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September 2013

Monday, September 30:

Republicans on Crack, Democrats Forget their Job (19 comments)

Why Obama and the Democrats Shouldn't Negotiate with Extortionists (5 comments)

Keystone Pipe Dreams

Much Ado About Nothing: EDF Fracking Study Misguided and Irrelevant (1 comments)

Is the Pope Really Ready to Address the "Woman Question"? (4 comments)

"The Other Keystone": Seattle Gears Up for Direct Action Against Coal Export Plan

The Media's broken record on the need to cut Social Security and Medicare (2 comments)

A single-payer system, like Medicare, is the cure for America's ailing healthcare (16 comments)

New Snowden leak: NSA is monitoring the Internet histories of millions of Americans (4 comments)

Fruit of the Same Tree: How to Understand the Tea Party (12 comments)

The Sparks of Rebellion (36 comments)

Amid Shutdown Scrambling, a Powerful Reminder that DC Should Be a State

The NSA Deserves a Permanent Shutdown (7 comments)

Israel and Iran: Is Netanyahu Winning or Losing? (3 comments)

On the Eve of Obamacare: Too Smart to Really Fix Our Health Care System, So We Count the Dead (14 comments)

Disappearing the Whistleblower: We Would Not Be Talking About NSA Without Edward Snowden (1 comments)

This Way (2 comments)

Republicans Hate The US Government and Want to Destroy It! (1 comments)

The Covert War in Pakistan (3 comments)

Welcome to the New Syria - Reprise

*"Breaking Bad": Character is Fate (9 comments)

Sunday, September 29:

The Real Bomb (2 comments)

How the US is enabling Syriastan (3 comments)

We Live Under a Total Surveillance State in America -- Can We Prevent It from Evolving into a Full-Blown Police State? 5 (1 comments)

Kenya terrorist attacks: What will it take to ensure our security? (4 comments)

*Rape Culture and the Drunk Co Ed Fallacy (6 comments)

Quantitative Easing Announcement Triggers Buying Frenzy: Bernanke's Head Fake Sends Stocks Soaring

"Freedom's just another word...': The Police State of America (5 comments)

Time to "Shut Down" the Craven, Irresponsible Republican Agents of Destruction (15 comments)

A Simple Low Aisles, Low Word Count Diet (28 comments)

Can we just not call it food? (15 comments)

Saturday, September 28:

Brian Williams' Iran propaganda (4 comments)

Gary Brumback: Tyranny's Hush Money (8 comments)

Dives & Lazarus: a catechism of liberation theology (Sunday Homily) (5 comments)

Pakistani PM Seeks Normalization with India. But India's Bid for Regional Hegemony Makes it Difficult. (2 comments)

The Four Eras of the American Right (11 comments)

The Latest Poster Boy for Congressional Grandstanding and the Threat to Shut Down the Government Again (2 comments)

Show Love for Lynne Stewart & All Political Prisoners - Act Now! (13 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Passing the Torch to a New Generation of Syrians

FATCA: a Tool of the Electronic Surveillance State (2 comments)

*The Administration's Official Response to Saving the Post Office is total B.S. (7 comments)

American Workers: Hanging on by the Skin of Their Teeth (24 comments)

Friday, September 27:

People Want Full Medicare for All (21 comments)

URI Professor meets with Vladimir Putin, other world leaders

In the future there will be no interest on money (6 comments)

Sen. Ron Wyden: NSA "repeatedly deceived the American people" (3 comments)

Our Kamikaze Congress! (3 comments)

We Need a Dandelion Insurrection

Facts Don't Matter In Politics (28 comments)

Looting the Pension Funds (1 comments)

Are computers & automation decimating the middle class & does access to elite jobs need to be shared more equitably? (2 comments)

College Protests Against Absence of War Led by Professors (12 comments)

Why Does One Fourth of Humanity Hate Us? (4 comments)

Replace Third Party Delusions With A Political Boycott (11 comments)

Who Will "Punish" Us? Photographs and Testimony about United States' Use of Chemical and Radiation Weapons (3 comments)

Selling Obamacare (7 comments)

*Will Burma amend constitution for genuine Federalism?

Discriminating Taste: Sexism in America--A Continuing Story

Thursday, September 26:

New CNN Host Newt Gingrich Is Already Violating Network Rules (1 comments)

The Trouble with ZIRP -- Crushing the Middle Class (3 comments)

Syrian Rebels Embrace al-Qaeda (1 comments)

Dumb Education versus Smart Technology (5 comments)

Defend de Blasio Now (2 comments)

Have You Had Enough of the Madness of Capitalism? Is It Time To Consider What Marx Really Said? (63 comments)

Obama's Justice Department: Trumpeting a New Victory in War on Freedom of the Press (6 comments)

EXCLUSIVE: Former Gov. Don Siegelman Brings the Hammer Down on Tom DeLay from Prison (3 comments)

