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August 2010
Tuesday, August 31:
Drew Westen: What Created the Populist Explosion and How Democrats Can Avoid the Shrapnel in November (2 comments)
WilcherGlobal: All Liberals Are Not Liberal: The Case for Affirmative Action
Thom Hartmann: Is Newt Gingrich Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy? (2 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: Should social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin collect information about users' race and ethnicity? (9 comments)
mike ferner: *Veterans For Peace Responds to the "Rebranded Occupation" of Iraq (4 comments)
Rory OConnor: Obama's Tricky Battle with the Military-Media Complex (2 comments)
Stephen Pizzo: Reasoning? What Reasoning? (3 comments)
Lynn Buske: The Elephant (Poop) in the Room -The Relationship between the Current Egg Brouhaha and True Cause of Food Contamination (3 comments)
William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.: The Hidden Prop 14 Revolution
Helge Nome: Double Dip or Nosedive? (1 comments)
Rand Clifford: The Bull (10 comments)
Nathan Runkle/Mercy for Animals: New MFA Veal Investigation (3 comments)
G. Scott Brown: Oil Addiction and Identity: Fundamentals of the Crisis and the Response (6 comments)
Scott McLarty: Some Modest Questions for the Tea Party, and for Democrats Too (7 comments)
Linh Dinh: Spengler for Dummies (1 comments)
Ray McGovern: What Obama Won't Say Tonight (4 comments)
David Glenn Cox: The Lessor People (5 comments)
Danny Schechter: Why US Media Is Soft on Wall Street
Dave Lefcourt: Responsible Republican - The Ultimate Oxymoron (10 comments)
K.L. Carlson: The GREAT CHOLESTEROL MYTH (7 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Lawsuit Challenges Obama Administration's Targeted Assassination Policy (4 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Legislation for Greater Agribusiness Empowerment (2 comments)
Bill van Auken: Fourteen more US troops killed in Afghanistan: What are they dying for? (1 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: I Have a Dream That One Day I Will Get to Be Free and Sit in My Lawnchair (3 comments)
Monday, August 30:
Dean Baker: Senator Simpson's Quick Budget Quiz (1 comments)
Kathy Malloy: Don't Mess With the Missionary Man
Chris Floyd: Innocent Executioners: An Illustration of the Principles of Western Civilization in the Modern World (3 comments)
Rory OConnor: Obama and the Military-Media Complex (4 comments)
Jim Quinn: THE AGE OF MAMMON (3 comments)
Richard Clark: Can our economy be saved by having the Fed print ever more money and buy ever more mortgage bonds and Treasury bonds (13 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Leaving Iraq a Soldier Yelled, 'We Won, It's Over, America We Brought Democracy to Iraq' ; Not Hardly
Kevin Gosztola: Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally: "He's Alive!" (17 comments)
Linn Washington: Expat Sees Return of Scary Times (3 comments)
Paul Evans: Ron Paul from a Liberal Perspective and As a Republican Candidate for 2012 (31 comments)
Mary Shaw: Will Ohio Execute An Innocent Man? (7 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Israel Threatens War with Lebanon (3 comments)
Steven Leser: Election 2010 Potential Consequences include Impeachment of Obama (18 comments)
Sunday, August 29:
Ralph Lopez: *Another $9 Billion for This, Sarah Palin? Six Children Killed in NATO Attack, While Picking Trash
shamus cooke: The AFL-CIO and the Democrats: Friends or Foes?
Ross Kenyon: Why (good) libertarians and socialists/progressives aren't really at odds with each other.(video) (1 comments)
John Basel: The Texas Republican Party Platform is Scary! (3 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Our Redeemer (5 comments)
Scott Horton: America's Corruption Racket in Central Asia (1 comments)
Cyndi Gross: Is Informed Consent Complete? (3 comments)
Richard Girard: Street Fighting Man--A Rock and Roll Epistle (3 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: Bye Bye American Pie (10 comments)
Paul Harris: Myths That Flooded the Media Regarding Katrina (3 comments)
Mark Karlin: Martin Luther King Had a Dream and Glenn Beck Was Not in It
Anthony Wade: Recognizing Glenn Beck's Religion (11 comments)
Eileen Fleming: Message to Glenn Beck Christians regarding the Holy Land (2 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Karsai Dismisses Prosecutor Pursuing Official Corruption, A Diversion in the Overall Scheme of Things (2 comments)
Shalom Patrick Hamou: *Twist n' Shout: It's a Trap! (10 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Yale University's Pro-Israeli, Anti-Islamic Conference (4 comments)
Monika Mitchell: Obama, Krishna Das, Paradise and Me (1 comments)
Tom Aiken: Glenn's Not So Funny Anymore (4 comments)
David Swanson: Withdraw the Last Combat Politicians from Washington (6 comments)
Saturday, August 28:
michael payne: Israel Seemingly Will Not Rest Until It Sets The Middle East Ablaze (9 comments)
Robert Reich: The Two Stories of This Terrible Economy, Yet Obama and the Dems Won't Tell Theirs (7 comments)
David Glenn Cox: The Stall (2 comments)
Linh Dinh: Kill Them (2 comments)
John McGowan: The Oil Warrior (Satire)
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: Climate Change - Too Important to Leave to Scientists (20 comments)
Brent Budowsky: Republicans plan McCarthyite persecutions (3 comments)
David Michael Green: Our Bloody Valentine
Mike Whitney: "Monetary Shock and Awe": The Fed prepared to launch most Radical Intervention in History (3 comments)
jerry lanson: Liberals should end their lethargy, fight against spread of bigotry
Uri Avnery: Red and Green (1 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Special Footage of Beck's Restoring Honor Rally (11 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: From the Director of the Office of Drug Control, 'I ended the war on drugs'; Who knew ! (2 comments)
Richard Clark: Why is America suffering so much from a recession that Germany largely bypassed? (27 comments)
Rakesh Krishnan Simha: Mother Teresa: Giving Charity an Uncharitable Name (16 comments)
Niloufar Parsi: An Emerging Rupture in Iran
Darren Wolfe: Boycott Philly? Why Philadelphia's Licensing and Taxing of Blogs is Creeping Fascism (36 comments)
