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Joan Hangarter

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Dr Joan Hangarter, DC, MS, is a Business and Personal Intuitive Consultant, Visionary, Speaker and Founder of The Miracle Makers Club. She has developed a system that will help you overcome obstacles and challenges, and achieve your goals by using intuitive insight and psychic sensibilities. Find out what your life mission is, and how to use your own intuition to thrive during the next few years.. She is sought after not only as a speaker, but as a Business and Personal Intuitive Consultant. She is the author of The Miracle Makers Club -Live the Prosperous and Soul-Filled Life That You Deserve Today.
You can hear her live each week on Sundays 6PM PST on the Marty Conn Show: Check out whk townhall radio for the show.


OpEd News Member for 855 week(s) and 6 day(s)

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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 3, 2009
Schwarzenegger cuts funding for all California Domestic Violence Programs-you don’t need to be a psychic to predict an Unbelievable though it may sound, our dear beloved Californian Governor Schwarzenegger, has taken his pen and axed 100% of the funding for domestic violence programs as part of his $489 million in budget cuts. The complete loss of state funding will force many of the shelters and safe havens empowering victims to begin a new life in safety, to close their doors, abandoning the very people who need help!
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Use Your Intuition to Land the Perfect Job How to use your intuition to land the perfect job for you, and to maximize your possibilities and potentials. Using your intuition gives you that extra special something, that can help you attract the right opportunities at just the right time.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, January 21, 2009
President Obama Reminds us Now Is the Time for Miracles! The entire country eagerly anticipated the inauguration of Barack Obama. An overwhelming 87% feel confident this president will pull off the Miracle, of getting this country on the RIGHT TRACK, no easy task. Not only does he inspire optimism, he makes us believe together, anything is possible. AMERICA NEEDS A MIRACLE, given the apathy of the last few years!
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 19, 2009
Surviving a Plane Crash is a Miracle! There's so much controversy surrounding the plane crash-is it or is it not a MIRACLE, the pundits ask. Excuse me, everyone survived intact, everyone, what about that isn't a miracle, Dr Joan wonders.

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