Thanks For Asking, Fix the Debt! (1 comments)

The Federal Government's War on King Went Far beyond NSA Taps (2 comments)

Cruz Control (1 comments)

Is America exceptional? (7 comments)

Let's Join in a Moment of Silence for Victims of Mass Shootings; and Then Again and Again (6 comments)

SAT Scores Under 50 Percent - Again (12 comments)

*Thanking Dear Pres. Evo Morales, but Please! "PROSECUTABLE" US Crimes Against Humanity (5 comments)

Thomas Riggins: De Blasio and the Sandinistas (5 comments)

Wednesday, September 25:

UK detention of Reprieve activist consistent with NSA's view of drone opponents as "threats" and "adversaries" (2 comments)

If Ecocide and World War Are To Be Avoided, Must We Somehow Step Off the Hyperproduction-Hyperconsumption Treadmill? (6 comments)

Hmmm, Where the Hell Did This "Money is Evil" Pope Come From? (25 comments)

Rouhani surfs the new WAVE (1 comments)

What Klutz Handles Putin's PR? (2 comments)

Fake-Blustering Ted Cruz Has a Plan to Get the America He Wants: Minority Rule (2 comments)

Is Election in the KRG area of Iraq dividing Kurdish people further or not?

Governor of Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer Acted As a Foreign Agent for U.S. Security Apparatus Banking Cartel (1 comments)

Are We Getting Ahead of Ourselves Hoping for a Diplomatic Breakthrough Between the U.S. and Iran?

Obamacare: It's Better Than You Think (6 comments)

Toward a Strategy for Global Revolution (2 comments)

Sabotaging Obamacare Is a Lucrative Endeavor for Some (1 comments)

Occupy Everything. Did We Ever Give It Back? (2 comments)

Oh really? Obama tells UN America Opposes Violence to Suppress Dissent (1 comments)

Our Road to Elysium

Abu Ghraib Whistleblower Receives Multiple Life Sentences (7 comments)

A Review of President Hassan Rouhani's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly (7 comments)

Balancing Accountability and Fairness: The Ongoing Battle Between Social Justice and Criminal Justice (4 comments)

Top 45 Lies in Obama's Speech at the U.N. (5 comments)

Hell To Pay: Francis Tells The Christian Right To "Back Off" And Instantly Becomes The Anti-Christ (4 comments)

The Dark Side of Saudi Petro-dollars

On Obamacare (2 comments)

Why Are the Majority of Americans Pissed? (23 comments)

*Dealing Distance Death by Drone is Despicable! (2 comments)

The Bible as Weapon: My Response to Christian Bullying (52 comments)

Tuesday, September 24:

Obama's Friends in Low Places

US and Iran set to meet at UN

Dignity and Recognition (2 comments)

The First Cut is the Deepest

America: A nation dominated by political madness and shame

The GOP and the ACA (11 comments)

Washington's Tyranny (28 comments)

A crash course in Somalization, from Syria to Kenya (2 comments)

The Fruits of Obama's Syria "Defeat" (3 comments)

Dangerous Addiction to Secrecy (1 comments)

Protection from Tyranny? The Second Amendment as a Means to Protect the State, Not Overthrow It (7 comments)

Why the GOP Thinks Hillary Is Their Perfect Foil (2 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *Will the Pope's Interview Lead Dolan and Other Catholic Theocons to Change a Wee Bit? (7 comments)

Snowden is Not My Name

My Barber, a Conservative, Looks "Down" for the Reason for his Ills (5 comments)

Louisiana Man Gets Twenty Years for Half Ounce of Pot (1 comments)

What We Could Do with a Postal Savings Bank: Infrastructure that Doesn't Cost Taxpayers a Dime (13 comments)

Monday, September 23:

The support of anti-choice candidates by brand-name corporations fuels the national war on women

Fifty Years after the August 28, 1963, March on Washington

Modern Conservatism, or: Who Says That We're Our Brother's Keeper? (3 comments)

Bye-Bye, Miss American Pie . . .

Emotional Labor In the Workplace: A Prelude for Violence? (7 comments)

Welcome to the Hotel Bo Xilai (2 comments)

America in Distress, The Sinister Actions by the Government

The House Republicans' Dangerous New Constitutional Doctrine: Repealing Laws by De-Funding Them (2 comments)

Iran's Rouhani: "The World Has Changed"

Sandra Lindberg: Freedom of Expression: A Hollow Right Without the Power to Create Change (1 comments)

A Black Hole Between Neuroscience and Mental Illness (2 comments)

Common Core: A Lesson Plan for Raising Up Compliant, Non-Thinking Citizens (102 comments)

The Act of Killing (3 comments)

Spy Agencies Are Doing WHAT? (2 comments)

The Wall Street Journal Pines for the Return of Liar's Loans (1 comments)

Various items: NSA stories around the world

It Was the Best of Weeks, It Was the Worst of Weeks

How to Be More than a Mindful Consumer (2 comments)

Draw the Line is About a Lot More than Keystone XL (2 comments)

Carnage at Pakistan church after Sunday mass: 81 killed in suicide bombing

A Tale of Two Congress Members (1 comments)

Of Brawls, Businessmen and The Surrogates For Self-Indulgence: The Gotta-Have-It Greed Over iPhones Says A Lot (1 comments)

Fukushima Economics (3 comments)

In bankrupt Detroit, a phony Emergency Manager creates his own 9-11 emergency! (6 comments)

Sunday, September 22:

*Is Burma's Government interested in genuine democracy?

