Dick Cheney's health is precarious. He's been hospitalized a couple of times with cardiac problems, and now he has a blood clot in his leg which isn't going away. This is dangerous, because pieces can break loose and travel to the lungs causing pneumonia.
Cheney is under the gun for the Plame affair; his role as chief instigator and planner was made plain in the Libby trial. A Congressional investigation has begun, and will lead straight to his doorstep.
Cheney's buddy Rumsfeld was forced to resign, and he is under some pressure to do the same. He's a stubborn cuss, though, and not used to losing. He won't go easily.
Bush has lost Rumsfeld, and is about to lose his old friend Gonzales. Karl Rove may be called to testify under oath to Congressional committees investigating Bush wrongdoings. Several other staff members have resigned recently, and some of the Republicans in Congress have turned against Bush, although Pelosi is still funding his war. The impeachment movement is growing, and he's been forced to plead for patience.
Bush is used to losing and being bailed out. He hates turning to his dad, although he will in a pinch. Cheney is too embattled himself to help. The intelligence community hates both of them, since they sacrificed a key network for their own political ends. The professional military people hate them too, for their arrogance and refusal to listen, and they can't count on support for any more adventures.
It's sobering to realize that Bush actually IS the Commander-in-Chief. If he orders the Air Force to bomb Iranian facilities, they will either do it, or mutiny- leading to full-scale civil war.
It's sobering to realize that Bush has his finger on the nuclear button. More and more people are questioning his sanity. Is he a Dr. Strangelove, who wants to take us all with him as he rides The Bomb to hell?
Bush and Cheney are in trouble, and they know it. They are holding us all hostage to the threat of all-out nuclear war, which could easily be triggered by an attack on Iran. We are in terrible danger from a couple of cornered animals, who have very little to lose.
How can they safely be removed from the position of power which they now hold? It seems to me that a concerted impeachment drive, which is peaceful, legal and democratic, is the swiftest and safest way to accomplish this.
Only a very strong grassroots impeachment movement will force Congress to uphold the oath of office and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. Impeachment NOW!