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March 2007

Saturday, March 31:

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Is the Earth dying of terminal religion? (14 comments)

Project Vote: Politics and the Abandonment of Voting Rights: Project Vote's Voting Rights & Election News Roundup, March 30, 2007 Ed.

Kamala Sarup: Children Are Kidnapped Globally (1 comments)

Dr.Ali Safavi: Paying the price for appeasement (7 comments)

Jay Esbe: When Rosie Falls Silent; God bless the "fat, angry lesbian". (3 comments)

Debby Bodkin: Clergy Sex Abuse & Self-Serving Prophecies -- Are You an Enabler?

Mark Evans: *A Manifesto for Paleo-Progressives (3 comments)

Robert Chapman: Boycott beef (2 comments)

Diann Rust-Tierney: Alberto Gonzales and the death penalty. A time for candor. A time for fairness.

Matt Kjeldsen: Patriots Make Strange Bedfellows (2 comments)

Frank Vyan Walton: How Sampson Drove the Bus over Gonzo! (2 comments)

Mary MacElveen: The 'Choking Game' update: Lives and promises taken by this game

chuck hillestad: *Don't Just Complain About Attorney General Ethics, File a Complaint

Diane M. Grassi: Native American Prospects Hold Key Between Past & Present

Kevin Zeese: Police Escort Marine Mom from Pelosi's Office (2 comments)

Missy Comley Beattie: Guess Who Isn't Coming to Dinner

Steve Young: HUMOR ON THE RIGHT: LIBERALS HATE AMERICA...Time For Dennis Miller To Put Up Or Shut Up (5 comments)

Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons

Cathy Garger: For Once The US Is Portrayed Internationally In A Positive Light!

Dave Peter: Dinner with Congressman Kucinich (4 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Letters from Iraq: The Charge of the Light Brigade, Part 1 (3 comments)

Friday, March 30:

Project Vote: BREAKING: Federal Election Agency Plays Politics with Voter ID Study

Steven Leser: Iran Does Itself No Favors Broadcasting Statements From Captives (13 comments)

Bob Geiger: Dumb Stuff Republicans Say On The Senate Floor

Joan Brunwasser: Due Today: My Indignant, Open Letter to House Committee Regarding HR 811 (2 comments)

Dave Lindorff: A Movement of One, Or Maybe a Million (7 comments)

Dave Johnson: Rove Knows That Voters Have Short Memories (5 comments)

Carol Wolman: *How to say NO to Bush's planned attack on Iran (1 comments)

Paul R. Lehto: ELECTIONS HACK TEST: Counter-Challenging Elections Officials on the Truth (3 comments)

Wayne Madsen: Democrats Harrassed by Capitol Police (2 comments)

Monica Davis: *Who's Watching the Watchers and When Will Lady Justice Remove Her Blindfold and Kick Butt!

Peggy McCann: A War On Terror That Everybody Would Win (1 comments)

Terry Ballard: March Madness: or the amazing disappearing story (3 comments)

John Carey: Persian Gulf Ship Inspectors-- The Brits Captured by Iran (7 comments)

James Brett: Beginning of the End Game (4 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: "The Right to Count: Democracy v. Electronic Voting" - A documentary by Richard Van Slyke (5 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: How Bloomberg Can Become President (5 comments)

Steve Young: Media Matters, Ann Coulter, Jamison Foser, Bill O'Reilly, Steve Young, Goebbels, First Amendment, and Something Else I'm

Bob Burnett: Bush vs. America (2 comments)

Mary MacElveen: To President Bush, "You can't always get what you want"

jalil bahar: Hostage Crisis Repeated (12 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: The King, The Pope and The People!

Jane Stillwater: A review of the US troop chow hall in Kuwait: Would Michelin give it three stars? (4 comments)

Thursday, March 29:

F. Vyan Walton: The White House's Impending E-mail Disaster

Mick Youther: The March on the Pentagon

Frosty Wooldridge: ENGRAVED ON AMERICA'S TOMBSTONE? (2 comments)

Nicola Nasser: Arab Leaders: Peace Making Could Not Be Unilateral, Divisible

Brent Budowsky: Will Alberto Gonzales Take the Fifth? (1 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Only Fair and Balanced Trade Is Free

Steve Bhaerman: Mutually Assured Survival Or Mutually-Assured Destruction? (3 comments)

Jane Stillwater: The Great American Dream still exists -- in Iraq! (1 comments)

Lawrence R. Velvel: Re: The Presidency Has Become A Great Business Opportunity (1 comments)

Bob Geiger: Newest GOP Word Games: "Surrender" and "Retreat" (3 comments)

Kevin Zeese: Senate Passes $123 billion More for Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

Ron Fullwood: The Decider's in Denial Over Democracy

Joyce McCloy: New: Voting Machine Companies to Congress - ALL YOUR VOTES BELONG TO US (1 comments)

David Swanson: *A Veto Is a Vote for Eternal War (1 comments)

Stephen Lendman: The Racist War On Immigrants (7 comments)

David Swanson: Veto This (2 comments)

Wednesday, March 28:

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich: UNSC Role Change (1 comments)

Jeremy Hammond: Truth and Lies in Media Reports on Iran (2 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Edwards and Snow remind us that cancer is an equal opportunity terrorist

Kamala Sarup: From The Battlefield After She was Raped

Aram Azez: Kurds: Victims of Terrorism (2 comments)

Debby Bodkin: Clergy Sex Abuse-TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION! (1 comments)

Peter Michaelson: The Zen of the Long-Distance Activist

eileen fleming: It's Their Land

Cathy Garger: Death Registries - A Thoughtful Touch for DU-Poisoned Veterans? (8 comments)

Regina Coeli deWinter: Under the Microscope: THE PATRIOT ACT (1 comments)

John Kusumi: Breaking my silence on 9/11 Truth (10 comments)

Jim Goodman: We Have Run Out of Patience (3 comments)

Braden Gueth: *China's Passenger Cars Leave US in the Dust

Marc McDonald: Waxman Had Better Move Quickly: GOP Has Long History of Destroying Evidence

John Carey: Iraqi Refugee Situation Nearing "Humanitarian Crisis" (1 comments)

Kyle Pominville: Wanton Removal of Meritorious Officers is an Impeachable Offense!