Charlene Richards: The Courage Of Our Convictions To Stand and Be Counted (20 comments)
William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.: CA Prop 14 Explained (12 comments)
Bill Hare: Is Glenn Beck Playing Race Card While Being Coy? (3 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Ramsey Muniz: Guilty of Being Latino and Activist in America
Paul Evans: *What It's Like to Be Down and Out In America (11 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: 5 Videos You Should See This Week (August 28th) (1 comments)
Friday, August 27:
David Michael Green: Our Bloody Valentine (1 comments)
MedicalWhistleblower: Privacy, Sealed Records and the Public's Right to Know (1 comments)
Bob Johnson: Two American Dreams: Which One Is Your Priority? (1 comments)
P. L. Thomas: Bitter Lessons from Chasing Better Tests (1 comments)
willem malten: "New START", the proposed CMRR Nuclear Facility and the LASG lawsuit against the DOE and NNSA (1 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Not t*ts but Horns! (7 comments)
Michael Collins: Wikileaks CIA Release -" Say What? (1 comments)
John Sanchez Jr.: Mulling Over Republican Wedge Issues at Eleven Weeks Out (4 comments)
Roland Michel Tremblay: John F Kennedy just won't die (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Loyal Democrats Should be Saying "Ich Bin Ein Progressive" or November Will be a Rout, as Florida Showed Us (35 comments)
Neve Gordon: McCarthy in Israel (1 comments)
Ben Pleasants: Driving Lessons on the Big Island: My Hawaii
Bob Burnett: Republican Faith-Based Politics: The Dumbing of America
DEBRA HOOD: Banking for the Commons (3 comments)
Jeff Poster: Creating Jobs for Dummies (1 comments)
Bob Patterson: Blocking legitmate elections (1 comments)
Shalom Patrick Hamou: *Bonds Hammer Bernanke at Jackson Hole (1 comments)
Scott Baker: An animated interview of John Perkins, author of 'HoodWinked' and 'Confessions Of An Economic Hitman' (2 comments)
Stephen Lendman: America Facing Depression and Bankruptcy (6 comments)
Ray McGovern: Obama Boxed In by Generals on Afghanistan (3 comments)
paul craig roberts: death of the First Amendment -- The Nazification of the United States (13 comments)
Thursday, August 26:
Kevin Gosztola: Responding to the Toxic Anti-Islamic Fervor Growing in This Nation (14 comments)
Tom Hayden: US Combat Ends in Iraq, But Covert Operations Begin (2 comments)
Glen Ford: We Are Cornered: There's No Way Out Without A Fight (31 comments)
Robert Reich: Why Boehner's Blaming Bureaucrats (1 comments)
David Glenn Cox: The Winds of August (3 comments)
Bill van Auken: US primaries: Millionaire candidates, right-wing politics and few voters
Sandy Shanks: The War in Iraq and Other Pesky Issues
Media Matters: Beck's "non-political" 8-28 rally steeped in politics
Cenk Uygur: Ban Glenn Beck from Ground Zero (5 comments)
Robert Weiner: TNSOLS in Tinseltown Show Need to Help Homeless
Rob Kall: Hell is Other People-- or the Other Party; A Dip into hell with the help of Dante and Sartre (18 comments)
Mark Sashine: Mr. President, Come To Lincoln Memorial, Please (1 comments)
Michael Collins: Wikileaks CIA Release - Say What? (2 comments)
Stephen Lendman: The Israeli Lobby: Declassified Documents Expose Its Influence (4 comments)
Chris Floyd: The Taste of Hope and Change: Progressive Sensitivity in U.S. Concentration Camp (1 comments)
Wednesday, August 25:
John R Moffett: Many Progressives will Sit this Election Out (70 comments)
John Grant: President Obama and the curse of the Muslim seed (1 comments)
Jim Hightower: Wall Street's Connected Lobbyists
Keith Pope: The power of the banks (5 comments)
Rev. Dan Vojir: The Church of St. Beck: Can "Divine Destiny" Help Restore Honor To The Christian Right? (3 comments)
sam hamod: Why Is Anyone Surprised Anymore? The Housing Market Is Being Sunk On Purpose. We'll All Drown In It Before It's Over (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Wikileaks New Release: CIA Red Cell memorandum on"What If Foreigners See the United States as an'Exporter of Terrorism?" (17 comments)
PETA: Antibiotic-free or not, meat should be off hospital menus (1 comments)
Daniel Tilson: Good, Bad & Ugly of Florida Primaries (2 comments)
Jann Swanson: For your Consideration: an Example of Christian Sensitivity (3 comments)
Mark Biskeborn: The Pat Tillman Story, a Documentary Movie (2 comments)
Cenk Uygur: Ban Glenn Beck from Ground Zero (4 comments)
Robert Reich: Tax Jujitsu: Why Democrats Should Propose a "People's Tax Cut" (8 comments)
Frederick Alexander Meade: Obama's "Mongrel" Statement: A Manifestation of Strategy and Indifference (6 comments)
Ed Tubbs: August 26, 1920 . . . If you like your freedoms, thank a liberal! (3 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: This Could Only Happen in America
Kevin Zeese: Voter Beware Concentrated Corporate Power is Creating Deceptive Elections (8 comments)
Anthony Barnes: DOCTORS of DECEIT (1 comments)
Bob Patterson: Have The Four Freedoms become a triva answer? (2 comments)
Ryan Hoffman: Religious Responsibility (3 comments)
Stephen Lendman: America's Gulf: Updating the Greatest Ever Environmental Crime (5 comments)
Lora Chamberlain: Beware the Food Safety Modernization Bill in the Senate, please act for the protection of our small farms! (2 comments)
Tuesday, August 24:
Kevin Gosztola: John Boehner's Worst Nightmare (1 comments)
Mike Whitney: Housing Holocaust: Existing Home Sales Plunge, Market Follows (2 comments)
gloria bilchik: St. Louis Arch to get a makeover. One's citizen's view of the options (1 comments)
Linda Milazzo: Unions Are WRONG To Refuse To Build The Mosque (37 comments)
Muqtedar Khan: *Pride and Prejudice at Park51 (3 comments)
Ed Tubbs: Don't let Republican games turn into Republican gains! (1 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Welcome to the Machine (4 comments)
Judith Bello: Gaza in Ashes, GAza in 2003, Gaza in 1956
Kevin Zeese: Iraq War Continues under a New Name: "Operation New Dawn." U.S. Troops Still Fighting and Dying in Iraq (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Notes from Besieged Gaza
Dave Lindorff: Fighting Words: Apply FICA Tax to All Income Including Investment Income and Lower Retirement Age (1 comments)