Weaponized Profits: The US Health Care System (21 comments)

The media's complicity in cutting Social Security and Medicare (3 comments)

Gun control is not an option . . . it is a necessity to save lives! (189 comments)

Will peace prevail in the Middle East? (1 comments)

*Money Matters: Fixing America's Financial Mess (4 comments)

American Bile (3 comments)

*U.S. Nuclear Policy: Where's our credibility? (1 comments)

Ending One War, Ending All Wars (2 comments)

Saturday, September 21:

US threatens war while considering talks with Syria, Iran (4 comments)

Two-State Solution or Illusion? (1 comments)

Another Fine Mess: Our Disappearing Rights (8 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: 31 Years After the Massacre at Sabra-Shatila (1 comments)

Forbes Calls Goldman CEO Holier Than Mother Teresa (2 comments)

Humankind's Most Dangerous Moment: Fukushima Fuel Pool at Unit 4. "This is an Issue of Human Survival." (17 comments)

Conversations on Palestine: the role and failure of journalism (1 comments)

Militants, Pakistan and 2014 (1 comments)

Locked Up to Disenfranchize (4 comments)

Death Every Night in Chicago Yet the Gun Lobby Prevails (21 comments)

The eternal curse of debt money (8 comments)

WELLS-FARGO: Despicable from Beginning to End! (3 comments)

To win dirty war in Syria, Obama admin ignores Al Qaeda chemical weapons program (28 comments)

*Ratify Article the First to Return the Government to We the People (2 comments)

Friday, September 20:

Stolen Wars (8 comments)

Ham and Iron: America's Middle East Policies in Action (1 comments)

*Obama and Putin Play Newman and Redford's "Sting" and Bite the Warrior Class Too? (5 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *Pope Francis Is a Male Chauvinist (7 comments)

Guns are cool . . . oh really? Gun control . . . dead on arrival? (2 comments)

Generation Opportunity, New Koch-Funded Front, Says Youth Are Better Off Uninsured (1 comments)

Toothless policies and toothy publics (2 comments)

This Pope Could Save the Catholic Church, And Maybe, America (37 comments)

How Wall Street Devoured the Recovery

Heaven Forefend the Pope Is Sane! (19 comments)

Obama's Economy: 6 Truths

Postcard from the End of America: Atlantic City (5 comments)

Thursday, September 19:

How Fake 2nd Amendment History Kills (29 comments)

Acceptance speech for the Sean MacBride Peace Award for Chelsea Manning (2 comments)

Chemical Weapons Expert: U.S. Deadline for Syrian Chemical Weapons Is Contrary to International Law

The war on whistleblowers and journalism (1 comments)

The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act would reduce the risk of another crash (8 comments)

Wall Street celebrates Fed decision to maintain pace of money-printing (3 comments)

Senator John McCain: Russians deserve better than Putin (16 comments)

Black America More Pro-War Than Ever (2 comments)

What "Sanctions" Will Happen if the Rebels Are Shown To Have Used Sarin Gas? (1 comments)

Building Real Peace

War Inc. (2 comments)

JillSimpson JimSimpson: Barrett Brown's Judge - A Look At The Man Beneath The Robe (1 comments)

Thursday Republican Controlled House Scheduled To Vote On Aid To Poor

Give peace a chance . . . because the alternative sucks! (6 comments)

2013 Sierra Club John Muir Award Accepted on Behalf of Fallen Environmental Justice Warriors (1 comments)

The New Privateers: Civil Forfeiture, Police Piracy, and the Third-Worldization of America (4 comments)

*Top 10 Reasons Why U.S. Majority Pushed Back On Syria (14 comments)

No War on Syria Speech (video)

Wednesday, September 18:

Red Lines And Green Lights -- Israel Still Angling For Attack On Syria And Iran

Women Value Friendship

Blind Man's Bluff (1 comments)

The High Homicide Rate in America and Guns (10 comments)

*On Sovereignty 3 (1 comments)

In An Age Of "Realists" And Vigilantes, There Is Cause For Optimism (5 comments)

Will Eric Holder guarantee NSA reporters' first amendment rights? (4 comments)

Your Household Lost Seven Thousand Dollars Last Year. Where Did It Go? (3 comments)

President Obama: Reject Keystone XL, Promote Clean Energy (1 comments)

