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Allan Stromfeldt Christensen

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After four years in the film studies program at Ryerson University in Toronto, Allan Stromfeldt Christensen decided to turn his back on film making and refrained from submitting what became his final film into the short film program of the Toronto International Film Festival. He is currently finishing off his first book, which will be followed by the starting of the seed saving, fruit fermenting, booze brewing, billy goat browsing, experimental, demonstration, and educational farm: The Centre for Recovering Filmmakers.


OpEd News Member for 527 week(s) and 6 day(s)

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From ImagesAttr
Friday, January 13, 2017 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Having Dissed Edward Snowden, Should Barack Obama Pardon Bernie Madoff? Barck Obama didn't jail a single banker. So seeing how he won't pardon Edward Snowden, why not show his true mettle by pardoning Bernie Madoff?
From ImagesAttr
Monday, July 4, 2016 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Donald Trump, Anthony Bourdain, and the Plight of their (Indentured) Mexicans Build a wall and deport undocumented Mexicans? How else could the United States' (posh) way of life exist if not off the back of (indentured) Mexican labourers?
The candidates in New Zealand's follow-up rent-a-Prime-Minister flag referendum (voting now closed), From ImagesAttr
Thursday, June 16, 2016 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing How a (False?) Flag Debate and a Rent-a-Prime-Minister Assisted New Zealand in Relinquishing its Sovereignty Says the rent-a-Prime-Minister: "The TPPA? No don't look at that, look over here, look at this pretty flag debate. And look, a silver fern! A silver fern!"
Can these new Greek gods (minus the ties) conjure energy from thin air?, From ImagesAttr
Saturday, March 21, 2015 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing Is Greece Planning to Print Energy? What Greece (and the rest of the world) is short on isn't money. It's short on energy. And because of the musical chairs game of fractional-reserve banking and interest-bearing debt, Greece is just the first in a long line of inevitable "losers."
Calling it
Monday, March 2, 2015 SHARE More Sharing Money, the People's Proxy For Energy Tough or as inconvenient as it may be, one can live without money. But you can't live without energy. In short, money at its core is a proxy for energy.
A peat fire, From ImagesAttr
Sunday, February 15, 2015 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Follow the Energy to Find the Money Try following the energy instead of the money and you might come upon something quite different. (For one, that following the bursting of the fracking bubble may be the inflation, and then bursting, of the alternative energy bubble.)
Has fracking reached its twilight?, From ImagesAttr
Monday, January 12, 2015 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Peak Oil and the Fracking Bubble: Could this Mimic the 2004-2008 Housing Bubble? The price of oil's been crashing, and no one's cutting back production to bring up prices. Could this be a death knell for the U.S. fracking industry, and possibly even a disaster for the world economy?

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