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: The Bushite Damage

Mike Palecek: The American Dream Book Tour & Protest Across the USA

A.J. Di Lorenzo: Bush's Veto Threat is the True Act of Political Theatre

Kevin Zeese: Oil-enriched Arab Investors Turning Away from U..S Dollar & U.S. Investments

Sandy Sand: Finally, Left Coasters Will Have Their Day and Their Say

Kate Deimling: The NYPD Responds to Civil Libertarians Regarding Preparations for the 2004 Republican National Convention

Sandy Sand: O'Reilly Doesn't Give a Bat's Ass About Walter Reed Scandal (1 comments)

Rob Kall: In the Presidential Primary, There's Gender vs. Ideology; Gender is Winning, So Let's go with the Flow-- Recruit Oprah. (3 comments)

Jackson Thoreau: *More scholars and others call Bush worst president ever; New book shows how Bush & Co. have broken rules all their lives (5 comments)

Bob Koehler: Symbolsim and Duct Tape (1 comments)

Kathy Dopp: Federal Election Reform: Fax or Call the US House Administration Cmte

Timothy V. Gatto: America is Becoming a Failed State (2 comments)

Gila Svirsky: Searching for Meaning... In Israel (1 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: Not One More Dime For This Immoral War (4 comments)

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: The Iraq Debacle & Abu Gonzo

Joan Brunwasser: ACTION ALERT! Contact Members of Comm of House Administration (6 comments)

Lawrence R. Velvel: Birmingham And Baghdad; The South In 1963 And The United States in 2007; African Americans And Iraqis.

NancyT: *Urgent call to FAX Congressional Reps and House Admin Ctte on election reform fast tracking (15 comments)

Heather Wokusch: Easter Surprise: Attack on Iran, New 9/11... or Worse (6 comments)

Russ Wellen: What's It Like Waiting Around to Be Bombed? (2 comments)

Steve Young: THE MOST PAINFUL COLUMN I'VE EVER WRITTEN: Media Matters Needs To Lay Off Ann Coulter (4 comments)

thepen: Let Your Phone Calls Be A Show Of FORCE Against Attacking Iran

George Bryjak: War -- the Ultimate Racket (2 comments)

Michael Collins: "Turning Point" The Long Road to Democracy - Weekly Comment & Links

Tuesday, March 27:

Jay Janson: Rather Than Impeach, Dems Setting Themselves Up to be Blamed for

Thom Hartmann: James Madison - "Impeach Bush Over Purgegate!" (2 comments)

Walter C. Uhler: Part Two: Iraq, Bush's God-Emboldened Narcissism and Parasitic Militarism

David Swanson: *How's the Progressive Caucus Progressing?

Bob Geiger: Kerry Shipmates, Dodd Come Out Strong Against Fox Nomination (1 comments)

Lori Perdu: Disruption of Congress

Timothy V. Gatto: A lost War; A Failed Presidency (2 comments)

Gerald Scorse: The Spurious, Curious Case for Low Capital Gains Taxes

Prithendra Bahadur Khatri: Nepal: Lessons from Gaur Incident

David Michael Green: Torture Her!

Rory OConnor: Time to Change The Back Channel

Scott O'Reilly: Bush's Hot Air on Global Warming

Alex Wallenwein: *2008 Election: The REAL Numbers (4 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: DRC Update From Ground: "Ay Ay Ay, This is Grave!" (1 comments)

Steve Young: Bill O'Reilly: Perjury No Longer A Crime (1 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Impeachment, like Spring, is in the Air

Kenneth Briggs: The Constitution Party (2 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: DRC Update: Shape-Shifting and Ignoring the Truth

Mickey Z.: Top Ten Ways to Plan Your Next Anti-War Protest (1 comments)

Tim Carpenter: *Iraq: What Now?

Alan Kobrin: Are you willing or ready to help save this nation? (1 comments)

Daniel Pourkesali: UNSC: Sanctioning the next war of aggression (1 comments)

Michael Fetterolf: What Will The Radical Right Do Next?

Jay Daverth, PhD: There are more than two options for Iran! (2 comments)

Robert Anchors: Why Veterans are Waiting

Joseph Omidvar: How to make Tehran listen (7 comments)

Monday, March 26:

Mary MacElveen: Bush's ominous statement in 2000: "They have not led. We will,"

Rosa Schmidt Azadi: *How Americans Can Support Democracy in the Middle East--A Six-Part Program to Set Our House in Order: Part II of II (1 comments)

Paul Foote: Neoconservative and Rajavi Cult Lies (1 comments)

Mark A. Goldman: Defending the Constitution

Michael Collins: Rough Justice by Gonzales Exposes "Voter Fraud" Scam (2 comments)

Jason Miller: Rover is not on the menu, Wilbur is, and Mahmoud just starved to death:

Charles Sullivan: The Moral Imperative (5 comments)

Rob Kall: Justice Department- Whitehouse Go-Between Claims Fifth (6 comments)

thepen: Be The PARTICIPATORY Democracy That Brings Our Troops Home

Lil Chaparak: Peace Movement Disappointed With Democrat Funding for War; Determined to Stop Future Funding and Bring Our Troops Home (1 comments)

Rev. Bill McGinnis: A Prayer For Elizabeth Edwards


Jubin Afshar: Iran blackmails, Britain negotiates (12 comments)

Diane Marie: 3.25.07 Bill Bradley on Sunday's Meet The Press

John Carey: Vietnam: Getting Away With Murder (Human Rights Record is Abysmal) (2 comments)

winston: Democratic leaders can pick the scandals they want to attack W about! (1 comments)

Patricia Pollock: Aerial slaughter of wolves in Alaska goes on

Bob Geiger: Does A Major Swift-Boat Donor Become An Ambassador This Week? (1 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: "You Cannot Eat Propaganda, and You Cannot Eat Hope..." (3 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: "Pride" - The Story of Jim Ellis and the PDR Swim Team


Bob Burnett: Pelosi's Triumph (3 comments)

Linda Milazzo: Open Letter To Katie Couric: You Were Unfair To The Edwards (13 comments)

Carol Hamilton: A Royal Pardon?

Sunday, March 25:

Timothy V. Gatto: Dumbing America Down (3 comments)

Tim Hooker: Rudy's "War On Terror" Comment

Alan MacDonald: "With Their Own Rope": non-violent overthrow of the global corporate/financial Empire (2 comments)

eileen fleming: Condi's Delicate Condition but Hope is on the Horizon

Bill Bucolo: Are U.S. Corporations Loyal American Citizens? (1 comments)

David Swanson: *Let Rove Lie (1 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: How's This for a Marriage?