Observations from Boulder Flood Relief (6 comments)

Nuts? (Mark Twain on the Navy Yard Shooting) (12 comments)

Italy's Health Care System Is Much Better than Ours! (24 comments)

Under Republican plan, 3.8 million would lose food stamps in 2014

Israel Sides with Syrian Jihadists (1 comments)

The Armageddon Looting Machine: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives (10 comments)

Two Distinctly Different Interpretations Of Exceptionalism (10 comments)

Keystone XL Pipeline: Just Another Major Abuse of Corporate Power (2 comments)

When Posting a Website Link is a Crime (3 comments)

While Republicans Threaten To Defund It, The ACA Takes Us Closer To Single Payer (4 comments)

Is Unfettered Capitalism a fair and equitable economic system for a democracy? (15 comments)

Glenn Greenwald and the Failures of Mainstream Journalism (2 comments)

Tormenting the Souls of Religious Arabs: "Arab Spring' Degrades into Sectarian Counterrevolution

The Relative Irrelevance of Barack Obama! (7 comments)

Mr. Obama, Tear Down This Wall! (3 comments)

The Dead Rhetoric of War (19 comments)

Tuesday, September 17:

US, UK and France stress threat of force against Syria

D.C. Shooter Would Not Have Gotten Much Help from the GOP (2 comments)

Putin does Americans a Middle East favor (1 comments)

The People Win as Lawrence Summers Trades Power For Wealth

Pakistani National TV Reveals Obama's Claim To Have Killed Osama Bin Laden Is "An American Hoax" (7 comments)

When is a Terrorist Attack Not a Terrorist Attack? (3 comments)

One Libertarian's Answers to 11 Questions about Libertarian Hypocrisy (64 comments)

*Crazy gunmen threatening US freedom (2 comments)

All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Chapter 1) (3 comments)

Memo to Washington: The Occupy Movement Is Very Much Alive (8 comments)

Murky Clues from UN's Syria Report (2 comments)

The "Rampage" at Washington Navy Yard yesterday, a perspective (1 comments)

Syria: Jubiliation is Unwarranted

Ryan White Is Alive And Well And Living In Arkansas: What The Pea Ridge School Incident Tells Us About HIV Discriminatio (4 comments)

Higher Bank Capital Requirements are Necessary but not Sufficient (5 comments)

Monday, September 16:

"We Just Wish for the Hit to Put an End to the Massacres" (17 comments)

The Populist Rebellion That Tripped Up Larry Summers (2 comments)

Not the Last, Just the Next (1 comments)

Covert NY -- Small-Town Democracy in Action (4 comments)

A Struggling Woman and Eternal Truth of life (2 comments)

Anniversary Present For Wall Street Banks: A Financial Speculation Tax (1 comments)

Mysteries That Keep Me Awake at NIght (3 comments)

The Demise of Unions and Why We Need to Revive Them (15 comments)

The Origins of Our Police State (9 comments)

The Myth of the 'Free Market' and How to Make the Economy Work for Us (3 comments)

Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals (17 comments)

Arms and the Man: "The French Army Watches Over Your Safety" (2 comments)

Holder's Latest Lies Obscured by Syria (3 comments)

Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens (8 comments)

10. What is a Ponzi Scheme? - from Alternative Economics 101: Tax Your Imagination! (1 comments)

The GOP Still Hell Bent to Make Obama a Failed President (24 comments)

Syria: What The Hell Is Going On? (3 comments)

This Needs Challenging: Hunter Harrassment Law (19 comments)

Miley, MTV and the Continued Assault on Young Girls (10 comments)

Let's Leverage War Outrage--to Stop TPP from Colonizing Us (4 comments)

Obama a disappointment (but better than Republican cuckoos) (2 comments)

Keeping Guantanamo on American minds (1 comments)

Syria, Chemical Weapons, Ban Ki-moon, the UN - and the Real Story

Sunday, September 15:

Endless Fukushima catastrophe: 2020 Olympics under contamination threat (1 comments)

Admit It: Things Are Going Well (6 comments)

Trust and Verify and Vomit (5 comments)

Update: Is there a media blackout on the fracking flood disaster in Colorado?

Arms and the Man: Who is Chief UN Peacekeeper Herve Ladsous? (1 comments)

Eugene Robinson on Syria, Obama and American Exceptionalism

Do Syrian Rebels Have Sarin? (1 comments)

Happy Birthday Occupy (2 comments)

Inside the mind of NSA chief Gen Keith Alexander (2 comments)

The New New Left Is Coming (19 comments)

Would Proposed Federal Shield Law Have Protected New York Times Reporter James Risen? (3 comments)

Obama Aides Indicate He May Tell Truth (3 comments)

Quick Trip to Cairo Opens Eyes, Heart (3 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: "Go Tell It on the Mountain, From the Peaks of Qasioun!"

