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my last post on Syria, I commented that "Short of
widespread popular unrest, on issues like this, the will of the
people counts for nothing against the exigencies of imperialism and
Zionism, as understood by the American political elite," that
"there would be no challenging debate in the US Congress like that
in the British Parliament," and that "a combination of domestic
political pressure that, along with international reluctance,
[which would] create an effective pushback against Obama's momentum
towards war" was "not likely." I was 100% certain of, and would
have bet heavily on, a strike on Syria within a few days.
I am surprised and happy to see that I would have lost that
bet. Indeed, there is substantially more than a glimmer of pushback
on a number of fronts. The British parliament's rejection of
a military attack on Syria turned out to be a wedge blow that
opened crucial cracks in the hitherto seemingly-impervious American
imperial edifice. It pushed Obama into going to Congress for a
vote, which bought time in which the American people could think
about the case and not just follow the leader, and in which the
media would have to open the window of information and analysis at
least a bit more than usual.
New York Times has had to publish a
story and a
picture (not the worst by far) about the brutality of Syrian
rebels, and a
blog account from the frontlines describing
their fanaticism. McClatchy published a story pointing out that
there were "too many holes in the American case against Assad as
the chemical weapons villain.
The Atlantic, via James
Fallows, ran a thorough and devastating must-read analysis
William Polk (a totally establishment guy, former
State Department Policy Planning Council, privy to all US
Government information on poison gas, as well as telecommunications
interception and code breaking).
Crucial reports and analyses like these are now quickly and
ubiquitously disseminated, in a way that was just not possible
before the Iraq war in 2003 -- through the internet, social media,
blogs, tweets, popping up on people's phones every ten minutes.
There's so much information, so widely available, that, after a
week, it will inevitably undermine John Kerry's absolute certainty
about Assad's devilry and what-me-worry nonchalance about the
Syrian "rebels" -- revealing it for the mendacious, hypocritical,
and incoherent fairytale that it is. Even some at MSNBC have
had to recognize, this time, that Obama's war drive is FUBAR, with
Chris Hayes coming out explicitly against it.
Most importantly, through these openings there rushed a flood
of overwhelming popular opposition, tinged with such rage and
disgust as indeed to approach "unrest." One congressman
that "I literally cannot walk across the parking lot without being
stopped to talk about this issue"To say it's 99 percent against
would be overstating the support." Overstating, indeed: only
3 out of 1000 or so calls and e-mails he has received
supported any kind of response. And "
two-thirds of the
correspondents had never reached out to him
2 [my emphasis]
This, in turn, has stiffened political resistance within
Congress itself, making possible the kind of alliance between
principled (what Greg Sargent calls "
non-hackish") anti-war
liberals and libertarians that coalesced to nearly de-fund the
NSA's bulk telephone surveillance in July (as discussed in
earlier post), John Conyers-Justin Amash then, Alan Grayson-Ron
Paul now. 3 Preliminary whip counts now show that Obama is
going to have a very hard time getting a Declaration of War on
Syria --
that's what it is! -- through both houses of
Congress. A coalition like that which voted down TARP the first
time is possible, and could reject this in Congress.
The coming political question is a
cultural one: whether the rightwing national interest types,
caricatured as isolationists, can build a coalition with the
leftwing antiwar types. Both sides are corrupted, the Dems by
neoliberalism and doctrinal attachment to liberal Zionism, the
right by the Tea Party and a legacy of
All of this already has accomplished something important: Any
American attack on Syria is now clearly marked as against the will
of the American people and the real "international community."
There is a decent chance that it will be rejected by the US
Congress, and a smaller chance that such a rejection, combined with
international isolation, will lead it to be cancelled outright for
the immediate future. It has become very difficult to hide that
such an attack would be an act of imperialist aggression, and
making that too visible is itself politically damaging. Things have
changed, in a good direction.
Let's not get carried away with optimism, however. What was
100% last week is now maybe 95%. If we have to recognize that
there has been real political movement, we must also recognize the
enormous political, ideological, and financial forces still
committed to this war, and how far we are from winning this fight
against them. The balance of power is still very much against the
antiwar camp.
