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June 2018
Saturday, June 30:
George Will is right: Vote the GOP out (1 comments)
The Two Superpowers: Who Really Controls the Two Countries?
Donald Trump "shocked" that people listened to him call journalists treasonous disgusting scumbags (2 comments)
Report: Trump hopes for Deal with Putin over Iran in Syria, US Exit (8 comments)
EU establishment appeases Italy & other anti-migrant govts in bid to salvage bloc's survival (2 comments)
Can a Felony-Charged POTUS Appoint a Supreme Court Justice? (7 comments)
Family Separation: One Fire Out, Several Others Started (1 comments)
Colonel Wilkerson not sure military with us in event of insurrection by Trump's legions (5 comments)
What Must We Do Now? (6 comments)
Mitch McConnell is doing backflips
Trump's Iran Gambit Won't Pay Off (2 comments)
Support Ocasio-Cortez for Congress Now (4 comments)
Why It Matters That Peace Is Gone from Ocasio-Cortez Website (1 comments)
Friday, June 29:
An Answer to My Hecklers: Are You Willing to Follow Your Convictions... ALL the Way? (1 comments)
The Only Thing our Government knows about WORLD PEACE is how to spell it. (19 comments)
Prayers and Thoughts (11 comments)
Fifty States of Gray (4 comments)
"Donald Trump: Russia's Saboteur in the White House"
Ben Jealous Is Ready to Make Maryland America's Laboratory of Democracy (1 comments)
Killing a Journalist in Kashmir (1 comments)
Democratic Elite Scrambles to Respond to Ocasio-Cortez (18 comments)
Sessions vs. Winner -- It's Just the Beginning (1 comments)
Trump to meet with Putin in Helsinki July 16 (1 comments)
Anti-pipeline activists are fighting to stop Line 3. Will they succeed? (1 comments)
Who Really Killed Martin Luther King? -- The Case against Lyndon B Johnson and J Edgar Hoover (6 comments)
Trump Policies Boost Oil Prices, Profits for Campaign Donors, and Russia
So, are your loyalties with Harley-Davidson or Donald Trump? Man, that's a dumb question! (6 comments)
Telling the Truth About Immigration
Stop Court-Ordered Abusive Custody of U.S. Kids (1 comments)
Part 7: The Coup d'e'tat -- (1 comments)
Thursday, June 28:
Two Views of the Putin/Trump Summit
Nation-Leading OSU Cancer Researchers Worry: Will Biden's Moonshot Continue?
A Charter School Cheats, LAUSD Sleeps (3 comments)
Joke is on Siddaramaiah; he and his loyalists are now BJP's B team!!! (1 comments)
Anthony Kennedy, a Swing-Vote, Seriously? (1 comments)
Obama remains AWOL for Dems (7 comments)
The United States Withdraws from the World (2 comments)
America's Moral Angst (17 comments)
Erdogan's Reelection And Its Dire Consequences
Is the US National Debt Finally Coming Home to Roost? (24 comments)
Neither Idiots nor Useful: Our Politically Underachieving Liberal Churches (Part 1 of 2: Prophetic Promise) (3 comments)
The psychopathology of Trumpism (17 comments)
America, Shame on You (43 comments)
The Trumps Really Don't Care, Certainly Not About American Workers (2 comments)
Part 6: The Death of Adolph Dubs - Cui bono? 'To whom is it a benefit?' (1 comments)
Wednesday, June 27:
Mugger Mick Mulvaney -- Trump's Sadist-in-Chief (3 comments)
Did Israel Inspire Trump's Family Separation Policy? (1 comments)
IMO: The World's Leading Scientist Speaking Truth (that I and you truly don't want to hear) (7 comments)
Court Approves Fascist Assault on Buddhists, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Japanese-Americans, Whoever (1 comments)
Notes on Seymour Hersh's book "Reporter" (1 comments)
Turkey's European dream may be over -- is the Sultan ready for Eurasia?