Brent Budowsky: Ron Paul links Fearmongers and Warmongers
Dave Lefcourt: America's Path of Ignoble Ignominy
Kevin Zeese: Is the Iraq War Over? Are U.S. Troops Still Fighting and Dying in Iraq? (2 comments)
Betsy L. Angert: Progressives. Meek Greene. Strangers in Strange Place (1 comments)
Allan Goldstein: A message from God: You're Fired (8 comments)
Brasch: Another Swing and a Miss for Congress (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Iraq Pullout: Mission Accomplished or Strategic Retreat (1 comments)
Chris Landau: *Boycott the oil companies. Make it a habit. We must change to save our planet. (1 comments)
Pete Eyre: Philadelphia: The City That Bombed Itself
Monday, August 23:
Don Smith: Why Obama can't blame the GOP for his inability to pass progressive legislation (61 comments)
Kathy Malloy: The Incredible, Edible Salmonella (7 comments)
Michael Bond: The Gulf Blowout (2 comments)
Richard Girard: I Will Fear No Evil (2 comments)
Bill Hare: Will Republicans Hang Themselves on a Tea Party Petard? (7 comments)
Judith Bello: A Brief Revisit to the Iraq Election
Steven Forrest: Death of The American Dream (1 comments)
Chyrisse Tabone, Ph.D.: U.S. Air Force assisted BP by spraying dispersants (24 comments)
Robert Jensen: There Are No Heroes in Illegal and Immoral Wars (10 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Washington Orders Shahbaz Airbase Saved, not Pakistan's Flood Victims
Steven Forrest: The Secret to FOX News Success (3 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Faced with Mosque Madness Democrats Invert Frederick Douglass' Key Rule for Change (16 comments)
Terry Patten: Evolutionary Activism: A Bodhidharma Strategy (3 comments)
Mary Shaw: Bush Got His Crusade (6 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Political Killings in Colombia (2 comments)
Sunday, August 22:
michael payne: Osama Bin Laden's Goal to Bankrupt America Edging Closer to Reality (8 comments)
debbie hines: The Muslim Mosque and America's Hypocrisy (5 comments)
Betsy L. Angert: Got A New Sheriff, Elizabeth Warren
Rand Clifford: Energy Sacrifice Zones
Judy Swindler: IRC on American Tea Party Racism: Truth to Power (1 comments)
Bob Patterson: American War Crimes as fodder for debate
David Glenn Cox: Becoming One (6 comments)
Chaz Valenza: Backlash with a Vengeance: Small Investors Pull $33 Billion From Wall Street Banksters (6 comments)
Mark Sashine: 2010: Bob Ewell Goes To Washington (3 comments)
Ed Tubbs: The 'CRITICAL' difference between private and public in public services (4 comments)
Richard Girard: Quo Vadis (1 comments)
Richard Girard: A Terrible History (1 comments)
Bill Simpich: THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part One: Mother, Meyer, and the Spotters)
earl ofari hutchinson: Why Franklin Graham Planted the Muslim Seed in Obama (3 comments)
Medea Benjamin: The Iraq Legacy: Tell It Like It Is (12 comments)
Rob Kall: Earth's plant life: dying on land, dying at sea (15 comments)
Bryian Revoner: One Block or Twenty Blocks? The Arrogance of Right. (1 comments)
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Pakistan's flood disaster and "war on terror'
Stephen Lendman: The Charade Announced: Latest Israeli No Peace/Peace Talks for September
Saturday, August 21:
Gary Vance: Corporate Lobbyists Are Killing Our Democracy (6 comments)
shamus cooke: Obama's Delusions: The Economy and Iraq (3 comments)
Tom Aiken: Billionaire Baloney (4 comments)
P. L. Thomas: Brave Words?: No, But Startling Occasion(s) (1 comments)
Chaz Valenza: The New Normal: A Lot Like Now Only Worse (7 comments)
Dean Hartwell: The Hartwell Manifesto - Creating Dialogue the USA Needs Now (1 comments)
Chris Floyd: Back to the Heart of Darkness in America's Unended War in Iraq (2 comments)
Cenk Uygur: Fox News Comes Out of the Closet (5 comments)
Uri Avnery: When You Say No, Or -- Poisonous Mushrooms (12 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Mideast Peace Talks Back On, Hamas Not Invited to the Table (3 comments)
Diana Lee: Revolution Within to Counter Military Industrial Complex (23 comments)
George Donnelly: The Tea Party Could Bring Fascism to America (5 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: 5 Videos You Should See This Week (August 21st) (11 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Israeli Academic Freedom at Risk
Frank Huzur: Pakistanis Battle Fatal Floodwaters: When the Indus Became the Yellow River of Sorrow (2 comments)
Jonathan Cook: The secrets in Israel's archives: Evidence of ethnic cleansing kept under lock and key (1 comments)
Friday, August 20:
William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.: Nonpartisan Elections in CA, NYC, and the Nation (14 comments)
Curtis Sagmeister: World Domination Lessons From Shampoo
David Michael Green: The Tiger Woods of Nations (3 comments)
Brent Budowsky: Healthcare Fisaco (6 comments)
Thom Hartmann: Iceland is Exporting the Truth (7 comments)
Elayne Clift: The Insanity of Our Times (7 comments)
Dean Baker: When Wall Street Rules, We Get Wall Street Rules (2 comments)
Robert Parry: Spinning the US Failure in Iraq (6 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: As Combat Brigades Leave Iraq, NBC News Corporation Helps Pentagon Manufacture Support for Withdrawal (3 comments)
Bob Burnett: The 2010 Elections: What's at Stake? (2 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Roger Clemons Indicted on Perjury Charges. Is this What the Justice Department Should be Focusing On? (7 comments)
Chantal Laurent: Dark Controversy Surrounds Miss Haiti 2010 Sarodj Bertin (18 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Israel's Bogus Construction Moratorium
Thursday, August 19:
earl ofari hutchinson: No Surprise so Many Think Obama's a Muslim (7 comments)
Mikhail Lyubansky: A Few Words in Favor of Compassion for the Cruel (9 comments)
Cenk Uygur: Fox News Comes Out of the Closet (3 comments)
Farmers Market New Zealand: Pig With a Taste of Pakeha (9 comments)
William Rivers Pitt: Mosques, Muslims and America in Darkness (3 comments)
Bob Patterson: The Case of the Missing Trend-spotting Story
Jacob Freeze: The Blimpie at Ground Zero (2 comments)
Al Rodbell: *Inside the latest California Sex Offender Law (6 comments)
Monika Mitchell: Rethinking Debt: Deadbeat Creditors (3 comments)