After all, if popular antiwar conviction were to stop in
advance a military attack fervently sought, and proclaimed as
crucial to our national interest, by an American President, it
would be a big, very big, deal -- unprecedented, as
far as I can see, in American history. It would be a turning point,
if not tipping point, in the effectivity of imperialist leadership,
and the imperialist leadership will fight tooth and nail to make
sure this does not happen. The largest wave of antiwar
demonstrations in the history of the world could not stop the
American attack on Iraq ten years ago. Yes, there are a lot of new
factors working in our favor -- the distance from 9/11, the
post-Iraq-Afghanistan cynicism and exhaustion, the economic crisis,
the tide of the last week -- but we're far from overcoming the
determination of the imperial apparatus. The "credibility" at
stake here is precisely the credibility of the emperor's
prerogative to act against the popular will. For
that, they have barely begun to fight.
Let's look, for example, at the theater of congressional
decision. I know that Obama has asserted, with utter disdain for
clear constitutional law, that he has the authority to attack Syria
even if the Congress votes against it. So a congressional
rejection will not necessarily prevent a strike. (I do not think it
will.) But it's important to recognize the definite truth of the
obverse: a congressional vote to authorize a strike on Syria will
guarantee that it will happen.
In this case, then, the congressional vote is an important and
really contested theater, which is why, despite everything -- can
you say Chuck Schumer -- I have sent a letter to my
representatives. 5
In regard to this vote, however, it's also necessary to
remember what we all know about electoral politics, which goes
equally for legislative politics. There are two parallel and
different conversations going on here: the conversation with the
voters on the one hand, and the conversation with the donors and
Serious People (often conflated) on the other. The voice of
the voters is loud and clear, a "NO!" so emphatic as to be the end
of it, if the conversation with the voters were determinant. But,
as we all (should) know, it's the conversation with the donors and
Serious People that usually wins the day. To the voters, the
congressfolk say whatever they think the public wants to hear. To
the donors, they make serious commitments that they keep. American
politicians assume, usually with good reason, that, with enough
money to buy enough ads in the next election cycle, they'll be able
to get away with just about anything with the public.
Who, you might ask, would be trying to play the sleazy,
business-as-usual buy-the-vote game on this issue? This is
war, after all, and the American public is so clearly sick
and tired of bloody and expensive wars with ludicrous and
hypocritical justifications. There's certainly the famous
military-industrial complex, and, yes, Raytheon stock
50% on news that the cruise missiles it makes will have to be
But there is another group, which has contributed more ($11.1
million more in 2012, according to Bloomberg) to federal election
campaigns than the defense industry: the "pro-Israel community," as
Bloomberg calls it. This is the
gorilla of the Israeli lobby, which usually does not fret about
blatantly lobbying -- even for the United States to go to war in
the interests of another country -- because it usually conducts its
lobbying rampages under a magical politico-media cloak of
invisibility. This time, as Rosenberg and
Philip Weiss
Haaretz report, AIPAC and "the American
Jewish establishment" are now in "
full court
press" mode in support of a military attack on
New York Times reported about AIPAC's involvement,
before they didn't. The paper
changed an article to scrub
mention of how AIPAC was busily "at work pressing for military
action," and was referred to by "one administration official" as
"the 800-pound gorilla in the room." The Times' public editor
assures us that the references to AIPAC were not disappeared
by a quick unfurling of the invisibility cloak. Take a look at the
links and decide what you think.
Let's be clear about the kind of weight this beast can throw
around. AIPAC is a group whose
boast: "You see this napkin? In twenty-four hours, we could
have the signatures of seventy senators on this napkin." Bloomberg
points out that Obama's newest ally in the push for a military
strike is none other than Sheldon Adelson, "the Republican
billionaire who spent about $70 million trying to defeat him last
year." These are the biggest of the big money and influence guns,
mobilizing to support this war offensive. As Rosenberg remarks:
"The support Obama is getting from pro-Israel groups in the U.S. is
important because of their history of political influence."
Indeed, he says: "It should be a good moment for AIPAC to make its
case. Members of Congress are now in intense fund raising mode for
the 2014 primaries and general election." And he describes
concretely how this influence works:
I called a friend on Capitol Hill to
refresh my memory about what the AIPAC push is going to look
First come the phone calls from
constituents who are AIPAC members. They know the Congressman and
are nice and friendly and just tell him, or whichever staffer the
constituent knows, just how important this vote is to him and his
friends back in the district.
Then the donors call. The folks who
have hosted fundraisers. They are usually not only from the
district but from New York or LA or Chicago. They repeat the
message: this vote is very important.