Dave Lindorff: Why Dick and Nancy Will Not Become President via Impeachment (3 comments)

Linda Milazzo: The King, The Jester, And The Fool

Rob Kall: Judiciary Corruption, THE WALK and President Pelosi (7 comments)

Steve Young: O'Reilly Needs To Be Investigated Before Someone Really Gets Hurt (4 comments)

Mary Shaw: The Real Gay Agenda (2 comments)

Rajat KC: Democracy; Moving Through A Transitional Period

Paul Foote: Can the Rajavi Cult Dupe Progressives? (9 comments)

Mac McKinney: The Frat Boys and Their Holocaust - Is it One Million Now?

James Nimmo: Child Abuse Convictions and Bankruptcies Have a Silver Lining for Gay People (2 comments)

Martin Zehr: *A Successful Nation-Building Strategy Under Construction in Kurdistan (1 comments)

Al Feldstein: It's Been Four, Long, Bloody, Murdering Years...With Still No Reason "WHY??" (9 comments)

Alan Kobrin: About Taking a Strong Stand (8 comments)

Mickey Z.: Pat Tillman: Beyond the Hype (23 comments)

Saturday, March 24:

Mary Ratcliff: Politicizing the Justice System

Missy Comley Beattie: Calling Our Youth and Young Adults (2 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: The Ultimate in Ultrasounds (5 comments)

By Carlos T Mock, MD: Income Inequality in the US

Jane Stillwater: Woman of Steel: I'm off to Iraq & need Kevlar by Wednesday! (6 comments)

Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons

Joe Plummer: The 9/11 Lie is in Critical Condition (11 comments)

Don Williams: Fire! Polite Applause

Mary MacElveen: The Orwellian Clinton ad: Controlled ads versus uncontrolled ads

Maryrose Asher: Democrats Exploiting AntiWar Sentiment for Political Gain (1 comments)

Stephen Soldz: "Whistle-blower" Michael Gelles throws in lot with American Psychological Association on interrogations issue (2 comments)

Jubin Afshar: Detente or Appeasement?e (11 comments)

Bruce Toien: *Impeachment a Transcendent Act (1 comments)

Ingrid Newkirk: Amazing Grace: Abolitionist founded first humane society (1 comments)

Friday, March 23:

thomas bonsell: Global Warming Creating Colder Winter Weather? 'Tis True (4 comments)

Sarah Swatosh: Security for Sale

Robert Anchors: Is the VA Really Supporting Our Troops? (3 comments)

Edouard Daladier, Premier of France: Nazis' Aim is Slavery (1 comments)

Dale Hill: The Parable Of The Sparrow And The Mustard Seed.

Project Vote: US Atty Scandal Shines Light on Bush Adminstration Voter Suppression Efforts

John Carey: Some Military Perspective On The Walter Reed Hospital Situation (3 comments)

Mike Palecek: The American Dream Book Tour & Protest Across the USA


Hamad Alomar: One World, One Earth and One Destiny (1 comments)


Ali Mostofi: Who will fight for Iran?

Gina-Marie Cheeseman: Firing Gonzales will not Solve the Problem (4 comments)

Mary Starrett: *Battered Voter Syndrome (2 comments)

John Pagoda: Iraq - Then and Now (1 comments)



Richard Backus: The Globalization Hoax (3 comments)

David Swanson: Versus Its Members (1 comments)

Peter Michaelson: TV Torture's Toxic Toll

Gina-Marie Cheeseman: Where is the Money Going?

Mary MacElveen: Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against American People (2 comments)

Rachel Neuwirth: Iran: Some More Questions (9 comments)

Charles Rukuni: It's too early to predict Mugabe's downfall (1 comments)

Martin Zehr: The Transition to Renewable Energy (1 comments)

Iftekhar Sayeed: The Perils of Cultural Absolutism

Yvona Fast: *Privatizing Hospitals is a Bad Idea

Rafe Pilgrim: Supplementally the People Lose Again (1 comments)

Russell 'Ace' Hoffman: *I'm Not Buying What Al Gore's Selling (1 comments)

David Cox: Hammer Time

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: The End Of America? Its Supreme Court, and Other Sacred Institutions And How We Can Fix Them (1 comments)

Iris Brooks: *Two Faces Of Toxic Mold (7 comments)

Michael Bonanno: It's Time to Topple the Corporacracy (4 comments)

Timothy V. Gatto: *The Resolution Can Pass The Senate

Project Vote: Election and Voting Rights News Roundup: Week of March 23, 2007

Joan Brunwasser: (Almost) Everything I know I Picked Up at the Pool (17 comments)

E. T. SIMON: "I will not resign. I'm going to stay focused on protecting your kids" ... said Alberto Gonzalez.

Michael Leon: Bush Is a Howling Jackass

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): How far will the political pendulum swing back to the left after Bush? (5 comments)

Mark A. Goldman: Losing The Next Election (2 comments)

Bob Geiger: Rubber-Stamping, Bush-Enabling, Foley-Protecting Hypocrites

James Brett: Playing With War

Carol Wolman: *Cornered animals are dangerous (4 comments)

Lil Chaparak: Four Protestors Arrested in Pelosi's Office (5 comments)

Gregg Levoy: Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life (5 comments)

Scott Shuster: Under Oath, On The Record, & In Public

Dave Lindorff: Congressional Democrats are a Pathetic Joke (9 comments)

Steven Hiatt: Global Empire: The Web of Control (3 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Bloggers and Other Writers Should Unionize (12 comments)

Thursday, March 22:

David Swanson: A Measure of Morality in Congress (8 comments)

Mikael Rudolph: *Tale of Three Georges

David Sirota: VOTE ALERT: GOP & 11 Dems Vote Down Property Tax Relief (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Looking For Another Rose Mary Woods (2 comments)

Carolyn Baker: Disturbing Questions About Choicepoint (3 comments)


Michael Martin: Time to Unify Behind a John Edwards Candidacy (6 comments)

Cathy Garger: DU Dust Clouds Climate Crisis: Global Action Day of Another Sort (1 comments)

andi novick: Halting Holt Thoughts (5 comments)

Dean DeHarpporte: *Where are the Impeachment Polls? (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Why I'm Less Afraid Now (8 comments)

Lawrence R. Velvel: If You Want To Know Why We Keep Fighting Wars, Look No Further Than The South. (22 comments)

Philip Farruggio: The Wall of Silence (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: This is your brain on meat (3 comments)

David Swanson: *Why the Progressive Caucus Should Vote No on War Money (1 comments)

Linda Milazzo: Why I Love Elizabeth Edwards (4 comments)

Kamala Sarup: Social Worker Shanti; An Ideal Woman (1 comments)


Constance Lavender: History's against whom? Fukuyama on Chavez, or why should we trust a man who's so "smart," yet so wrong (because he has (9 comments)

Erik Lie-Nielsen: Load 'N Lock (1 comments)

Bill Wetzel: Yeah, Like Tom DeLay And Richard Perle Are Credible

martin weiss: *macho is adolescent

Stephen Lendman: A Review of John Ross' Zapatistas (1 comments)

Rev. Bill McGinnis: A Unified Congress Trumps The President Every Time.