The Biology of Evil (7 comments)

Real Growth as against Apparent Growth

America IS Exceptional And That Needs to Be Cured (54 comments)

Elysium: When the Ruling Class Makes Hell on Earth for Everyone Elae (2 comments)

Young Israeli Jews want an attack on Syria, but older ones say Obama missed his chance

Saturday, September 14:

Peaceful Pause Delivers "Stunning" News (1 comments)

How War on Syria Lost Its Way (7 comments)

Is the Housing Recovery Over? (2 comments)

McCain baffles Russian communists promising to respond to Putin's op-ed in Pravda (7 comments)

Friday, September 13:

A Good War (1 comments)

China stitches up (SCO) Silk Road (2 comments)

Pity Our Beloved but Fractured State, Pakistan

How a Koch Brothers "Business League" Spent $236 Million to Frame the Debate

The Oslo Accords' Calamities (1 comments)

Five Ways a Wider Syrian War Could Go Nuclear (4 comments)

Rewarding "Group Think" on Syria (1 comments)

The Obama Doctrine (3 comments)

Systemic Causation and Syria: Obama's Framing Problem (2 comments)

Jobs (3 comments)

Obama's Humiliating Defeat (2 comments)

Empire, Hypocrisy and Deflection (2 comments)

Another Day of Infamy--September 15, 1963 (10 comments)

*No Vengeance No Prosecution of Deadlier CIA 9/11 Attack on Chile 1973 (4 comments)

A Satiric Phone Conversation between Presidents Assad and Putin (3 comments)

Thursday, September 12:

The Racial Ghosts of the Birmingham Church Bombing Still Haunt America

Why Syrian Rebels May Block CW Plan (1 comments)

Putin Steps Into World Leadership Role (62 comments)

Obama Seems to Be Managing on Syria (4 comments)

*The Voice of Vladimir Putin (43 comments)

Women working in print and electronic media (1 comments)

From Speedy Release to 'Bounce-Back:' Hospitals Under the Thumb

The American People Have Spoken: No More War Abroad, More Jobs at Home (19 comments)

New York City to be Anti-War Bastion under Bill de Blasio (1 comments)

Don't Forget the Prisoners in Guantanamo and Those in Solidarity with Them (4 comments)

11 Questions You Should Ask Libertarians to See if They're Hypocrites (20 comments)

Crises Today, Catastrophe Tomorrow (1 comments)

Are Christian Principles to be Found in Capitalism? Scalia Thinks So! (4 comments)

America's Domination Over The Nations of the World is Coming to an End (21 comments)

Syria: No Better Angels

War Weary Public Rejects Attacking Syria (3 comments)

Mexico Report: Teachers Occupy Zocalo, Progress Stalls (1 comments)

Who ended the Syrian Crisis, Putin or Pope Francis? Reflections on the Pope's Peace Vigil in St. Peter's Square (8 comments)

Obama, Putin, and Assad: It Just Gets Weirder

The Shortest Path to Peace in Syria (1 comments)

Pakistan denies reports of prisoner swap ahead of talks with Taliban

US not at war with Syria! (1 comments)

The people spoke through the eloquence of unity on Syria (2 comments)

A President Under Fire

Wednesday, September 11:

Requiem for a Whistleblower (2 comments)

Socio-Political Earthquakes

From Emergency to Emerge 'n See - The Upwising Is Gaining Momentum

Wrath (3 comments)

Thomas Riggins: John Gray, David Hawkes, and the Myth of Progress (2 comments)

We Don't Need Petitions (3 comments)

Al-Qaeda's Air Force Still On Stand-By (3 comments)

"Attack on America" (12 comments)

Eminent Domain - a Gift Horse or Trojan Horse? (1 comments)

*Derail Ray Kelly--Mr. Stop, Frisk and Strip Search--from Becoming Homeland Security Chief (2 comments)

Charlie Rose: Media Straight Man for Bashar el-Assad

Obama Still Withholds Syria Evidence (2 comments)

NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel (2 comments)

Was Lincoln Wrong to Fight to Preserve the Union? (49 comments)

9/11: A Reminder and Opportunity to Say No to War (3 comments)

Syria: thank Congress's resistance to war for the chance of a diplomatic deal

Copping out once more on the crisis in Syria! (1 comments)

Tuesday, September 10:

Assad's Ordering Of Chemical Attack Questioned (1 comments)

Obama's speech on Syria - analysis (22 comments)

A Bloodless War... (13 comments)

Beware Capitalist Tools (13 comments)

Do warmongers dream of playing chess? (3 comments)

Too Many Years Of Lies: From Mossadeq to 9/11 (95 comments)

Does collecting welfare beat working? Cato Institute thinks so (4 comments)

Obama Remembers He's Not George W. Bush

From Hiroshima to Syria, the enemy whose name we dare not speak (8 comments)

What is the Case for Syria? (3 comments)