Contrary to what you might expect,
they do not mention campaign money. They don't have to. Because
these callers are people who only know the
Congressman through their checks, the
threat not to write any more of them is implicit. Like the
constituents, the donors are using AIPAC talking points which are
simple and forceful. You can argue with them but they keep going
back to the script. Did I mention the rabbis? We only have a few in
our district but we get calls from all of them and from other
rabbis from around the state.
Then there are the AIPAC lobbyists,
the professional staffers. They come in, with or without
appointments. If the Congressman is in, they expect to see him
immediately. If not, they will see a staffer. If they don't like
what they hear, they will keep coming back. They are very
aggressive, no other lobby comes close, They expect to see the
Member, not mere staff.
Then there are the emails driven by
the AIPAC website, the editorials in the one Jewish newspaper we
have in our state. And then the "Dear Colleague" letters from
Jewish House members saying how important the vote is for Israel
and America. They also will buttonhole the Members on the House
floor. Because my boss is not Jewish, he tends to defer to his
Jewish colleagues. It is like they are the experts on this. And,
truth be told, all the senior Jewish Members of the House are tight
with AIPAC. Also, the two biggest AIPAC enforcers, House Majority
Leader Eric Cantor and his Democatic counterpart, Democratic Whip
Steny Hoyer, are fierce AIPAC partisans, and they make sure to seek
out Members on the floor to tell them how they must vote. On
anything related to Israel, they speak in one voice:
Pretty intimidating, no?
As Rosenberg also points out: "Obviously no one on the peace
side has resources like this." So it would be a grave error to rely
on the idea that an overwhelming tide of public opinion will drown
this monster of a juggernaut. The good news is, as Weiss
emphasizes: "The only good thing about the campaign for the attack
on Syria is that it has exposed the Israel lobby as the one
political constituency that is pushing hard for an attack."
The bad news is, as Weiss also remarks: "Israel wants a war and the
American people don't -- still, American leadership is pressing
ahead." Between the American people and the Zionist lobby --
well, as I said, about 95%.
But that is a move in the right direction. Weiss
posits this as "a defining moment in the history of
the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel," and
Rosenberg thinks "AIPAC is taking an incredible risk by going
all-out for war resolution in Congress," because "If it doesn't
[pass] and if the Members of Congress who voted 'no' are re-elected
anyway, then the #1 tool AIPAC has going for it will be broken."
Weiss even thinks that the "groundswell of American
opposition has fostered a willingness on the part of the American
media to broach the issue of blind American support for Israel."
I'm not so sanguine. It's because it's so unpopular
that the Israeli lobby has to, and will, make extraordinary efforts
to get the result it wants. The media? It's been a small
opening, but see below. The Congress and the political
class? It's clear that the only way this Declaration of War
is going to get through Congress is by Nancy Pelosi whipping up the
votes of liberal democrats.
Anyway, if Obama thinks he will lose the vote in Congress, he
will likely just withdraw the resolution and attack anyway.
He will have spared ostensibly antiwar liberal Democrats the
embarrassment, but will have fatally embarrassed himself, the
Israeli lobby, and the entire American political class before the
American people. This war that Israel wants and the American
people don't will only go forward if either the Democrats in
Congress provide the decisive votes for it, or the Democratic
president ignores the Congress and the Constitution. As I
said, about 95%.
I do hope it demonstrates, once and for all, to progressives
who proclaim their antiwar sentiments, that they can no longer
ignore the connection between even silent support of Israel and
assent to aggressive American militarism, and no longer maintain
their studied silence on, and implicit embrace of, Zionism. The bad
news is that any resolution other than defeat of the war resolution
in Congress (by vote or withdrawal) and cancellation of the
military strike will be a defeat for the American people and the
rule of constitutional law. It would be a stunning
confirmation of the pernicious power of the Israeli lobby and of
the utter bankruptcy of the Democratic party for "antiwar"
purposes, a confirmation so clear that -- this would also be the
good news -- even the most obtuse, well-intentioned and
wishful-thinking progressives might get the picture.
As bad as this picture is, perhaps the strongest reason I'm
not giving more than a 5% chance of victory for the forces of
international sanity right now is the horrible state of the
"debate" in this county, the complete acceptance, even by those who
ostensibly oppose a military strike, of the ideological framework
set forth by the Obama administration.
Patrick L. Smith has an excellent piece on this in
Salon, pointing out that "The case for aggression in Syria
as we now have it is flimsy to the point of insult." He emphasizes
that "We know nothing yet about what happened in Syria. Know
as in know, nothing as in nothing." And yet, "No one in the
American press will even glance at the idea that the Assad regime
may not be responsible for the chemical
The "debate" within Congress and within the press from Fox to
MSNBC has been firmly fixed within the Obama-Kerry framework.