Nattavud Pimpa: International business and Beauty Pageants (2 comments)
Niloufar Parsi: How the US Lost Iraq to Iran
John Jonik: Scudder Falls Bridge and The Surveillance State.... (1 comments)
Curt Day: Why Opposing The Ground Zero Mosque Is UnAmerican (2 comments)
Ella: Hitchens off the Wall on Iran and Israel (2 comments)
Linh Dinh: Dissing T-Shirts (2 comments)
Activist Post: Death of the American Dream
Phil Rockstroh: Part Tinker Bell, Part Predator Drone: The Fantasy of the Presidency as Deus ex Machina (4 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Palestine: Occupied, Divided, Isolated, Oppressed and Unaided (2 comments)
John Grant: Maintaining the empire (3 comments)
Wednesday, August 18:
Robert Reich: Why Growth Is Good (1 comments)
Richard Clark: Have Republican economic policies once again made a Great Depression inevitable? (13 comments)
Joshua Sanders: Baby Boomers Experience Murphy's Law Firsthand (3 comments)
Gabriel Donohoe: Snakes And Banksters: A Tale of Reptilian Treachery (2 comments)
Ken Sundheim: 4 Phrases Every Sales Interviewer Wants to Hear (1 comments)
Ralph Lopez: *Killing "Hajis" Where They Pray (3 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: Lebanon scatters a little chicken feed and labels it "manna from heaven"
martinweiss: the meaning of justice, in reply to Mikhail Lyubansky (20 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Reading the Mail (2 comments)
Dave Lindorff: The Mosque Saga: Republican Racists, Media Scumbags and Hypocrites, Democratic and Republican (1 comments)
Chris Floyd: Release the Kagan: Neocon Nabob Hired by Team Obama (2 comments)
Ray McGovern: Can WikiLeaks Help Save Lives? (6 comments)
Chaz Valenza: How to Fight Against the "New Normal" (11 comments)
earl ofari hutchinson: How the Democrats Blew Their Mandate (1 comments)
Tom thompson: We Need NASCAR Rules for Politicians (2 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: The Rise of America's "Shadow Army" (1 comments)
Dean Hartwell: How a Minority Becomes a Majority (3 comments)
Rev. Dan Vojir: We Don't Have To Be Nice Anymore: Is The Christian Right's "Tough Love" Gaining Ground? (3 comments)
Robert Parry: Mosque Furor Endangers US Troops (2 comments)
Joe Bageant: Understanding America's Class System (3 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Guantanamo Detainees Know America's New Normal Far Too Well (4 comments)
Siv O'Neall: NOMA - The Face of Poverty
Jacob Freeze: The Tea-Sucker Manifesto
Sandy Shanks: The Trilogy of Despair as Bin Laden Dances in His Cave (11 comments)
mikel weisser: Birthers Bashing Babies
Frank Smecker: As Radical As Reality: An Interview with Mickey Z (1 comments)
R-CALF USA: Cattle Producers, Farm Advocates Laud Senate Support of USDA's Proposed Livestock Competition Rule
Bill Hare: Why Progressives Should View Robert Gibbs' Rebuke as a Triumph (9 comments)
Milton Lee Norris: President Obama said Muslims Have the Right (5 comments)
Chantal Laurent: The Heritage Foundation Warns Haiti to Stay Clear of Candidates Who Are in Hugo Chavez' Camp (2 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Liberty on Tour in Philadelphia, 8/14/2010
GLloyd Rowsey: The UN, Impunity, and War, by Fidel Castro Ruz (5 comments)
Carol Davidek-Waller: Could Any President Fix This Mess? (29 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Impact of Israeli Military Order No. 1650
Rev. Dan Vojir: We Don't Have To Be Nice, Ctd: Goodness Is Our Sole Propriety (1 comments)
Scott Baker: *The myth of a bankrupt Social Security Trust Fund (10 comments)
shamus cooke: A Permanent Housing Collapse? (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 17:
Kathy Malloy: Mosque Madness (9 comments)
paul craig roberts: Deceptive Economic Statistics: While the economists lied the US economy died (23 comments)
Tom Aiken: The Righties List (1 comments)
P. L. Thomas: Reconsidering Education "Miracles" (1 comments)
Jim Quinn: MASS DELUSION - AMERICAN STYLE (15 comments)
Edward C. Corrigan: Israeli Criticism of Zionism and of Israel's Treatment of the Palestinians: The Academics and Activists (2 comments)
Richard Girard: Feinting Spell (4 comments)
Linh Dinh: Plugged Stupid (1 comments)
OilGuy: They Died Before the Oil Ran Out (2 comments)
Anthony Orlando: *Behind The Mask (Mosque), People Who Use This Issue To Get People To Hate So They Get Votes (1 comments)
PETA: Exotic pets must be outlawed (4 comments)
Judy Ramsey: Collapse and Survival (13 comments)
Lynn Petrovich: Hospital Accounting - "It's Complicated" (for the Love of Universal Health Care) (1 comments)
Bob Patterson: Prickly Problem Perplexes Perfidious Progressive Pundits (1 comments)
Daniel Tilson: *Social Security's 75th Birthday Marred By Republican Party Games (2 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Hamas Supports "Ground Zero Mosque" & Other Messages Damning Religious Freedom to Hell (14 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: American Propaganda (4 comments)
Mark Sashine: As a Jew You Should (28 comments)
Henry Porter: Newsflash: New Yorkers don't care what out-of-town bedwetters think. (2 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Gender-Based Violence in Haiti (1 comments)
Ken Sundheim: Social Media Success - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (1 comments)
Betsy L. Angert: Choice Becomes More Clear; Carole Kaye for Florida House District 86 (1 comments)
Lisa Savage: *BRING OUR WAR $$ HOME: How's the war economy working for you? (1 comments)
Mike Whitney: 25,000 Jews live in Iran (13 comments)
Monday, August 16:
Rory OConnor: The Tillman Story -- Just Give Us Some Truth! (2 comments)
paul craig roberts: How Close Is America's Demise? (25 comments)
Cindy Sheehan: My Interviews With Ethan McCord and Jud Newborn
Dave Lindorff: There's Nothing Wrong with Social Security that Taxing the Rich Fairly Wouldn't Fix (5 comments)
Chris Hedges: Formalizing Israel's Land Grab (2 comments)
Philip Wood: *The New Organized Crime Syndicate (4 comments)
Brent Budowsky: Conservatives should denounce bigotry that hurts American troops (1 comments)
Kathleen Wells: Noam Chomsky on Israel (8 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: "Gates Sees Afghan Progress", Are We Missing Something Here?
