massively inconvenient Bush administration misrepresentations just fade away like yesterday's bad dream or today's infotainment distraction. Mr. Kucinich catalogs and enumerates Bush's lies selling the war into coherent actionable articles of impeachment. Transcript of Mr. Kucinich's concluding statement.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 10, 2007 Stop the lies and the next war. Impeach Cheney! Contact House Judiciary now.
Dick Cheney's bloodlust must be confined to bird hunting. Urge your Congressional representatives to Impeach Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors before his lies and manipulations get us into another war, this time with Iran. This article points to ways we may motivate and empower the House Judiciary Committee to act quickly to discuss impeachment before the neo-cons can derail it with another false flag terror event.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, September 7, 2007 Nuclear Insanity Ordered from the Top
The Bush Administration tried to secretly pre-position nuclear cruise missiles for use in Iran. Whistle-blowers (hoping to remain anonymous) intentionally leaked the secretly ordered movement of nukes because the stark-raving mad lunatics in the White House are making credible moves to attack given any manufactured provocation.
(12 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 7, 2007 9-11 Truth on The View. Rosie O: Another Unexpected Hero.
Rosie O'Donnell has courage and guts to ask inconvenient questions punching holes into the official 9-11 fantasy parroted by the mainstream media.
The planned demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 in the late afternoon of 9-11 incriminates secret government insiders who brought us this long nightmare of never-ending war making us fearful, vengeful, and ready to relinquish rights for preceived security.
SHARE Tuesday, November 7, 2006 Last Minute Poll Numbers from Murky Sources - DON'T BELIEVE THEM!
Unverifiable last minute polls showing the Repubs coming back from loss of majorities in both houses of Congress froth, churn, and muddy the waters, so that White House media lapdogs can cite sources explaining outrageous claims to have won with thin, and barely credible margins. Don't believe the lies, noise, and distractions.
SHARE Sunday, November 5, 2006 The November surprise: Mainstream media changes subject after outrageous Election Count Theft.
Traitorous Fraud and Election Count Theft don't require an October surprise to provide a plausible explanation for a stolen election. But surprise, the media may be complicit in declaring the issue less than worthy of sustained focus when the next "big" story is used to distract America from another major Constitutional outrage, unless we prepare ourselves to fight the thieves now.