Here's what they all agree on: Assad is certainly guilty of using
chemical weapons against his own people; this is a horrible breach
of "international norms," which we haven't seen for a hundred
years, except of course with Hitler and Saddam; the US is a
benevolent world power that understandably feels it "must do
something" to reinforce "international norms" and help the Syrian
people; any US strike is intended to be "limited" to those
Here are the permissible questions for "debate": Will an
American strike actually prevent Assad from using chemical weapons
again? That is, will it be effective in its announced
purposes of enforcing the "international norm" and helping the
Syrian people? Can a military strike be "limited" to those
purposes, as it is intended to be? Should a military
strike be "limited," as the Administration intends?
Democratic and Republican hawks and their media allies will
answer "No" to the last two questions, and demand a punishing
strike as the only way to effectively achieve the proclaimed
purposes. Democratic and Republican doves and their media allies
will, on the other hand, answer "Yes" to the last two questions,
and maybe try to craft a resolution with enough innocuous-ish
phraseology to sell as not-really-a-war to their constituents, and
maybe even their self-deluded selves. In the meantime, John
Kerry, in various scenes of flailing incoherence, says both things
at once, and refuses to be pinned down to either.
The fundamental problem here is twofold: 1) Every one of the
agreed-upon assumptions here is a lie. And, therefore, the
entire set of questions here is a crock; 2) There is an
overall strategy at work, but it cannot be spoken. Its real
purposes have nothing to do with the fake ones the Administration
is proclaiming, and can never be honestly enunciated, so its
spokespersons cannot but be incoherent.
I'll just recap the main lies:
1) There is no proof that the Assad regime was
responsible for the chemical attack, and abundant evidence that the
rebels were. (I set forth a bunch of evidence on this in my
previous post. For more, see
here, and a few thousand other reports you can
Google.) The Obama administration's insistence on certainty
about this is, indeed, "flimsy to the point of insult" and
must be questioned.
Unless you forcefully challenge the Obama regime on this
point, the fundament of their argument, you are not seriously
trying to stop this war. "Antiwar" pundits who don't challenge this
have given up half the game, and they know it. They have given it
up, and accepted a weak position, because they know "blame Assad"
is the common-wisdom liberal-conservative consensus, and their
prime directive -- whether issued by management or their own
well-trained ideological reflex -- is to demonstrate their
submission thereto.
2) Chemical weapons have been only been used by Hitler and
Saddam in the past hundred years. Not true. They have
been used a number of times. Furthermore, they have been used by
America's allies with America's active complicity, and there is
strong evidence that they have been used by the United States
itself -- against civilians and its own soldiers. To hear
that lie from John Kerry without challenging it, to repeat that lie
without examining the evidence or because it's the
just-must-be-true conventional wisdom of America's innocence, is to
forgo any claim to be seriously trying to stop this war. This lie
is a slap in the face, an insult to the moral as well as
intellectual intelligence of anyone who actually cares about such
things, and anybody who cares about such things should respond
Perhaps we shouldn't linger on little things like the
twenty million gallons of chemical poisons
the United States slathered over Vietnam, including the burning
chemical, napalm, and the infamous "Agent Orange," which led to the
starvation, poisoning and maiming of innocent civilians -- 400,000
killed or maimed, 500,000 babies have born with birth defects, and
2 million plagued with cancer or other illnesses, according to
Vietnam. Oh, who believes the Vietnamese about something that
happened forty years ago?
In 2012, the Red
estimated that one million
Vietnamese still have disabilities or disease related to Agent
Orange, and even the US "pitched in for the first time to clean up
part of the toxic legacy." Big of them. Forty years later. Cold
comfort to the children of these Vietnamese victims, as well as of
the American soldiers who deployed the chemicals, who are born with
horrific deformities
to this day. But these children,
remember, are
not the victims of "a blatant use of chemical
weapons." Because Americans, remember, are not the kind of people
who do such things:
We'll also pass over the not-really-chemical-weapons
chemicals, like white phosphorous and depleted uranium, which the
United States and Israel
throw around at will, and move on
to the "real" chemical weapon
du jour, which are only used
by the real bad guys.
In this regard, Kerry's invocation of Saddam's use of poison
gas is particularly precious.