David Swanson: *Woolsey Speaks Out Against Supplemental

Wednesday, March 21:

Cody Lyon: Morality, Hillary and The Gays

Ranjit Goswami: Tiananmen Event in India? Nandigram points at Indian states 'race to the bottom'

Andrew Silver: To Lawmakers r/e HPV Vaccine- "HAVE YOU SO SOON FORGOTTEN...?" (1 comments)

Brian Deimling: Has America Learned to Listen to the Protesters Now? (3 comments)

Nicola Nasser: This Time, Israel Is Missing an Historic Opportunity

Joseph Omidvar: Appeasment policy: recipe for war with Iran (6 comments)

Wes Walls: Exactly What Christopher Hitchens Means to Say (1 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Et Tu Brutae? (3 comments)

Bob Koehler: Mission Accomplished (1 comments)

Mikael Rudolph: *Is It for Freedom? (1 comments)

Mark A. Goldman: The Price of Oil (12 comments)


Paul Lehto: The "All or Nothing Approach:" Should It Apply To Democracy? (1 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Why Haven't They Impeached Bush (and Cheney) Yet? (18 comments)

Bob Geiger: Study: White House Guilty Of "Political Profiling"

Steve Young: Digesting Fox News, Bill O'Reilly and Dick Morris (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Beating Bush's Swords Into Plowshares

Timothy V. Gatto: The Democrats Can't Back Down on Attorneygate (6 comments)

Bob Burnett: Bush's Politics of Betrayal (1 comments)

thepen: Tell Congress To Put Ending The War BACK On The Table (2 comments)

Ernest Partridge: Valerie Plame and the Incredible Shrinking Cover Story (4 comments)

Tuesday, March 20:

Diane Marie: Donald Trump: PRESIDENT BUSH, YOU'RE FIRED !

Crede Calhoun: *Plame Outing - Treason by no other name

John Kusumi: Is CDP World-Ready?

Jonathan Springston: Kucinich Leads Presidential Hopefuls on Health Care for All (2 comments)

Rabbi Michael Lerner: A Bedtime Meditation Prayer of Forgiveness

Anthony Wade: Fantasyland and a President Devoid of Reality (3 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Democracy Dreaming (4 comments)

winston: These are not isolated incidents of W's minions running amok.

Curt Day: Unhappy 4th Anniversary to the Iraq War

Patrice. Greanville: Hummer and Hummerer (1 comments)

Kevin Geary: The Pretender Thief (1 comments)

Kevin Zeese: Support the Troops By Sending Them to War! (2 comments)

John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton: Why Won't MoveOn Move Forward? (7 comments)

Mickey Z.: Pet Food Recall: What's your cat eating? (5 comments)

Lynne Glasner: The Dems Have Only Themselves to Blame (But We Have to Suffer the Consequences)

Dave Johnson: The Reach Of Blogs (2 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: The Sexual Politics of the Plame Affair (1 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: Seeking Atonement For Wars Both Distant and Present (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Our Relationship With Our Imperfect World: Part III– How Crisis Defines the Possibilities for Transformation (2 comments)

Bob Geiger: When Republicans Have Nothing To Say, They Yell "al-Qaeda" (1 comments)

David Michael Green: The Sport of King George (1 comments)

Rafe Pilgrim: *The United States Peace Force

E. T. SIMON: After The teasers, There He Sat, The Apprentice, listening attentively to Donald Trump's take on George W. Bush. (2 comments)

Peter Zaza: Chaos In The New World Order (3 comments)

Alan Kobrin: Four Years of War -- how we act -- and re-act to it (5 comments)

William John Cox: War Without Win: A White Paper On Iran (12 comments)

Carol Hamilton: War Profiteering, Past and Present (5 comments)

Monday, March 19:

Scott O'Reilly: Bush vs. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (1 comments)

David Patterson: Treasure

David Cox: Baby Boom Gone Bust

Charles Lenchner: Kristof to Democrats: Talk About Israel! (3 comments)

Timothy V. Gatto: Four Years of Death and Failure

Michael Collins: The Long Road to Democracy - Weekly Links

Michael Collins: Voter Fraud and Federal Prosecutors - The Long Road to Democracy

Russell 'Ace' Hoffman: *Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Valerie Plame: Two peas in a pod???

Rosa Schmidt Azadi: How Americans Can Support Democracy in the Middle East--Without War and Without the U.S.-Middle East Free Trade Area

Bob Regl: Grandpop - How come you wanted Bush to abolish democracy?

Alan MacDonald: "Economics of Empire" (5 comments)

Elizabeth F. Stilwell Brechtel: Rep. Herseth Insults US (1 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Why We Need to Have a Referendum For A Corporate Fair Practices Act! (4 comments)

Mary MacElveen: President Bush, the Iraqi people are not collateral damage they are victims (3 comments)

Michael Collins: Iraqi People to White House - Leave. No "Timetables" (2 comments)

Backbone Campaign: *$124 Billion to Put Lipstick on a PIG?! NO WAY! (4 comments)

Anthony Watson: How Freedom and Liberty Defeat Terrorism (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Fractal Politics: Local Marching or Marchturbating; Dems Legislating to stop the war or Jerking us Around. (12 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: "Bogus Arguments": Report on the Radio Show (6 comments)

Bob Geiger: Senate debate on revoking Gonzales's appointment authority begins (1 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Has Bush pulled the bow so far back that he's finally loosened the arrow of American Socialism? (13 comments)

Steve Young: You're Either With Us, Or You're An "N" Word. The Last Vestige Of Decency Has Flown O'Reilly's Coop (1 comments)

Josh Mitteldorf: Lives of Others and Our Own Lives

Stephen Crockett: Republican Political Mafia and Federal Law (11 comments)

Rob Kall: Ad Attacking Hillary Takes Youtube to the Next Level (2 comments)

Sunday, March 18:

Walter C. Uhler: Iraq, Bush's God-Emboldened Narcissism and Parasitic Militarism (2 comments)