*Top Activist Lawyers and Paralegals Group Opposes US Crime Against Humanity? (2 comments)

Getting Off The Tree

All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Introduction) (5 comments)

*On Sovereignty and U.S, Precedents for Making War (4 comments)

Syria Distraction Gone, What Will Obama Use to Cover Passage of TPP or a Comparable Sneak Attack on the Middle Class? (11 comments)

Recycling a Bush Iraq Ploy on Syria

Beyond the Democratic Socialist and Green Agendas (5 comments)

African Americans and American Gun Culture

World's Oldest Constitutional Democracy Saved from Committing Self Inflected Wound on Itself by Ex KGB Head Putin (2 comments)

*Criminalize Political Lies to Save Planet Earth (1 comments)

9. The National Debt is the Inverse of Inflation - from Alternative Economics 101 / TAX Your Imagination! (5 comments)

Education: Who will speak for the children? (17 comments)

Zimmerman Proves Again and Again that Zimmerman was Never the Victim (15 comments)

An Affront to the First Amendment: SCOTUS Prohibits Peaceful Demonstrations On Its Property (7 comments)

Religious Freedom: Free to Leave If You Don't Believe. (4 comments)

The Other Super Power Is Winning (7 comments)

*So Killing Civilians in Syria Avenges Killing Civilians How?

Not with a Bang but a Whimper -- the SEC Enforcement Team's Propaganda Campaign (1 comments)

LEST WE FORGET: On the Twelfth Anniversary of September 11, 2001 (3 comments)

Obama Pauses Again; Peace Wins, AIPAC Loses (10 comments)

Monday, September 9:

The Larry Summers Confirmation Hearing Would Be a Political Nightmare (1 comments)

How the White House and the CIA Are Marketing a War in the YouTube Era (5 comments)

How to Slow Down the Rush to War: What Obama Should Do About Syria (3 comments)

The (farcical) emperor is naked (3 comments)

It Is Israel (4 comments)

Overcoming 'Overburden': The Climate Crisis and a Unified Left Agenda (8 comments)

Farewell to Big Sister: Janet Napolitano's Orwellian Legacy Lives On

Blow Something Up

Mark John Maguire: The People v the President: a dilemma for democracy (1 comments)

Animal and Dog Cruelty in Spain (7 comments)

CORRECTED REPEAT -- Obama's Case for Syria Didn't Reflect Intel Consensus

"CIA fabricated evidence to lure US into war with Syria" (2 comments)

Cornel West and the Fight to Save the Black Prophetic Tradition (5 comments)

Kerry Couldn't Sell a Used Car

Fukushima 3X Worse Than Chernobyl-- Japanese Government Cleanup Takeover Implications (19 comments)

Time to Reveal US Intel on Syria (11 comments)

The Path from 9/11 to Syria (1 comments)

The Rule Of Zombies: Why Are Obama and Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War? (19 comments)

The Washington Kabuki Theater Presents "Who Can You Trust?" Starring Barack Obama and John Kerry (7 comments)

Six Ways to Pay for Climate Change (1 comments)

*Is Obama's pitch to Americans on Syria kosher? (3 comments)

*America's Tricky Relationship with Chemical Warfare (1 comments)

The Dead Bodies They Won't Show Us Pictures Of (3 comments)

Mission Congo: Exposing Pat Robertson's Fraud May Be Shocking, But Will It Shock People Enough? (4 comments)

Kaiser Obama - From WWI to WWIII

Creating Effective Regulation is the Imperative Issue at the Federal Reserve (2 comments)

Sunday, September 8:

Labor continues to suffer in this recovery; but corporate profits soar (2 comments)

Obama: Shrewd or Just Stupid? (6 comments)

Tell Kristof to Stop Lying on Syria

Thomas Farrell: *Congress Should NOT Vote for a Military Attack on Syria to Punish Assad (1 comments)

Is War on Syria Veering Off-Script? (2 comments)

Big Lies Need Big Liars (1 comments)

Debt money and the buzzing of flies (13 comments)

*Fall Climate Change Preview (2 comments)

Mexico in Nutshells, On the Eve of Protest (1 comments)

NSA encryption story, Latin American fallout and US/UK attacks on press freedoms (1 comments)

A Last Hurrah for Unilateralism

Will the US attack the Syrian Kurdish people under the leadership of the PYD freedom fighters?

War in Syria Will Be Mission Creep Accomplished | Resistance Report 006

Syria & Ulterior Motives

White House lies to launch the next illegal war: There is no Justification for Obama's War on Syria

Moral Murder (1 comments)

Putin on gays: A Russian fable (6 comments)

Congressional Approval doesn't Legalize an Attack on Syria (2 comments)

American Muslims 12 years after 9/11 (1 comments)

Climate Change Will Create More Syrias (14 comments)

How Ahistorical Journalism Serves Power (3 comments)

Tom Corbett's Sizzle has Fizzled (2 comments)

Saturday, September 7:

Striking Russia through Syria (16 comments)

This War Too Is A Lie (6 comments)

Fooled Again Into Wider War?