On the same day that
Kerry was raging against this once-in-a-century crime, Foreign
reported that CIA files prove the United States
helped Saddam use sarin, mustard gas, and, hey, whatever "helped to
tilt the war in Iraq's favor." Helped, as in directly participated,
by providing satellite imagery and other intelligence for "a series
of chemical strikes stretching back several years." To hear Kerry
talking about Saddam's use of chemical weapons without challenging
him on this is to be his tool.
Let's remember, too, that there is strong evidence that, in
1970, during Operation Tailwind, the US army killed 100 or so
people in a Laotian village using sarin gas --
in order to kill
US soldiers who had defected from the criminal enterprise that
was the US war on Vietnam. There were separate allegations
that the even nastier VX gas was used against North Vietnamese
troops in Cambodia. The common thread in the
interviews with servicemen was that these nerve
agents were risky weapons, used only when there was overwhelming
concentration of North Vietnamese forces that could not be overcome
in any other way, forces that were not where they were supposed to
be, and so were "unlikely to come to the United Nations and
complain about the weapon."
These allegations are very controversial and have always been
vehemently denied by the US government. Operation Tailwind was the
subject of a controversial
CNN-Time Magazine report in 1998, a report that was
quickly retracted in the face of Pentagon pressure. You can make up
your own mind about it from the links below.
what is known, however: Starting with the Korean
War, in 1950-53, and through the Vietnam war, until 1971, the
United States amassed a stockpile of mustard gas, sarin, and VX on
the island of Okinawa, a main staging area for air attacks ,
including B-52 sorties, on Vietnam and Laos. I'm talking
lot -- about 1,900 metric tons of VX, for example, 1 kilogram
of which can kill hundreds of thousands of people. After the
Wall Street Journal reported on a serious accident with
these chemical weapons in 1969 (which the Pentagon had tried to
hide), and in the midst of "international accusations that [the
US's] widespread use of CS gas and Agent Orange " amounted to it "
illegal chemical warfare," the US scrambled to "remove its chemical
weapons from Okinawa as soon as possible." It took 38 days,
with a 150 drivers working 14-hour shifts, in 1,213 trailer-loads,
to move 13,000 tons of chemical munitions.
Something to keep in mind, in considering how to take then
Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird's denial about Tailwind -- namely
that the US did have a "small amount'' of sarin in Vietnam in 1967,
"but never used it."17
So, sure, you may believe that the US moved 13,000 tons of
chemical weapons halfway across the planet into a theater of two
wars for almost twenty years, and never used them. But can you
really work yourself into the belief that the US moved 13,000 tons
of chemical weapons halfway across the planet into a theater of two
wars for twenty years, with, scout's honor, no intention of
using them if the US army thought it was necessary? With the firm
intention of strictly obeying the sacred international norm
against their use, no matter what circumstance the US military
faced? Just to have them close by? Because U-Haul Okinawa had
a special on storage units? Because we Americans are not the
kind of people who would ever use chemical weapons?
I'm not sure which is more nauseating: sarin gas, or Kerry and
Obama's hypocritical moralizing about it. Or the media
correspondents and interviewers refusal, to a person, to challenge
their hypocrisy.
One thing is certain: The United States has no legal, moral or
political authority to pass judgement, impose deadlines, or execute
sentence on anyone with regard to chemical weapons.
3) A "limited" action.
In July, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin
Dempsey, who sat cringing beside Kerry at the Senate hearing,
wrote to Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, cautioning about an attack on Syria. "It is no less
than an act of war," he said. He emphasized that preventing the use
and proliferation of chemical weapons would require a no-fly zone,
as well as "air and missile strikes involving hundreds of aircraft,
ships, submarines." He made clear that: "Thousands of special
operations forces and other ground forces would be needed to
assault and secure critical sites."
The day before the August 21 Ghouta chemical incident, the
Congressional Research Service (CRS) released a
revealing that: "The Pentagon had estimated it would take "over
75,000 troops' to secure Syria's chemical weapons," and had known
this since 2012.
A few days ago, the NYT
reported that "President Obama has
directed the Pentagon to develop an expanded list of potential
targets in Syria." The administration is now "talking about using
American and French aircraft," including B-52s (not Iraq,
Vietnam!), and is "for the first time," making "a renewed push to
get other NATO forces involved." These are measures "intended
to inflict significant damage on the Syrian military," and are
"creeping closer to carrying out military action that also could
help tip the balance on the ground, even as the administration
argues that that is not the primary intent
." On little cat
The day after that article, the
Times reported
that the US is ordering nonessential personnel to leave
Yesterday, John Kerry said that any US military action would
be "unbelievably small."
