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Charles Degelman is a writer and editor living in Los Angeles. Published titles include books, periodicals, and Internet resources on U.S. and world history and on contemporary issues including the environment, the war in Iraq, healthcare, the economy, civil liberties, terrorism, immigration, and more.
Degelman recently completed Gates of Eden, an award-winning novel set in the anti-war movement of the 1960s.
He currently teaches screenwriting and communications studies at California State University, Los Angeles.
SHARE Sunday, September 2, 2012 Empire's Last Gasp: A two-act scenario
I wrote Empire's Last Gasp in an attempt to describe the long lines and deep roots of our hijacked economy and stolen economy, here in the United States and worldwide.
'Last Gasp' is an attempt to address the short-sided panic of Americans who are disappointed in a President who has 'failed' after four years, to reverse 40 years of predition on the part of a corporate oligarchy and a stonewalling, rage-filled Congress.
SHARE Saturday, July 11, 2009 Reflections on a Master of War [Book Review]
During Mcnamara's most powerful and destructive days, I remember observing that -- after creating all his horror and mayhem -- LBJ's Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, the "architect of the Vietnam War" would die in bed, a grim reminder of the blind universe in which we live.
McNamara died peacefully, in his sleep, on July 6, 2009.
I offer this [book] review as my obituary for the Master of War.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, March 29, 2008 From the Gipper to BushCo: Social Contract and the New American Depression
Commentators are beginning to choke on the word "recession" but few dare apply the "d" word to an economic meltdown that knows no precedent and a government that has no plan to stop it. What happened and why?
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 22, 2008 You Don't Need a Weatherman...
Political activist Mark Rudd has been bucking the system since the 1960s. This veteran of the war at home has tried it all, from non-violence to armed resistance, from high-profile demonstration to underground flight with plenty of reflection in between. In the battle for social justice, Mark Rudd is experienced. But experience does not always prepare one for the future...or the present.