Shady PR operatives, pro-Israel ties, anti-Castro money: Inside the Syrian opposition's DC spin machine

The West Dethroned (20 comments)

Snowden's Latest: The NSA Has Effectively Destroyed Internet Privacy (2 comments)

Obama should seek legal prosecution, not illegal war (1 comments)

Congress Denied Syrian Facts, Too

If the House Says No to War

Oslo Revisited (1 comments)

Drop gas masks, not bombs (1 comments)

The New Congress Party: a New Third Party Focused on Specific Radical Legislative Changes To Promote Democracy and Peace (5 comments)

Corporate and Financial Debt Soar to Pre-crisis Levels (1 comments)

Jews Against US Attacking Syria, Progressives For It? (64 comments)

Why the GOP is suddenly the Party of Peace

On Syria, AIPAC, The 800 Pound Gorilla, Risks Looking Like A Chimp! | MJ Rosenberg (18 comments)

Bad Combination: Abuse of Power over Prisoners and America's Misguided "War on Drugs" (2 comments)

"Saving" Animals at Any Cost Can Be a Dangerous Proposition (1 comments)

Hopeful and disturbing signs in an unscientific neighborhood survey: Anti-War Conservatives and War-Monger Liberals (1 comments)

Friday, September 6:

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (2 comments)

Dogs of war versus the emerging caravan (9 comments)

The Bill Congress Should Pass Instead of War (5 comments)

Syria and the Reality at Home in America (5 comments)

Re Syria: Say "We Can Do Better than Bombs!" (1 comments)

The War or Nothing Tunnel Vision (5 comments)

Stir Crazy: Steel Bars Destroy the Human Mind (2 comments)

Stopping Barry O'Bombers Rush to War (1 comments)

Obama Reframes Syria: Metaphor and War Revisited (1 comments)

Obama's Syrian "Doomsday Machine" (2 comments)

Rush to war; repent at leisure

A Brief Conversation with Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) On Housing Reform, HUD and Truth Tellers (Whistleblowers) (1 comments)

The Case for Impeaching Obama (4 comments)

Syria: One Crisis Too Many (3 comments)

Thursday, September 5:

G20 hijacked by scan/drone/bomb Obama Doctrine (2 comments)

Medea Benjamin: John Kerry sells a war that Americans aren't buying (25 comments)

A serious question for Democrats on Syria

The US Government Stands Revealed to the World as a Collection of War Criminals and Liars (12 comments)

Top 10 Unproven Claims for War Against Syria (4 comments)

Who's Hiding Behind the Accountability Mask? (1 comments)

Permanent War, 3: False Flags, Possible False Flags, Chemical/Biological Weapons, and Away We Go: Some History

US Congress speaker refuses to meet Russian delegation (2 comments)

US and UK spy agencies defeat privacy and security on the internet (1 comments)

Symbolism over Substance: Reflections on the 21st Century March on Washington

How to Stop Obama's Military Aggression Against Syria (10 comments)

President Obama and the Military-Industrial Complex March in Lockstep Into Yet Another Military Debacle (12 comments)

Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Cross-hairs (5 comments)

Massoud Barzani Hasn't Found Evidence of the Massacre of Kurds by Jihadists in Syria?! (6 comments)

Fox Asks Rumsfeld About Extending "Hand Of Friendship" To Dictators, Forgets About Saddam Hussein

U.S. Service Academy Graduates Oppose Bombing Syria (3 comments)

*No Syrian Intervention Wanted (1 comments)

Senate gives Obama 60 day free fire zone for Syria (16 comments)

Wednesday, September 4:

Obama's Political Capital and the Slippery Slope of Syria (1 comments)

Holy Wars (1 comments)

4 Essential Questions Before We Rush To War (1 comments)

"Nobody Wants This Except the Military-Industrial Complex"

Oslo Dead but Still Matters: Abbas's Village Leagues and Palestinian Silence

Consequences of the Anticipated U.S. Action against Syria (1 comments)

Syria: Who controls America's Foreign Policy? (5 comments)

All Scrubbed Up, Nowhere to Show (2 comments)

The High Cost Of Saving Face For Obama (45 comments)

Ten Reasons Why America Does Not Need to Go to War Over Syria (1 comments)

Obama Blows the Whistle on Himself: the Manning, Snowden (and Godfather) Connections (2 comments)

OBAMA, THE WOLF WHO CRIED BOY (with apologies to Canis lupis) (1 comments)

Did Washington ever tell a lie? (4 comments)

Jordan Invites US Targets for Syrian Retaliation

What going on with the banks' excess reserves?