Kevin Gosztola: Obama's Wasted Attempt to Stand Up to Islamophobia (1 comments)
Adam Bessie: Chief Judge of 9th Circuit: "1984 here at last," especially for poor (9 comments)
Food and Water Watch West: Water bond delay: When a loss is still a victory
Jay Janson: *Superpower Democracy Mass-murders Abroad! Largest Democracy Mass-murders its Own Children
Rob Kall: Ground Zero Mosque Sensitivity and Terrorism: Mosque Opponents Good For Terrorism, Bad for America (76 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Obama's Gulf Swim Was Fake (9 comments)
Mary Shaw: Alleged Child Soldier On Trial At Gitmo (3 comments)
Michael Collins: Gates to Iraqis - We'll stay, just ask us (6 comments)
Stephen Lendman: The Scott Sisters: Victimized by American Injustice (1 comments)
Rev. Robert Vinciguerra: Sarah Palin Admits Muslims Have Right To Build Mosque Two Blocks From Ground Zero, Yet Hate-Filled Rhetoric Continues (17 comments)
Sunday, August 15:
Joel S. Hirschhorn: Wake Up Obama (2 comments)
Philip Wood: *Social Security up for Grabs (2 comments)
Ed Tubbs: You can thank a liberal for your freedom (9 comments)
Bob Johnson: "Religious Moderate": is it even possible?
Mark Sashine: SUGAR. A bed- time story for our President (1 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: The Danger of an Israeli Attack on Iran (23 comments)
Bob Patterson: Wallowing in Kriegschmerz (2 comments)
michael payne: Here's the "real change" that America desperately needs; and needs it now! (5 comments)
Lawrence Allen: The Thin Ice of August 17th (8 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Universal Jurisdiction to Hold Israel Accountable (4 comments)
Jay Janson: *NY Times Writers Perpetuate Myth of Monster N. Korea Frightening Angelic U.S. (3 comments)
Frederick Alexander Meade: A Third Party: The Choice for the African-American Masses (4 comments)
J. Edward Tremlett: Obama's Mosque Stance Reveals President We Never Had (10 comments)
Rand Clifford: Hemp, and Empire (9 comments)
Saturday, August 14:
debbie hines: Let's Do a Dr. Laura to Dr. Laura (3 comments)
Greg Moses: Obama's Defense of Manhattan Mosque: Strike Three against Mob Rule (7 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Secretary of Defense Gates Defense Savings Just a Bait and Switch (1 comments)
Ed Martin: Getting a Congress that represents us (4 comments)
carrie vance: HYPOCRISY'S FUROR (2 comments)
Don Smith: Undividing the Left: Hard-core and Soft-core progressives (13 comments)
Robert Reich: America's Biggest Jobs Program -- the U.S. Military (9 comments)
Ed Tubbs: My first run-ins with the damning illogic of the Right (7 comments)
Ralph Nader: GM Pollutes On Our Dime While Community Banks Die On The Vine (2 comments)
Dean Hartwell: Reverse the Revolution of 1963 (4 comments)
Paul Thomas: Rugged Individualism and Our Pursuit of Education (7 comments)
Rakesh Krishnan Simha: Exodus: Is the Christian church losing critical mass? (59 comments)
Angola 3 News: Prison Abolition In Practice --Part two of an interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (1 comments)
Hargrove: The N-Word: Laura Schlessinger And Mel Gibson Distinguished . . . (9 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Gaza's Poisoned Water
Kevin Gosztola: 5 Videos You Should See This Week (August 14th)
Friday, August 13:
Mary Bell Lockhart: Immigration -" We not only can handle it, we need it (8 comments)
Bill Hare: Waterboarding and Rendition? Old Hat for CIA Global Police State (7 comments)
Milton Lee Norris: Steven Slater's Rude Awakening; he's no hero. (1 comments)
Mark Karlin: Message from Mars: Psycho GOP TX State Rep Claims "Jihad Moms" are Bearing Children in U.S. as Terrorist Moles (3 comments)
David Michael Green: Our Professional Failure (1 comments)
Mike Whitney: Is Robert Gibbs Right About the "Professional Left"? (14 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: We Hold These Truths... (4 comments)
Paul Rogat Loeb: The Seductions Of Clicking: How The Internet Can Make It Harder To Act (2 comments)
Ralph Lopez: *Wikileaks Soldier Who Found Rocket Launcher at Scene Says No Attack Was Imminent (1 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Beware the Sound of Scurrying Feet: The SS Obama is Going Down (1 comments)
Ed Tubbs: I'm looking for a word (5 comments)
Rob Kall: Republicans and Democrats Pass Unanimous Bill Blaming Friday the 13th on Last Two Years Economic Problems (4 comments)
Mark Sashine: POGANKI (2 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: How Private Prison Corporations Hope Arizona's SB1070 Will Lead to Internment Camps for Illegals (24 comments)
Rob Kall: Does Obama Fear "Bottom Kill" of BP Gulf Well? BP Insider gives a heads up. (4 comments)
Bob Burnett: The Jobs Crisis: What Hit Us? (15 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: There is no "Professional Left" on Cable (2 comments)
Stephen Lendman: From Goldstone to Uribe
Dan Lieberman: The Pavlov Response and the Cordoba House
Michael Collins: Gibbs Outed as Republican Mole (1 comments)
Thursday, August 12:
martinweiss: productivity doesn't work (10 comments)
Betsy Ross: Airport Insecurity (2 comments)
Hosea McAdoo: *PEOPLE, PLEASE RISE TO ACTION! (5 comments)
Rev. Robert Vinciguerra: Conservatives Discover US Constitution (Satire)
Dave Lefcourt: Petraeus on Afghan War, "We need more time". Well so much for next July's Drawdown of Troops (2 comments)
Michael Morrissey: A Psychiatrist Searches for Sanity in a Crazy World (2 comments)
Jay Janson: *Ike's Awful Judgement and Posterity Never Forgiving America'a Nuclear Bombing for Lies (2 comments)
Betsy L. Angert: Exit Strategy or Essentially Endless? (1 comments)
Nicolai N. Petro: Ukraine Can Have Them and Us (1 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Three Days to Revolution (3 comments)
Robert Parry: Don't Try These GOP Alibis at Home
Ken Sundheim: Publicly Traded MBAs, Guilty by Association (1 comments)
Ken Sundheim: Phone Interviewing 101 - Tips and Tricks to Beat the Competition (1 comments)
Ken Sundheim: Management Tips for the 1st Time Manager (1 comments)
Donald: The Betrayal of Democracy (4 comments)
Donald: This Might Work (2 comments)
Ray Lutz: Candidate Lutz says Hunter bill creates black market for cigarettes
Bob Patterson: Kodachrome R. I. P.