Because, they think, you'll believe anything.
Kerry is practically babbling at this point, as he talks out
of all sides of his contorted face, trying to tell each different
audience exactly what it wants to hear. He's not as good at
that as Obama.
The "limited" thing, then, is another pack of lies. A
fairytale for children. They are treating us like children by
repeating it. Unfortunately for them, too many people see
that, and are pissed off by it.
It would be better if they would just come out and say what they
really want (which I've gone over in
seven previous posts on Syria):
That they want to destroy the Syrian
state as a coherent political and military force.
That the United States joins General Aviv Kochav, Israel's
chief of military intelligence, in thinking that "the chaos in the
Arab world favours Israel and is something that he believes should
continue," and that, as Israels former consul in New York, Alon
Pinkas, said, the objective for Syria, as for Iran, is to "Let them
both bleed, hemorrhage to death."22
That they are carrying out the plans
developed in Israel in 1982, and again in 1996, to weaken and divide the Arab and Muslim
world, and we Americans better realize how important this is to our
national security, and get on board.23
In 2007, Wesley Clark explained the
"seven countries in
five years" strategy that the US has been carrying out since at
least 2003:
""Oh, it's worse than that,' he said, holding up a memo on his
desk. "Here's the paper from the Office of the Secretary of Defense
[then Donald Rumsfeld] outlining the strategy. We're going to take
out seven countries in five years.' And he named them, starting
with Iraq and Syria and ending with Iran."
I guess they can't quite announce that program, even though --
at least it's a plan! -- it might get them more support than the
incoherent pack of lies they're trying to sell.
Really, the mendacity and hypocrisy of Western-US/NATO
discourse regarding the certain, unprecedented, horrific,
once-in-a-century, crime of the devil-of-the-day are staggering.
That discourse of mendacity and hypocrisy must be called out for
what it is, challenged, and refuted by anyone who claims to be an
aware citizen, let alone a responsible journalist. Besides
being challenged on their historic crimes and lies, administration
flacks must be challenged to account for the growing evidence that
their clients, the Syrian "rebels," have chemical weapons, probably
have used them, and have certainly expressed their intention to do
This video of Syrian rebels
breaking into a chemical institute, mixing up some homemade sarin,
killing two rabbits, and proclaiming that that's what they are
going to do to their enemies.
This article and video of a Syrian
"rebel" leader admitting having and using chemical weapons, and
proclaiming his intention to use them on women and
This report from a former AP, NPR,
and BBC correspondent and his Jordanian colleague, who interviewed
"doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families" in
Ghouta , many of whom "believe that certain rebels received
chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar
bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the... gas
The failure to ask any of these hard and necessary questions,
to pose any tough challenge to the basics of the US government
narrative, is infuriating and irresponsible. I watched Gwen Ifill
"interview" Obama tonight on PBS. It was not an interview; it
was a toss of softball questions to feed his Syrian stump speech.
Not a single difficult question. Not a single demand for
And then there was Charlie Rose"...Words fail.
Has any interviewer asked Obama, who has pointedly said he is
not bound to accept Congress's decision, about his own
position: "The President does not have power under the
Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a
situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent
threat to the nation." Or about his Vice-President's emphatic
exegesis: "It is precisely because the consequences of war --
intended or otherwise -- can be so profound and complicated that
our Founding Fathers vested in Congress, not the President, the
power to initiate war, except to repel an imminent attack on the
United States or its citizens. " That's why I want to be very
clear: if the President takes us to war with Iran without
Congressional approval, I will call for his impeachment."
"President," I, uh, meant "President Bush."
I've watched Chris Hayes on MSNBC a few times. He's had some
serious opponents of military action on his show, but mostly
staying within the "It's not going to stop Assad from doing this
again" framework. I saw the broadcast where he came out explicitly
against a military strike on Syria. You might have caught that if
you didn't blink. I found that most of the words and energy
of his speech against the attack were devoted to emphasizing how
much respect he had for all of the people and arguments in favor of
the war, starting with his father. I saw his interview with Kerry
the next night. Again, not an interview. A sponsored speech. Hayes
did not pose one of the difficult and necessary questions or
challenges mentioned above. Despite throwing in a pro-forma
"alleged" before "Assad's use of chemical weapons," his discourse
is thoroughly saturated with the presumption of the truth and
humanitarian concern of the American government's case. When
he speaks against daddy's Obama's the US government's
position, he feels like he's pulling his own teeth. When he
presents the elements of the government's case for an attack he
bleeds respect and sympathy. If Chris Hayes represents the
strong journalistic opposition to attacking Syria, we're in pretty
sad shape.
