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The author was a Spacecraft Engineer on NASA's Apollo program and a Computer Science instructor at California State University. He holds a Master's degree in Systems Engineering from the University of California and has traveled extensively through Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. Among his accomplishments, are ascending Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest, and photographing total solar eclipses around the world. Living on the beach in Southern California, he is involved in managing his real estate investments, writing, and spending time with his grown children and his grandkids. More information->
"How Liberals changed the World" by Marcelo Brazzi.
A brilliant book, Very highly recommended.
G. Harp Hall of Fame Top 100 Reviewers
This book is essential reading.
John Kelly, Detroit Free Press
A powerful read. I devoured this book. It was hard to put down. Extensively researched
HUGEOrange Publication Review
A must read. A highly interesting and informative book. 5 Stars
Maria Beltran, Reader's Favorite Review
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 2, 2025 How Democrats Lost the Election
Many reasons for Democrats losing the 2024 election have been put forward. However there is one primary reason that independents did not for Democrats. They had been convinced by Republicans that Democrats were responible for world-wide inflation. Democrats failed to refute these false accusations.
SHARE Sunday, September 1, 2024 Democrats Have A Problem
Republicans routinely blame Democrats for all real problems and for imaginary problems. Democrats could refute these dishonest attacks with the complete and accurate facts. However Democrats usually ignore these false, slanderous attacks. Democrats could increase their success by disproving these unethical and irresponsible charges.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 29, 2024 Democrat Mistakes
Democrats have had great success in creating the world we have today. However this success has not resulted in dominance at the ballot box. Democrats have been great at government but terrible at elections. Democrats have made mistakes in campaign strategies, in voter information, and in projecting their values and public image.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 27, 2022 Party Economics
Few are familiar with the actual economic policies and practices of our political parties. The historical facts must be known by everyone in order to understand the true accomplishments and failures of party economic policies. Facts, statistics, and data are presented while opinions are suppressed. Series: Life and living (2 Articles, 3701 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 28, 2022 The Secret to Democrats Winning
Ever since the repeal of the Fairness in Media regulations, Republican have been on a intense campaign to demonize democrats and to change the meaning of the word "liberal". Democrats have done very little to expose all these lies and disinformation. Democrats have not even mentioned that all the polls predicted that Trump had no chance of winning. Democrats must change or lose elections.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 29, 2022 Ending The Permanent Stalemate
Over many years America has become extremely divided with no end in sight and with polarization continually increasing. Hope of return to civility is presented in this article.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 3, 2021 Millennials and Gen Z
Young voters, in general, are unaware of the recent history of politics and parties. It is critical that all voters have a clear understanding of the past policies and trends. This is a review of actual events and a correction of misinformation that has been spread.
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, March 15, 2021 Shifting Demographics
Politics are inseparable from demographics. Demographics are always changing although usually at a very slow rate. Today in the US demographics are shifting in age, ethnicity, industries and so on. This can seriously affect future elections.
(17 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 12, 2020 Sex in America
The US has many laws prohibiting sexual relations between consenting adults. These laws are outdated victim-less relics from our conservative ancestors. Some of these laws are simply ignored while others squander millions to enforce for no practical reason. It is time to reassess and revise the laws controlling our personal behavior. Government has no business controlling our personal behavior that affects no one else. Series: Life and living (2 Articles, 3701 views)
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, November 9, 2020 Democrats are losing the information war
A major reason that the country is sharply divided as never before is the great difference in facts and information that voters get.
Ever since Republicans repealed Fairness in Media, the country has been flooded with inaccurate, incomplete, or just made up false information by those on the right.
If disinformation and deceit are allowed to continue unchallenged the America we know will be drastically changed.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 13, 2020 What is Happiness
It can be said that everything we do is intended to achieve or increase our happiness. But if you ask people what is happiness you will get a wide range of answers most of which mention specific things such as good friends or talented children. The thing that all these have in common is discussed in this article.
SHARE Friday, July 3, 2020 The Case for Universal Health Care
Health care in the US has risen to the top of the pressing issues we are faced with. Our current system is a chaotic jumble of many profit-driven organizations. This has caused health care in the US to be the most expensive while far behind other countries in quality of service. It is now clear that the US must join all the other countries in the world with Universal Health Care.
(9 comments) SHARE Saturday, June 6, 2020 The Unanswered Abortion Question
The abortion debate is about the time at which the fetus becomes a human. Religious people believe life starts at conception while others believe it is when the fetus is viable. This article raises questions that are never brought up. These are the same questions raised by St. Augustine hundreds of years ago. This is important because many people vote only on the abortion issue and on nothing else
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 14, 2020 Things We Should Know but We Don't
A serious problem in American politics is that the voting public is unaware of the basic and critical differences between our 2 major parties.
Regarding economics, the data shows that the economy has done significantly better under Democrats than under Republicans. In the area of wrongdoing and criminal charges a summary is presented that shows Republicans have had many more legal problems and scandals than Democrats.
SHARE Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Our Liberal Legacy
Without all the liberal progress of the last 300 years we would still be living in the old world of kings and slaves.
Republicans always opposed the Fairness Regulations that required equal time for both sides. Politics has never been the same since they repealed Fairness and the far right started their campaign of irrational, illogical fear and hatred of Democrats.