Carolyn Baker: GODFATHER GOVERNMENT: A Way Of Life Is Not A Scandal (1 comments)

NancyT: Podcast interview: Illegal voting equipment in 2008 Elections

Michael Bonanno: Socialism and Democracy – The People's Combination (24 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Commander Bush is Hamstrung by Democracy

Lila Garrett: STOP THE VOTE (3 comments)

Gatto: Federal Attorneygate; Now it's The Patriot Act's Fault (1 comments)

Greg Moses: Smarten up, America: Quit Criminalizing Willing Hands (2 comments)

Dean Powers: Good News for GOP: Memory Fuzzy on Prosecutor Firings (1 comments)

Saturday, March 17:

Doug Wallace: *Examing the Confession of Kalid Sheik Muhammed

Thomas L. Walsh: The Walter Reed Scandal; A Disaster Which Had to Happen

NancyT: Why the EAC Must Be Abolished

Mark A. Goldman: Regarding Signing Statements (3 comments)

Jason Miller: Permission to Speak Freely?

By Carlos T Mock, MD: Can the common person be saved from our own government? (1 comments)

Gatto: The Growing Relationship Between Iran and Iraq (3 comments)

Daniel Patrick Welch: Saint Patrick's Day and missed opportunity

Sandy Sand: Constitutional Amendment XXVIII (2007) (2 comments)

Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons

David Cox: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Garbage In Garbage Out (1 comments)

Joseph Omidvar: EU Council of Ministers is bent on appeasing Tehran once more (1 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Sound Reasons to keep the Liberal/Progressive Faith (6 comments)

Jason Miller: How about a little democracy for a change? (10 comments)

Steve Young: Fox News Apologizes For Years Of Erroneous Plame Reporting... (6 comments)

Kate Deimling: Reverend Mohler's Advice

emily horswill: I HAVE A DREAM

Bill Bucolo: Another voting system accident? REALLY? (2 comments)

Patrice. Greanville: Reflections on the legacy of Gore Vidal

Mary Lyon: Torturing Alberto

Stephen Osborn: Unclear on the Concept? You Betcha!

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Jefferson on, God, Freedom, Arms, and Government

Kamala Sarup: My friend's husband was killed by Maoists

Peter Michaelson: Rich Little Comes Out of the Political Closet (1 comments)

TED BOHNE: The Bush Regime needs to be stopped somehow, so what's it going to be America? (1 comments)

Mark Harris: The Devolving World of the Right-Wing Media

sherry clark: The War on Earth

Michael Collins: The Long Road to Democracy - Optical Scanners Stole 2004!!! (3 comments)

Anthony Watson: The Lost Lesson of 9/11 (14 comments)

Ron Jacobs: The Students are Stirring--A Campus Antiwar Movement Begins to Make Its Mark (3 comments)

Richard Dubin: Why We Try

Frosty Wooldridge: ECONOMIC "PERFECT STORM" BREWING (1 comments)

Kenneth Anderson: Another Redirection

Debby Bodkin: Do Political Bullies Continue to Interfere With Protections of Children?

Eric Malone: A Rose Peeps Up Through The Concrete

Michael Corcoran: The Politics of Impeachment (3 comments)

Friday, March 16:

Gatto: *We Need A Constitutional Convention (1 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Valerie Plame Stands Tall (2 comments)

Lynne Glasner: Another Fall Guy: The Plame Game Revisited (4 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: When Loyalty Is Not a Virtue: A Glimpse into Bush's Amoral World

Paul Lehto: New York City Change To Optical Scan Elections: Not the answer, but getting closer (2 comments)

Mark A. Goldman: What does it mean to win an illegal war?

Walter Brasch: *An Intolerant Minority


Scott Shuster: Scooter & Gonzo - Fall Guys For A Corrupt Presidency

Joshua Frank: Obama's Israel Problem (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Gonzalez's Head on a Platter: Some Thoughts about Power and the Corporate Press

Dave Lindorff: Kucinich Has a Chance to Make a Historic Move and to Stand Out as a Presidential Hopeful (6 comments)

J.T. Cassidy: US Beef Smells Fishy (1 comments)

Julian Suchman: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed John Belushi Resemblance (1 comments)

Jay Janson: *Dems, Bush, Fear Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.' Words! Shake 'em Up! Quote King!

Lawrence R. Velvel: Why There Was No Indictment On The Underlying Crime Of Outing Valerie Plame (7 comments)

Jesselyn Radack: Note to Congress: Hear from the Small Fish Who've Had Their Careers Destroyed by Bush (1 comments)

Don Williams: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's Unbelievable Confession (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: Endangered Safari

Teresa Hommel: ACTION ALERT! Amend HR811--contact your members of Congress ASAP

John McDonald: Can Joe Biden Catch Fire? (5 comments)

Gustav Wynn: Are your investments killing America? (7 comments)

Thursday, March 15:

Joan Brunwasser: Former FBI Agent: Reform the Patriot Act (1 comments)

Matthew Cardinale: Gonzales Nixed Inquiry into Own Conduct at DOJ, Democrats Furious (2 comments)

Ira Chernus: The 'Support our Troops' Myths

thepen: Tell Congress To Support The Kucinich IMPERATIVE For Impeachment (3 comments)

Kevin Zeese: House Appropriations Committee Passes Iraq War Supplemental (1 comments)

Patricia Axelrod: Listen to the Handicapped Voter...

Tim Anderson: Why Cuba is a democracy and the US is not (1 comments)


John Perkins: John Perkins: New Confessions and Revelations from the World of Economic Hit Men (9 comments)

Daniel Pourkesali: United State of Minds

Paul Foote: *Voice of America Promotes America's Terrorist Enemies

James Ryan: Top U.S. General Puts It In Hi Mouth

Howard Dean: Howard Dean: This could be George Bush's Watergate (14 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Pace's Defender More Outrageous than Pace (7 comments)

Progressive Democrats of America: *Support Barbara Lee's Amendment to bring our troops home safely

Andrew Bard Schmookler: The Ethic of the Market and the Erosion of Moral Values: One More Lesson from the the Coulter Disgrace

Michael Leon: Broder the Banal (1 comments)

Bob Burnett: Nuclear Terrorism (1 comments)

Mickey Z.: "Let's Roll": The Lessons of United 93 (3 comments)

Mary Ratcliff: Commonweal Institute And Building The Progressive Infrastructure

Teresa Hommel: Victory in NY City Council

Stephen Lendman: Fake Congressional Opposition to War (11 comments)

Jane Stillwater: America's Next Top Spin: "The sooner we defeat Al Qaeda, the sooner we can come home" (1 comments)

Wednesday, March 14:

Gatto: The President Doesn't Need Congressional Approval to Attack Iran

m.weiss: *Not Gold or Guns, But Grandmothers

Rob Kall: What If?....... Bush resigns first? (1 comments)

thomas bonsell: Right Decision, Wrong Argument

Dale Hill: JOBS AGAINST JOBS! (8 comments)

Adrian Kuzminski: Impeachment Resolution

Kyle Pominville: *After the Surge Inevitably Fails


Frosty Wooldridge: TEA FOR TWO OR TWO MILLION? (3 comments)

Kamala Sarup: Women Trafficking: True Story Of My Friend (1 comments)

David Sirota: Where is America's true center?