Eileen Fleming: *Response to Israel Minister of Justice vis a' vis Human Rights of Mordechai Vanunu (1 comments)
Kellia Ramares: Peak Oil? Yes! Peak Food? I Don't Think So! (10 comments)
Louis Hale: Competition? Cooperation? A Role for Government? (1 comments)
Elaine Cullen: New Military Goals for Japan and Germany? (2 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: As Wall Street Support Shifts from Left to Right, Liberal Pundits Respond to Gibbs' Attack (29 comments)
Monika Mitchell: The Giving Pledge: A New Social Conscience (4 comments)
Tom Aiken: Rupert Murdoch Ain't No Friend Of Mine (2 comments)
Jon Ross: A SIMPLE SOLUTION to get over 3 Million jobs back! (4 comments)
David Glenn Cox: New Money (7 comments)
Joe Walsh: The Activists Meet The Peacemakers (4 comments)
Ann Garrison: On Rwandan President Paul Kagame's Re-Election Stage Play
Joe the Voter: *Religion & Using fear to control "White" America. (11 comments)
Ed Martin: There are no liberals (7 comments)
Garland Favorito: Verifiable Voting Opponents Suffer Dramatic Defeats in Georgia
Stephen Lendman: Net Neutrality Threatened (2 comments)
John Graham: Stephen Slater, Baseball, and the Anger of America (1 comments)
Wednesday, August 11:
John Grant: Bradley Manning and the secret world (2 comments)
paul craig roberts: The Big Things That Matter And The Little Things That Annoy (42 comments)
michael payne: "America's Vital Interests": Code Words Meaning Other Nations' Critical Resources (2 comments)
William Rivers Pitt: The Bad Old Days (1 comments)
Thom Hartmann: The Real Problem is the Professional Right (2 comments)
Bob Patterson: First Installment of "Rove for Rush"
Rob Kall: Gibbs Just Did His Job... Told America What the White House Thinks of Progressives; So here's what we have to do... (81 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Laughing on the Outside (1 comments)
Ralph E. Stone: The Burka: A Taliban Imposed Canvas Prison (3 comments)
Diane V. McLoughlin: FREE GAZA (1 comments)
OilGuy: The Enduring Middle East Strategic Framework Begins to Emerge as Iran Surges, and the US Resiles
Linh Dinh: Wordless Masses (2 comments)
Jim Quinn: DEPLOY THE SLIDE (5 comments)
Eileen Fleming: International Petition for Full Freedom for Mordechai Vanunu (1 comments)
Elias Davidsson: There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime of 9/11 (2 comments)
Curt Day: If Leaking Information Is Wrong, Should Wikileaks Want To Be Right? (1 comments)
Cenk Uygur: Gibbs is Wrong: It Isn't About the Professional Left (8 comments)
Rev. Dan Vojir: The Prop 8 Decision: Can We Laugh Now? (2 comments)
Stephen Lendman: America's Gulf: A Toxic Crime Scene (3 comments)
Teresa Albano: Big Coal backing Rand Paul, GOP (2 comments)
Ted Newcomen: Hope, hopeful, hopefully - The media leitmotifs of the decade (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 10:
Bob Cesca: The BP Disaster Continues Despite the Cheerful Happy Talk
Leo W. Gerard: What's Green, White and Blue? American Jobs
earl ofari hutchinson: Gibbs Need Not Apologize for Blasting the "Professional Left" (5 comments)
Ed Tubbs: My 8-10-2010 email to the White House (11 comments)
Dahr Jamail: Gulf Coast Fishermen Challenge US Government Over Dispersants
Chaz Valenza: America - An "Undeveloping" Country? (2 comments)
PecosinRat: Devil's Tower Badge of Honor (2 comments)
Èzili Dantò: Sean Penn and Wyclef Jean: Hollywood, Hip Hop and Haiti (3 comments)
Stephen Pizzo: From Alice's Restaurant to Dante's Cafe (6 comments)
Samuel Lipari: THE DAY HEALTHCARE REFORM DIED (2 comments)
Nafeez Ahmed: Peak Coal Has Arrived (1 comments)
Joel S. Hirschhorn: Rachel Maddow Misses Journalistic Opportunity (1 comments)
Fannie LeFlore: Understanding and Healing from Sociopaths in Our Midst (13 comments)
Tom Usher: Who is the Family of Humanity, and Why Does Anyone Charge a Member to Eat? (15 comments)
Brian Cooney: The GOP wants to double down on trickle down (7 comments)
Nicolai N. Petro: Why FSB is not the KGB! (1 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: US Has Always Responded To Human Tragedies (4 comments)
Rakesh Krishnan Simha: Missionary Impossible (11 comments)
James Nimmo: Homo-Happy-iens Will Care for Our Own Emotions (2 comments)
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: Who Pulls Obama's Strings? (33 comments)
Teresa Albano: UAW workers cheer president but job woes persist (1 comments)
Rebecca Em Campbell: Judgement Against the Austrian Courts: Persecution of a Troubled Austrian Journalist (1 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Democrats November Strategy, Run Against Bush (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: The Charade Begins: Netanyahu's Flotilla Massacre Probe Testimony
Josh Silver: *Tell Google: Don't Be Evil (1 comments)
Monday, August 9:
Paul Rogat Loeb: What if Verizon Could Censor Your Telephone Conversations: Why Net Neutrality Matters
Kathy Malloy: The New Normal
Dahr Jamail: Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Even when it's not out of sight) (2 comments)
Chris Hedges: The Tears of Gaza Must Be Our Tears (2 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: The Great Gulf Oil Disaster-Seafood Hoodwink (2 comments)
Michael McCray: *Kappa Credit Union Blocks NCUA Liquidation (2 comments)
James Nimmo: Haskell's Rascals Pay for Willful Ignorance
Franklin P. Lamb: What's going on in Lebanon's Parliament this Summer?