The Game of Plausible Deniability

Sven och Olle tala om Obama besok till Sverige (3 comments)

Responding to Killer Gas

10 Reasons Why the US Needs an Intervention... in the US! (1 comments)

Fundamentalist Christians 1: Everyone Else 0 (5 comments)

*In defense of Obama (26 comments)

Syria and the "Greater Iran" (7 comments)

The Obama Deception On Syria: Debunking the Lies, Hubris, and Myopia In The March To War. (4 comments)

Libertarianism in Its Destructive Phase: Or Why Responsibility for Yourself Just Isn't Enough, Part 2 (15 comments)

*Back from the edge: A world-wide peace plan

President Obama's Syria Strike Poses Major Challenge to Backers (1 comments)

*Dream Anniversary Celebration Shrouds King's "Beyond Vietnam' Nightmare Sermon, His Martyrdom, Syrians (1 comments)

A Modest Proposal for Syria (9 comments)

Syrian War Propaganda Primer (3 comments)

Staying Straight in Sochi (1 comments)

Tuesday, September 3:

Contemplating War (1 comments)

Who the Missiles Will Hurt (1 comments)

Obama's Speech on Syria: Lies to Justify an Immoral War (1 comments)

US: The indispensable (bombing) nation (3 comments)

Let the people lead (1 comments)

Why is Facebook helping Turkey's war on the Aryan Kurds?

There Will Be Blood: Analogies and Analyses of the Syrian Situation (3 comments)

Should We Fall Again for "Trust Me"? (19 comments)

Congress and the Imperial Presidency Debate Syria

History On a Deadly Roll

US-Allied Warships off Syrian Coastline: Naval Deployment Decided "Before" the August 21 Chemical Weapons Attack (5 comments)

War Monger Bloviating This Week in Washington

Congressional Progressive/Pentagon Caucus

Follow the Trillions (If You Can) (3 comments)

How We Can Know that the South's Decision to Secede Was an Act of Outlawry (4 comments)

Speaking Truth to the PowerLESS (8 comments)

The New York Times is Wowed that Obama's Six Rubinites Support Larry Summers (1 comments)

A Psychologist's Deceptions about Prison Abuse in California

Michael Morrissey: Rule of Law vs. Obamarule (1 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Syria Countdown: an Update from Damascus (2 comments)

This Literally Has Nothing to Do With Us (6 comments)

Monday, September 2:

Dubious Intelligence and Iran Blackmail: How Israel is driving the US to war in Syria (9 comments)

Before the Battles Resume in Washington: A Reminder about What's Really at Stake (2 comments)

US Congress to debate and vote on Syria war

Sweden, Martin Luther King, and a letter to President Obama (1 comments)

Progressive Strategies Tried and Policies Recommended

Action Page: Absolutely NO Syria Attack Without International Consensus (1 comments)

The Last Chance to Stop the NDAA (16 comments)

D Marten: Windsurfing Towards Armageddon (3 comments)

Obama Has Decided That It Is Safer To Buy Congress Than To Go It Alone (9 comments)

Commercial News Beats the War Drum (1 comments)

Obama's and Kerry's Big Lie: White House Document "Proving" Syria's Guilt Doesn't Pass Smell Test (3 comments)

Who really used chemical weapons in Syria? (5 comments)

The Keystone Pipeline Is An Environmental Justice Issue (1 comments)

Michael Hastings: A Non-Conspiracy Theory (19 comments)

Response to Obama's Speech to Congress (2 comments)

Gary Brumback: Corporate Charades: Part 3. All the Rest (12 comments)

Cosmetic Savagery- Attack On Syria for Reasons of Image-- Drone Mind at Work? (8 comments)

Caveman Credibility and its Costs

Sunday, September 1:

Catalyst Capital Group Inc -- Questions about hedge fund expansion from casino management to controlling food supplies (2 comments)

Rule of Law (8 comments)

Kerry on Syria: The Absurdity of Certainty (5 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: Countdown to Apocalypse Now? A View From Tehran (5 comments)

Will a transparent Election end the corrupt rule of Barzani and Talibani in Iraqi Kurdistan? (10 comments)

Which Syrian Chemical Attack Account Is More Credible? (20 comments)

Is it "self-evident" that "all men are created equal"? (3 comments)

Dangerous Crossroads. A War on Syria, Prelude to a World War III Scenario?

NYPD declares mosques as terrorist organizations (4 comments)

*Screaming In the Wind (1 comments)

Mr. President: No proof, no attack on Syria (3 comments)

Obama Will Launch a Huge Propaganda Blitz -- and May Attack Syria Even If He Loses the Vote in Congress (9 comments)

Leisure Or Unemployment? It's A Political Question (5 comments)

Obama's weak evidence for Syria attack (1 comments)

Obama, Congress and Syria (7 comments)

Getting Syria-ous About Peace Talks (1 comments)

President Obama Avoids GOP Trap on Syria (1 comments)

Obama does right in going to Congress; Congress must do right (2 comments)

Divorcing Wells Fargo (1 comments)


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