Paul Rogat Loeb: Election Fraud, My Ass (1 comments)

Bob Koehler: Hemorrhaging Nirvana

Kevin Zeese: Marine Mom Tina Richards Continues to Pressure the Democrats to End the War (1 comments)

Bob Geiger: Biden To Bush: "You're leading us off a cliff. Stop!" (7 comments)

David Swanson: *No Mo Money for War (4 comments)

Heather Wokusch: Crouching Tiger, Tumbling US Economy (1 comments)

E. T. SIMON: Five Things I believe in, said Alberto Gonzalez, perhaps quite aware that his career had been hit by a Mack truck. (5 comments)

Steve Young: Democrats = Activist Judges? Think Again.

Dave Lindorff: Democratic Calls for Resignations are Pointless Diversions

Dan DeWalt: The ties that bind us-- Grassroots Impeachment-- Are Elected Dems With Us? (5 comments)


Internet Commentary: Gonzales Countdown: Fired Prosecutor Lam Was After Bigger Fish, Besides Cunningham

Ernest Partridge: Impeachment: Winning by Losing (5 comments)

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: FBI Lawlessness: "If You Build It, They Will Come"

Tuesday, March 13:

Rob Kall: Gonzales Countdown: Will Patrick Fitzgerald Be Next Attorney General? (62 comments)

Jason Miller: From Lawn-Boys to B-2's: America's penchant for mowing 'em down (1 comments)

Lynn Landes: HR 811 - Electronic Tallies Can Still Trump Paper Ballots on Election Day

Randolph T. Holhut: How Vermonters Helped End The Cold War

Carol Wolman: *Open letter to Rep. Barbara Lee (3 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: The Shamelessness of Ann Coulter and the Shame of the Right

David Swanson: How the Blogosphere Is Saving the Boob Tube

Mark A. Goldman: How Bush Is Getting Jews To Give Up Judaism And Destroy Israel (1 comments)

Bob Portune: 75 Percent (4 comments)

Michael Collins: Fired Federal Prosecutors and Election Fraud; Sacked for Indicting Republicans (5 comments)

Dave Lindorff: What's Good for Halliburton (and Cheney) is Good for...Dubai (4 comments)

David Swanson: What If the FBI Hired Someone Honest to Look into 9-11? (5 comments)

Michael Leon: The American Conservative Hits Militarism Again

Georgianne Nienaber: IFJ Calls on African Union to Protect Somali Journalists after Beating of Four Reporters

Gatto: The Death of The Republic (2 comments)

Lawrence R. Velvel: Small Is All. (1 comments)

Steve Young: Abraham of Houston Kills 8 Children in Bronx. O'Reilly Hot On Trail of Compassionate Murderer. (1 comments)

Bennet Kelley: Colin Powell, Where Have You Gone? (5 comments)

Monday, March 12:

Patricia Goldsmith: Propaganda and Conscience

Kenneth Briggs: Assimilation Not Elimination-Part Three

winston: Shiites have sub-contractor doing their wet work. (4 comments)

Cody Lyon: NSL'S, The FBI, Your Privacy- Told You So (1 comments)

Medea Benjamin: A New Network Forms to Close U.S. Overseas Military Bases

David Cox: Mirror Mirror on The Wall

Hilton Obenzinger: Meditations in a Time of Delusions and Lies 20: Don't Support The Troops

Kevin Zeese: The Fraudulent Iraq Exit Plan That Is Likely to Lead to a Bigger Middle East War (2 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Call For A 2007-2009, Independent Prosecutor/Counsel, Now! (4 comments)

Jay Esbe: America needs a Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich "unity ticket". (2 comments)

AndyJ: Cancelled Presidential debates smack of manipulation by 'run and hide' candidates (1 comments)

Mark A. Goldman: TREASON - are you giving it a pass? (8 comments)

Robert Weitzel: America's Perpetual Nuclear War (1 comments)

K P: 1984 again

Sunday, March 11:

Rob Kall: Dem Failure to Block War Now is Replay of Their Inexcusable Vote for the War in 2003 (3 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Is our only defense against a 4th Reich, a 3rd Political Party? (5 comments)

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Libby. Coulter. John Fund. DeLay: Are the NeoCons finally Toast? (2 comments)

Philip Farruggio: None So Blind... (1 comments)

John R Moffett: How They Put the 'Con' in Neo-Con (5 comments)

Linda Milazzo: Karl Rove Addresses Students At Bill Clinton's SCHOOL OF PUBLIC SERVICE (3 comments)

Dean Powers: Gingrich (And GOP Presidential Rivals) On Fast Track Toward Sainthood (3 comments)

Saturday, March 10:

David Swanson: *On David Sirota, David Obey, and "Idiot Liberals," Never Mind Ending the War (1 comments)

Dale Hill: Hens' Teeth Anybody?

Robert Tracey: The Mortgage Meltdown Is An accident, Right? (1 comments)

Iftekhar Sayeed: The Two Religions of Bangladesh

TED BOHNE: What DID really happen at Halabja?

John Scanlon: *Stopping an attack on Iran

Mary MacElveen: *Scooter Libby deserves no pardon and Bush should be held accountable (2 comments)

Jay Esbe: "Out damned spot, Out!"

Siv O'Neall: The Invisible People in a Land of Plenty

John Doraemi: 9/11 Truth Has Already Won the Debate (1 comments)

sherry clark: Open Letter to Fellow Christians

martin weiss: *Democracy is Illegal

Dennis Kucinich: Congress Must Vote Down the Supplemental; The Only Way to End the War Is to Stop Funding It (2 comments)

Jay Janson: *CNN Sold Us the War. Now It Sells Us the Heartbreak with Unctuous Consoling, "Heroic! Brave!" (1 comments)

Ryan McVay: those who do not support our troops (15 comments)

Friday, March 9:

Steven Leser: Coulter – Where are her defenders now? Why does anyone continue to carry her column?