Dave Johnson: Tax Cuts Are Theft (1 comments)
James Brett: Building A Mosque (2 comments)
Michael Roberts: The Age Of Rage Continues (11 comments)
Rabbi Michael Lerner: Why Jews Should Rejoice at the Overturning of Prop 8 (3 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Opposition to Race to the Top Not Coming from "Status Quo" People (3 comments)
Ralph E. Stone: In Support of President Obama (7 comments)
Betsy L. Angert: Media and the Message. CNN; Retain Bush Tax Cuts (2 comments)
Dr. Tom Termotto: Environmental and Health Impacts of the BP Gulf Oil Spill (10 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: Obama's Success Against Terrorism Will Benefit Whole World (9 comments)
Carola Von Hoffmannstahl: Empire State Circus Circus: Cuomo, Lazio or Paladino? (2 comments)
Ralph Lopez: *Afghan Blogger Films Survivors of Massacre, Contradicts NATO Denial (2 comments)
Barbara Mason: The Maxine Waters Investigation: What is Iran Doing in this Picture? (2 comments)
Abdus Sattar Ghazali: President Zardari of Pakistan is pelted with shoes at the UK rally
Richmond Gardner: What will the next Congress look like? (4 comments)
Jim Quinn: THE MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES (1 comments)
FAITHCARR: Want Us to Vote for Democrats this November? (11 comments)
Mary Shaw: Another Murder Victim's Family Opposes Death Penalty (6 comments)
Brasch: 'No Drama Obama' Needs a Strong Second Act (18 comments)
Cenk Uygur: Would a Black Judge Have Been Biased in Brown v. Board of Education? (4 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Political Prisoners in America (11 comments)
Jay Diamond: WHY TAXES ARE SUCH A POTENT ISSUE (5 comments)
John Grant: American stupidity (14 comments)
Sunday, August 8:
Jason Miller: They cannot shackle the truth, gag those who speak it, or blind us from seeing it" (1 comments)
Dahr Jamail: Chernobyl Then, the Gulf Now: Out of Sight, Out of Mind (5 comments)
Kevin Zeese: We Need a New Language to Provide a Vision for a New Economy (4 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Hysteria and Intolerance in America
Rob Kall: Thoughts on Killed Humanitarian Mission Members (18 comments)
william hills: A World Federal Government (2 comments)
Bill Hare: CIA: Enforcement Bureau of the Military-Industrial Complex (38 comments)
Niloufar Parsi: the times they are a-changin'
Steve Macek: A Merger That Isn't Comcastic (1 comments)
David Glenn Cox: Mr. Weiner Goes to Hollywood (7 comments)
Jay Janson: *The American Dream for its Whopping Majority. CHARITY from Billionaires! (4 comments)
Edward C. Corrigan: Israeli Criticism of Zionism and of Israel's Treatment of the Palestinians: The Politicians (1 comments)
Stanley Heller: 20 Years After the Sanctions (2 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Israel Prohibiting the Right to Demonstrate (1 comments)
Saturday, August 7:
Ed Tubbs: How wealthy we must be, to toss our kids into the pit (3 comments)
Terrence Aym: US Navy Stunned: Deadly new Chinese Missiles can Sink Every US Supercarrier (22 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: *Are We Crazy? (3 comments)
Jim Quinn: A WEALTHY STIMULUS NEEDED (5 comments)
michael payne: And, So, The Love Affair Ends. President Obama's Political Base Eroding (35 comments)
Monika Mitchell: Do Republicans Hate Small Business? (11 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: 5 Videos You Should See This Week (August 7th) (5 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Bradley Manning: An American Hero (1 comments)
Don Smith: Are the Democrats as bad as the Republicans? Should progressives form their own party? (28 comments)
Friday, August 6:
Brian McAfee: Pakistan Hit By Worst Flood In 80 Years
Mary Pitt: THE WHITE HOT URGENCY OF NOW (4 comments)
Thom Hartmann: Learning About Reality From Fiction: "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo"
Robert Parry: October Surprise Cover-up Unravels (4 comments)
Dean Hartwell: How to Address the Issue of Illegal Immigration (2 comments)
Stanley Lucas: Lugar Calls for Business Reform; Proposes Haitian-American Enterprise Fund
Dean Baker: Crazy Economists Are Still Defending The Wall Street Bailout As The Recession Gets Worse (2 comments)
Susan Galleymore: Confronting a Mindset: "Bombing Hiroshima was Right" (5 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: More on How Physicians Became Torture Doctors for CIA (1 comments)
Bob Burnett: Obama's Failure to Communicate (3 comments)
Eric Lotke: New Unemployment Data: No news. Clear conclusions.
Dave Lefcourt: What Will It Take America? (1 comments)
Kemstone: There is No Immigration Crisis
David Pakman: We're all in a blue state of mind (10 comments)
PETA: Dog trainer wanted: Control freaks need not apply (2 comments)
Albert Gould: Is LA oil spill research a "rigged game"? (1 comments)
Alex Knight: The End of Capitalism? Part 3. Life After Capitalism (1 comments)
David Glenn Cox: The Plan (1 comments)
Betsy L. Angert: Of/By/4; The Belly Belatedly Understood
Mark Harris: Planet Hiroshima 2010 (4 comments)
Linh Dinh: House Slave Syndrome
Carol Everhart Roper: Prop 8 = epic fail! Marriage is a right for everyone (8 comments)
Richard Clark: *The Republican plan to wreck the economy and then blame the Dems. Will it work? (70 comments)
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: The Mass Psychology of Fascism: Not a New Problem (61 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Palestinians Denied Access to Water
Michael Collins: Turkish Military Defies Civilian Rule (8 comments)
Ralph Lopez: *Wikileaks is "Old News?" I Didn't Know This Stuff. (2 comments)
Thursday, August 5:
Patrick Martin: US war criminals threaten WikiLeaks, Private Manning (5 comments)
Chaz Valenza: Your New Job is Coming - Pucker Up America! (6 comments)
Dustin Ensinger: Republicans Protect Multinationals' Profits, Screw 9/11 Heroes (2 comments)
Robert Parry: Accusation of October Surprise 'Lying' (1 comments)
Ed Tubbs: While you were looking elsewhere, your church and the corporations were setting you up (10 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: Now Peace Will Come, Thank You Very Much Obama
Albert Gould: USCG...The newest weapon in PR
Stephen Lendman: Recent Israeli Provocations (1 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Targeted Assassinations: Challenging US Policy (4 comments)
CitizenNYC: Surprise! Liberals Have Been Bushed. (12 comments)