It's not that hard, folks. Stop acting like credulous
children. Here's what a real debate on this looks like:
That's how it's done. This is the kind of discourse we don't have
and won't see on the putatively liberal media, or in the Congress.
The fundaments of the administration case for war, a transparent
pack of lies, go unchallenged.
Next on the agenda will be the rollout of Obama's full
rhetorical power in an address to the people. Strong as he can be,
at this point I do not think he's going to turn things around with
the public. The job Barack Obama was hired to do is getting harder.
As Zbigniew Brzezinski is
reported to have said: "corralling
public opinion is proving more difficult." One of the wild
cards for Obama in the present moment is the horrible
socio-economic situation. The Alan Grayson-type pitch -- "Americans
don't want this war. It's not our fight. We can't afford it." --
has tremendous traction with the public. People who lost, or are
losing their jobs do not want another war. They're asking
themselves: "Who's going to pay for it?" and they know very well
the answer. Did I miss the paragraph in the resolution before
Congress that levies a tax on the wealthiest .5% of the country to
pay for this adventure? After all,
the country is "unable to
pay for attacks on Syria from current operating funds and must seek
additional money from Congress." Oh, no, that'll be one of
those after-the-fact "supplemental appropriations" that Obama
promised to abjure.
I am more worried about his pitch to representatives and
senators. He will tell them the credibility of the country is on
the line. He'll remind them how important this is for
Israel. He'll "work with" them on some resolution that sounds
"incredibly small" so they can tell their constituents later, as
they did with Iraq, "I didn't realize I was voting for
that!" I don't see how that's going to work here,
since the resolution, as changed by the Senate under pressure from
Republican hawks, not only calls for the US military to "change the
momentum" in favor of the rebels, it "
could actually give
[Obama] and future presidents sweeping new powers to intervene
I can easily imagine the following circular blackmail
argument: I am going to attack Syria even if you vote against
the authorization. That would destroy the image of the US as a
"democratic" nation of laws. So, to preserve our country's
international claim to be a democracy, you have to do what I say
and vote for the authorization. Goosed by the inducements and
threats of the Israeli lobby, you bet these patriotic murmurrings
of Obama are going to find a receptive ear.
To the Democrats, he will make the powerful argument that a
defeat of this authorization will fatally weaken him, and therefore
them, politically for the rest of his term. Do not be fooled
by the preliminary whip count. Remember all the staunch
"progressives" who signed statements and swore on their mamas'
graves that they would absolutely not vote for any
healthcare bill that did not have a public option. There will be
many Dennis Kucinich moments in Obama's dealing with Congress on
this resolution, most of which we will not see. Corralling the
congesscattle still works.
So I'm still at 95%.
As I write, there's talk of a deal for Syria to destroy its
chemical weapons, or put them under some kind of international
control, and some new resolution is being floated in the Senate
that would pre-authorize an American strike if Assad does not do
this before some deadline. France seems to be putting forward
something similar at the Security Council, under threat of Chapter
7 (military) enforcement.
Of course, it would be nice for Syria to destroy or sequester
its chemical weapons in some verifiable way. It would also be nice
if the country that was occupying Syrian land and has attacked
Syrian numerous times, the country with which Syria is in a state
of war, would destroy or sequester its chemical, biological, and
nuclear weapons. And it is Syria, along with other countries
in the region, who has been pushing for a full accounting and
removal of all such weapons in the region, an arrangement that is
being blocked by no one but the United States and
Syria can agree to some kind of international sequester of its
chemical weapons if it wants, but it is under no obligation to do
so, and can legitimately resist any attempt to force it into some
kind of disarmament agreement that is not reciprocated by Israel.
At any rate, let the United Nations can take up the matter in its
own time. There is no hurry, and nothing is being "delayed" except
the planned American attack that Obama is chomping at the bit to
In regard to any resolution in the US Congress, however, we must be
crystal clear: the United States has absolutely no legal,
political, or moral authority to impose any kind of deadline in
this regard on anybody. Some kind of resolution like this is
exactly the kind of trick that we can expect.