James Brett: Princess of the Flies

Richard Dubin: Start A Little Ripple

Rory OConnor: The Fall Guy

Jay Esbe: Don't cry for Scooter; why he's going to be just fine (but you're not).

Richard Girard: My Fairy Godmother Part2

Ron Jacobs: The Union Makes Us Strong! (1 comments)

Richard Backus: Democracy in America? (1 comments)

Sandy Sand: Operation Helmet: The Life You Save might Save Another!

David Riegel: John Edwards, Ann Coulter, and Family Values

David Green: Your Genitals: The Great Moral Issues of Our Time

Michael Mejia: *Congress Must Finally Hold Public Hearings on Edmonds Case


Bob Burnett: The Environmental Holocaust

Ray McGovern: Why Cheney Lost It When Joe Wilson Spoke Out (1 comments)

Thursday, March 8:

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Fascism is the acting out of delusion

Michael Collins: Florida Solution to Fear & Loathing in the Voting Booth (1 comments)

Carolyn Baker, Ph.D.: IN DEBT WE TRUST AS THE ECONOMY GOES BUST (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Bouncing for Health, College Prep and an Amazing Shopping "Spree" (10 comments)

Ryan McVay: Fear, Trust, Iran & War Marketing

Medea Benjamin: Time for Congress to Lift the Fog of War

Rob Kall: Dems Must Embrace Their Power They Have NOW to End The War: but First Must Overcome Their Fear (12 comments)

Mary Lyon: *St. Patrick and the Snakes (2 comments)

Kate Deimling: Ode to "Scooter" Libby (2 comments)

Michael Nolan: It Can't Happen Here? It Has Happened Here

Rob Kall: Edwards Did It. The Rest of the Dem '08 Prez Candidates Should Refuse to Do The Fox Debate in Nevada. (13 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Follow the Pressure: Some Questions About the U.S. Attorney Firings (2 comments)

Heather Wokusch: War on Terror, War on Women (2 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Through the Looking Glass in Iraq

Lawrence R. Velvel: The Long Line.

Mary MacElveen: Message to Jenna Bush: The Congolese children have no hope as they are raped (1 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: How To Regain Our Freedom Forever! Part I of Two Parts (2 comments)

Michael Collins: VOTING RIGHTS History Made In Florida by Gov Crist (4 comments)

Michael Bonanno: Yet More Human Ignorance

Stephen Lendman: George Bush's Samson Option (3 comments)

Joshua Frank: Dump the Dems and End the War! (11 comments)

Wednesday, March 7:

K P: Secrets of alchemy revealed! – Its advantages and disadvantages.

Martin Zehr: The Missing Conversation and the Road Forward- a Green Perspective (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Our Relationship With Our Imperfect World: Part I-- Acknowledging the Good in the Imperfect

Cody Lyon: Introducing Scooter "Patsy" Libby

Press Release: Transpartisan Coalition Calls for Whistleblower Hearings

Mark Green: AIR AMERICA 2.0 BEGINS TODAY (1 comments)

Bob Koehler: Count the Quagmires

Gatto: Since When Have People Started Caring About Vets? (2 comments)

Mark A. Goldman: Does Reform Come From The Top or From The Bottom

Lynne Glasner: Climate Change: Denial of Libby Lies Tries to Stem the Tide

Anthony Wade: The Libby Verdict - Nothing is Sacred to the Hypocritical Republican Right (21 comments)

Robert Parry: Zeroing in on Cheney-Bush (3 comments)

Randolph T. Holhut: Cindy Sheehan: An Unstoppable Woman (3 comments)

Mark Petersen: The Problem With Ism's (4 comments)

Phil Lindsey: The Show Me! Spirit; Taking Back the Vote (3 comments)

Rita George & Matthew C. Heim, Ph.D.: Visionary Politics: Healing the Great American Oxymoron

Faith Carr: 4th and 40th Anniversary of STOP THE WAR! NOW! (1 comments)

Jay Esbe: Oh what a tangled web we weave....IE "Dear Sean Hannity" (2 comments)

Marcus Gadson: Race in the 21st Century: Still Separate and Unequal

Ernest Partridge: Oh What a Lovely (Cold) War (7 comments)

Mary MacElveen: The blonde bimbette known as Ann Coulter (1 comments)

David Sirota: Congress's upcoming "free" trade fight: The good, the bad & the ugly

James Nimmo: We've been warned! (2 comments)

Yvona Fast: *Victory for the Middle Class (1 comments)

Sam Scharff: Denunciation of Democratic Party Apparat (2 comments)

Alamgir Hussain: Murder of Frenchmen in Holy City: Continued Legacy of 14 Centuries of Holy Terror (3 comments)

Kevin Zeese: Democrats Beginning to Pay a Political Price for Failing to End the War (2 comments)

Crede Calhoun: Plame's Brewster-Jennings, not Wilson, True Target (13 comments)

Jay Esbe: Failure to impeach now will irreparably damage the Republic (8 comments)

Kathy Dopp: Avoid Another HAVA Train Wreck: Software Disclosure Requirements


Steve Young: Yes, I Am Crazy, Mr. O'Reilly. Crazy Like Your Network

Ron Fullwood: Paying for Bush's Fear in Iraq

Richard Mathis: Pity Ann Coulter (3 comments)

Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: "Imperial Life in the Emerald City": Origins of the Iraq Disaster

Tuesday, March 6:

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): The Hydra Heads of Bush's World War III

Michael Collins: The Long Road to Democracy (2 comments)

reprinted from the web: Huge Day on Fired Prosecutors Story

Walter C. Uhler: When Does Opposition to Israel or the Israel Lobby Indicate Anti-Semitism?