Jay Janson: *"PEACE! PRIZE! oBOMBma!" (step) "HOWmeny KIDSdidjah KILL toDAY?" (repeat in march rhythm)
Jefferson Adams: An Exonerated Doggerel - Poem
Jim Quinn: THE RULING ELITE CALLED (2 comments)
Wednesday, August 4:
Jay Janson: *When the Harry Truman Who Dropped the A-Bomb Gave a Downbeat at the Philharmonic (3 comments)
Curtis Sagmeister: New Gulags Announced For Canada (6 comments)
William Rivers Pitt: New Dawn, Old Story
Jim Hightower: Who Do We Want? Elizabeth Warren! When Do We Want Her? Now! (1 comments)
Robert Parry: George Shultz's Counterfeit 'Coin' (1 comments)
Stephen Pizzo: It's About Character, Stupid! (5 comments)
PrMaine: Relics of a Buddhist Temple II (2 comments)
John Jonik: How Smoking Bans Serve the Corporatocracy (3 comments)
Ralph Lopez: *Rep. Rogers Wants to Execute Wikileaks Whistle Blower Manning, But Voted for Taliban Funding (7 comments)
J. Speer-Williams: Are Cops More Criminal Than Criminals? (11 comments)
Juda S. Engelmayer: Palestinians Using Academics and Liberal Ideals to Promote an Extremist Agenda (7 comments)
Peter Wedlund: IS IT TIME FOR US SANCTIONS ON ISRAEL? (11 comments)
Peter Cohen: A Peace Vision (4 comments)
Joel S. Hirschhorn: 9/11 Truth Truth (3 comments)
Paul Fitzgerald: Is WikiLeaks the antidote to the Washington K Street Kool-Aid (2 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: Terrorists Carry Out Suicide Attack In Peshawar
MedicalWhistleblower: *The Human Rights of Due Process and Effective Remedy
Bill Hare: Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: The Road to Economic Disaster (9 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: Arizona Immigration Law: Just the Old Law Being Enforced or Racial Profiling? (3 comments)
Bernard Weiner: Come the Revolution: Are We There Yet? (21 comments)
Stephen Lendman: The Repressive Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law
Phil Rockstroh: Hanging A Hammock Between Death And The Abyss: A Götterdämmerung Of Kitsch (3 comments)
Tuesday, August 3:
virginius "gin" arnold: open Letter to the U.S. Congress From those of us in the MIddle (6 comments)
the web: *Tell Katie Couric to Get the Facts on Women's Rights in Afghanistan
Danny Schechter: Wall Street's Collapse, 3 Years Later
Ray McGovern: Memorandum for: The President, Subject: WAR WITH IRAN (49 comments)
Jim Arnold: We've Got to Organize! (12 comments)
Jeffrey Toney: Affordable Care Act - Will Promises Become Reality? (2 comments)
Susan Thomson: *Kagame will be Rwanda's next president. Then what? (2 comments)
Kevin Zeese: Can Americans Who Oppose War and Empire Work Together? (2 comments)
earl ofari hutchinson: Maxine Waters the Democrat's Sacrificial Lamb (5 comments)
Brent Budowsky: Future Shock: Dems to Keep the Congress (1 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: Israel Moves To Deport Children of Invited Workers
Mark D. Kimball: What The Parties Are Missing (7 comments)
David Glenn Cox: No Ordinary Utensil (6 comments)
Henry Pelifian: Political Royalty (3 comments)
Andrew Steele: WikiLeaks documents-- disinformation or not-- are being used for anti-Iran propaganda (10 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: Is US-led Coalition Losing Battle Against Taliban?
Joe Quinn: Beware Julian Assange and Wikileaks - Darlings Of The Mainstream Media (21 comments)
Daniel Tilson: *Reconstruction vs. Deficit Reduction: The Either/Or Mythmakers (3 comments)
Stephen Lendman: The Liberal Media: Rest in Peace (1 comments)
John Grant: The new Afghanistan policy: Murder Inc. (1 comments)
Monday, August 2:
Rev. Robert Vinciguerra: On the Neuroticism of Fox News Viewers
Kathy Malloy: Water, Water Everywhere, And . . . (2 comments)
Lora Chamberlain: *Urgent - SB 510 Will Allow Government to Put You in Jail for Growing,Sharing, Trading and Sharing Homegrown Food (2 comments)
Kevin Zeese: Watchdogs call for pre-recess vote on Disclose Act (2 comments)
Robert Parry: Washington's Ethical Double Standard (1 comments)
Michael Roberts: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. PRESIDENT (15 comments)
Enver Masud: Fear Paralyzes U.S. Muslim 'Leaders' (4 comments)
Mark Sashine: Time to Envy (4 comments)
wagelaborer: "I Don't Care About the Facts" (2 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Journalists in Name Only: Just(?) 50,000 Non-Combat(?) Troops in Iraq (3 comments)
michael payne: The Blood-Stained Hands Of Congress; War Wins Again, Our Kids Lose (3 comments)
Betsy L. Angert: A Birth Date Plea; Presidential Power in a Democracy
Matt & Zach Smith: On Laws and Rights of Return (1 comments)
Steve Burns: Time Magazine's concern for Afghan women (8 comments)
Adam Bessie: Public Education Under Attack By Bay Area Media
Muhammad Khurshid: Flood Devastated Tribal Areas And Parts Of Pakistan (3 comments)
Kevin Powell: Why is Congressman Ed Towns Suing Opponent Kevin Powell?
Mary Shaw: Immigrants Have Human Rights (6 comments)
Stephen Lendman: Honduran Junta Murdering Journalists
Michele Paiva: *The BP Oil Crisis is actually A Global Health Crisis (1 comments)
Sunday, August 1:
Krishna Hari Pushkar: Weak State: Foreigners Disobeying the Laws of Nepal
Cindy Sheehan: Metrics (12 comments)
Ed Tubbs: I need some help here. Actually, we all do. (6 comments)
Daniel Tilson: Plenty Of Ass For Democrats To Kick (2 comments)
Sandy Shanks: Expanded Presidential "War" Power: a Time-Bomb Threatening Our Democracy (10 comments)
Mohammad Ala: The Priceless Heritage in a Name
Dave Johnson: The Strengthen Social Security Campaign (2 comments)
Ed Martin: Lessons not learned: Shirley, Andrew is not the one who fired you (2 comments)
Ismael Hossein-zadeh: Holes in the Keynesian Arguments against Neoliberal Austerity Policy--Not "Bad" Policy, But Class Policy (5 comments)
paul craig roberts: Let Them Eat Cake (50 comments)
Dave Lefcourt: "Rattling the Taliban", Targeting Its Leaders (1 comments)
Anthony Barnes: ERRORS AND NO FACTS: Business as Usual at Fox News (11 comments)
Kevin Gosztola: The Saturday News Hangover's Special Show on Wikileaks
Michael Collins: Wikileaks' Julian Assange and Conspiracy Theories (3 comments)
Rev. Dan Vojir: Danger! Right Wingnuts! Danger! Home Depot And The Homosexual Agenda Approaching! Danger! (8 comments)
Joshua Sanders: International Officials Attempt to Deal with "Systemic Risk"
Stephen Lendman: Palestinian Detainee Abuse During Operation Cast Lead
Dean Hartwell: Road to 9/11 Truth Goes through Cleveland (5 comments)