You see,
we're being reasonable. We won't attack for two
weeks. Do not fall for this. It's a Declaration of War
with a snooze button. An American military attack on Syria, today
or two weeks or two months from now, will be an act of war the
supreme international
And they are chomping at the bit. I think the US and
its allies had positioned assets in Syria to take advantage of a
strike last week, and they are getting very itchy at the
delay. The momentum of popular sentiment has been the only
thing holding them back. But they want this done quickly, and
they are going to find a way. There will be war. As Patrick L.
Smith put it: "Any idea that the democratic mechanism is going to
stop this bandwagon is what the French call angelisme -- a
civics teacher's ideal of how things work."
So I'm sticking with my 95%. As unusual as it was the last
time, I sincerely hope I will be proved wrong again.
Notes and Links:
5As a constituent, I am writing to let you know
that I oppose a military attack on Syria.
I do not believe the American government's
narrative on chemical weapons. It think the evidence shows it
is more likely the rebels than the Syrian government who has used
them. Understand that, in the face of American policies that
continually support authoritarian regimes and vicious anti-popular
actions, there are fewer and fewer Americans -- and nobody else in
the world -- who believe that an American military attack on Syria
will have anything to do with "WMDs," concern for the Syrian
people, or for "international norms." The hypocrisy
here is too blatant.
An American attack on Syria would be nothing less than an
act of war. Any attack, however it is described as "limited,"
will be designed to cripple the Syrian armed forces as thoroughly
as possible. It will be an act of aggressive war, in
violation of the first principle of international law, to which
Syria will have the right to respond with force If you vote
for it, you will be fully responsible for all the
consequences. Which in this case, everybody knows, also means
handing over much of Syria to al-Qaeda-affiliated takfiri
Do not come back to the public. a la Iraq, claiming
"That's not what I thought I was voting for." Nobody will
believe you. If you dare to vote for this, you had better
FIRST vote for the extra taxes from the top .5% of the country to
pay for it. Do not come back to the public claiming you had
no idea it would be so costly. You will be rightly
If you vote for this, you are voting for the arms, blood,
and treasure of the United State to be expended, as much as
necessary, to destroy the Syrian state. Own up to that, or
have the courage to vote against this, despite what your donors
Because everybody also knows that, as in the American
electoral process, there are two conversations going on here: the
one with the public, and the one with the donors. It is
almost always the latter who have the real influence, because you
assume that, with enough money, you'll be able to get away with
just about anything with the public. But this is war, and the
American public is sick of bloody and expensive wars with ludicrous
and hypocritical justifications. This has to end.
I urge you to work for an end to arms shipments and
clandestine warfare that our government -- in cooperation with
Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Turkey, and Israel -- is carrying
out right now. No attack on Syria.
The Tailwind flap was also the basis the recent "Operation
Genoa" story arc on "The Newsroom," which spun a tale predictably
consonant with Aaron Sorkin's soft spot in for all things American
military. See the trenchant analysis of Sorkin's version, including
his misrepresentation, to John Oliver on the Daily Show, of the
military and media incident it was based on, at
Simplistic Take on Operation Tailwind: Special Report on "The
Besides our frenemy, Saddam Hussein, our ally, Britain has
been fond of using chemical weapons. In 1917, for example, in
(where else?) Gaza, General Allenby used 10,000 cans of
"asphyxiating gas." But perhaps the twentieth century's most eager
enthusiast of chemical weapons is none other than the man who, as
Chris Floyd aptly remarks, "has long been anointed a secular
saint by the chewed cud of received wisdom, especially in
Yes, Winston Churchill, "Britain's iconic wartime prime minister,"
the man whose "values" the Obama and Romney camps
competed to
identify with because he's a darling of American
liberal-conservative media ideology, proudly boasted that he was
"strongly in favor of using poison gas against uncivilized
tribes." (Oh yes, a racist, to boot!) For a month or so in
1919, the British dropped thousands of "M Devices" ("The most
effective chemical weapon ever devised," according to Major General
Charles Foulkes, who developed it.) on Bolshevik-held villages
throughout Russia. That was in the context of American and British
intervention on the Tsarist side in the Russian Civil War, one of
those "limited" strikes that American liberals still pooh-pooh as
no big deal.
Churchill also had a plan to "blanket Germany with 40,000
anthrax bombs" that was estimated to kill millions of people
immediately " by inhalation," and millions later "through skin
absorption of the poisons." That plan was scotched by a somewhat
more squeamish Franklin Roosevelt, who gave Winston the
fire-bombing of German cities -- using that not-chemical-weapon,
napalm -- as a consolation prize. Red lines and all.