Peter Michaelson: Cancel this Year's White House Correspondents' Dinner

Cindy Sheehan: Cindy Sheehan: Vermont, Land of Hope (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Lost in the Lust of Werewolves (2 comments)

Michael Leon: Fitz Delivers Blow to Sleazy WH Operation

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Taking Democracy Seriously (2 comments)

Steven Leser: *Libby Guilty - Will the Leak-Gate Investigation Continue and go Farther up the Chain? (2 comments)

Sandy Sand: This Time It's Bush Spitting on the Soldiers (4 comments)

Lawrence R. Velvel: Let Us Now Praise Honest Men. (1 comments)

Jason Miller: Mother Bush would be proud to call this one her own: (2 comments)

Steve Young: THE PARTY OF ANN (1 comments)

Stephen Crockett: *Employee Free Choice Act and Republican Disinformation (2 comments)

Rob Kall: Privatizing Walter Reed With The Help of Halliburton and Dick Cheney (7 comments)

Monday, March 5:


David Swanson: *Can Congress End the War? (4 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Mutual Contempt: A Portrait of Polarized America (7 comments)

Debi Smith: February's Fallen (1 comments)

Peter Rost: Blog Addiction

Rob Kall: Walter Reeding Iraq-- (5 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: *Miserable Eyes In the Democratic Republic of Congo: Please Read This, Congressman Murtha

Dean Powers: Coulter Switches Positions For Gays (1 comments)

Don Williams: Lots of money for terrorists (3 comments)

John Carey: Leadership Lessons from The Movies: You'll Never Guess Which One (Number Eleven)

Sandy Todd: Crass and Conniving Conservatives (1 comments)

Steve Young: The Left Just Doesn't Get Satire...Or Coulter (14 comments)

Phillip Barron: Industries of Cruelty

eileen fleming: *'Chatting' With President Ahmadinejad

Kim Cummings: Zero Tolerance for Sloth and Talking Heads

Larry Au: Middle East Peace? (5 comments)

David Heleniak: Erring on the Side of Hidden Harm: The Granting of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Marc Holt: Is America Ready for a Nuclear Attack? (10 comments)

Sunday, March 4:

Mary MacElveen: Can the U.S. support of Israel empower the KKK? (2 comments)

By Carlos T Mock, MD: Hard Landing

Mac McKinney: Auditions for Mother Jones

Scott Ritter: See Hillary Run (from Her Husband's Past on Iraq) (2 comments)

Gatto: There are No More Excuses; They Are Not Hearing Us (4 comments)

David Swanson: Former Pentagon Staff Speaks Out on Crimes of Doug Feith, Dick Cheney, and Planning of Iran War (5 comments)


Saturday, March 3:

Stephen Crockett: Democratic Activists Harassed by Republican Lunatics (9 comments)

Michael Bonanno: Hard to Believe Letters to the Editor (4 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Supporting our troops is more than a yellow ribbon, but bringing them home

Richard Mynick: America on its Knees Before Tyranny (7 comments)

winston: W won't escape the treatment his poodle is now undergoing.

Missy Comley Beattie: Regarding Cheney (1 comments)

Steve Young: Johnny Gets His Gun Again: Walter Reed Reveals Right's Bloody Secret (4 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Joe Lieberman Speaks For Democrats On Wounded Troops?

Kevin Zeese: The Democrats Want the Peace Movement to Work for Them; The Peace Movement Needs to Demand the Democrats End the War (17 comments)

Mickey Z.: "Breaking News" is a matter of perspective

Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons

Friday, March 2:

Brent Budowsky: Wounded Troops: Bush's Second Katrina (1 comments)

chuck hillestad: "BUSHWA" (1 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: Why I No Longer Support Impeachment (20 comments)

Gatto: Giuliani Would Give Us a Good Race (2 comments)

Toby Chaudhuri: Conservatives Gone Wild, Assemble Circular Firing Squad (2 comments)

Stephen Soldz: Is abetting torture a requirement to be an "expert" on "psychological ethcs"?

Michael Boldin: Leaders Don't Kill People...

Ron Fullwood: New Nuclear Warheads for Bush (1 comments)

Kevin Zeese with other coalition members: A Coalition Covering the Political Spectrum Joins Together to Oppose War with Iran

Mary MacElveen: If we dare to imagine, boomers can become our own greatest generation (6 comments)

Mathew Maavak: An explosively penetrated quagmire

Mark Petersen: Dear John Edwards; A thumbs up, with some questions

Jim Harris: Bolton wanted Iran to kick out Arms Inspectors, he tells AIPAC (audio track as well as text) (2 comments)

Jay Gould III: If You Hate America So Much, Get the Hell Out! (21 comments)

Jesselyn Radack: December's U.S. Attorney Massacre: The Plot Thickens (1 comments)

David Swanson: *NY Times Spins Health Coverage Opinion

James Brett: Phoney War

David Swanson: The Employee Free Fire Zone Act

Mike Kress: Stop the War on Iran: A Pledge of Resistance (1 comments)

Thomas Riggins: *Will the US Attack Iran? (2 comments)

John Doraemi: The BBC's Premature Report on the Demise of WTC 7 (3 comments)

James Tremlett: Duncan Hunter: Questionable Candidate, Worse Advisors (2 comments)

Tim Hooker: Taking Pro-Lifers Seriously (5 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: An Open Letter to Congress on H. R. 800, the Employee Free Choice Act (1 comments)

David Swanson: I'm More Pro-Troop Than You Are

Kenneth Briggs: Movies

E. T. SIMON: Immigrant Daughter (2 comments)

thepen: The Creeping Right Wing Radio PUTSCH (1 comments)

Thursday, March 1:

thomas bonsell: Newspapers Puzzled About Their Failings: part 2

Marc Holt: A Dire Future for Thailand?

Walter C. Uhler: A Pig Looking at a Watch: Assessing Iran's Nuclear Program

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Confused and Hurting

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Mis-Trust on Anti-Trust

Rachel Neuwirth: Beyond Self-hating (10 comments)

Anthony Barnes: Everybody Loves Rudy! But to Some, the Question is Why? (3 comments)

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: A BUSH WORLD WAR LOOMING! (13 comments)

Heather Wellman: Americans deserve a Democracy not Theocracy (3 comments)

Greg Moses: A Diamond Key to the Golden Door: Walk to Free Suzi Hazahza

Carol Wolman: *Taxation without representation is tyranny. (4 comments)

Bob Burnett: A Liberal Foreign Policy: Ten Maxims (4 comments)

Martin Zehr: The Need for Change in Iran Versus War (2 comments)

David Heleniak: New York City Prosecutors Declare War on Families (2 comments)

Sandy Sand: So What if Mitt Romney's Grandfathers Had a Few Extra Wives

Frosty Wooldridge: America's Death by a Thousand Cuts (2 comments)

Michael Corcoran: The Other Reason to Oppose Hillary Clinton (37 comments)

Russ Wellen: Greatest Expectations (2 comments)

Stephen Lendman: A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis - The Last Days of the American Republic (6 comments)

Terri Lynn Tersak: *How the Failure of Welfare Reform Created Our Lawless Courts (3 comments)


Complete Archives