Is Ocasio-Cortez Win a Black Swan Event? (5 comments)
Did Sen. Warner and Comey "Collude" on Russia-gate? (5 comments)
A Marshall Plan for Us (1 comments)
The Value of History Depends on What You Learn From It...if one even bothers. (61 comments)
America's immigration dilemma as related to the law of supply and demand (2 comments)
Ill Feelings for This Administration Arise Over Lunch (5 comments)
Tuesday, June 26:
Here's what I saw at the border (1 comments)
On Purpose, In Kabul (1 comments)
Brutal Logic of Climate Change (6 comments)
For Immigrant Children, Empathy Is Not Enough
Ukrainian Intel Tall Tales- When Bellingcat Lied (12 comments)
Negative Social Preferencing, ICE Edition (4 comments)
Why do they flee? (4 comments)
Soz now has Sardar Patel on target; and Congress is silent (1 comments)
After Witnessing Trump's Border Crisis, Congressman Mark Pocan Proposes to Abolish ICE
Part 5: Brzezinski's Safari Club "Friends" Did the Dirty Work Behind the Scenes (1 comments)
How Does Trump make USA Secure -- Let Us Count the Ways (12 comments)
Caging Children, Separating Families: Has the War on Immigration Gone Too Far?
Tomgram: Karen Greenberg, Requiem for a Tragedy
Why No Outrage Over U.S. Killing Of Children? (11 comments)
Billionaire Activist Tom Steyer: You Want Trump Out? Buy Clear Channel. (4 comments)
Take a break from all the stuff going on. Grateful Dead, Cairo Egypt, 1978 (1 comments)
World Cup Soccer Fun in a Moscow Targeted by Nuclear Missiles in US Silos, Submarines & Bombers (3 comments)
Borders Are for Suckers Like Us Never for the Rich: Tear Down That Wall (5 comments)
How Long Can The Federal Reserve Stave Off the Inevitable?
America: The Enemy? (10 comments)
Monday, June 25:
Assange Is A Journalist, Should Not Be Persecuted For Publishing The Truth (12 comments)
Election Planning: Trump Style
Some rare good climate news: the fossil fuel industry is weaker than ever (1 comments)
Trade: It's About Class, Not Country
WaPo Can't Believe White Supremacist Senate Candidate Really Means It
Hillary's Lesson to DNC; Time For Nancy Pelosi to Go (47 comments)
The Constitutional Crisis (2 comments)
A recipe for disaster: Why is the Six-Sigma Management Model Still Praised When It Led to GE's Collapse? (4 comments)
Ben Jealous Shakes Up Maryland Politics (1 comments)
Daily Inspiration — The REAL Left
"Only Congress Can Fix It" (2 comments)
Yes, Melania, I obviously care a lot (2 comments)
All Trump, All the Time: A Recipe For Disaster (9 comments)
Sunday, June 24:
The Soldier's Tale (5 comments)
Congress and its Soz and Karra; and why India is worried (1 comments)
Why The Handmaid's Tale is Still Important (57 comments)
Trump Isn't The Problem, He's the Manifestation of America's Id (7 comments)
Young protesters are defying Israel's blockade with scraps of paper and plastic (2 comments)
God and Google (2 comments)
Part 4: How the Safari Club became the real CIA (2 comments)
The Libertarian Party: Bringing Good Ideas to America Since 1971 (6 comments)
Aspartame's Mitochondrial Damage to Sperm Does Permanent Damage to Human Gene Pool (5 comments)
Digital Gaslighting and Domestic Abuse Come To A Home Near You (8 comments)
How to explain to Right Wing family/friend Trump tax cut scam screwed them (VIDEO) (5 comments)
A Shining "City On a Hill" Must Treat Immigrants Humanely (1 comments)
Raif Badawi and the Myth of Saudi Liberalization (1 comments)
Altruism and Sadism in Public Policy (1 comments)
Saturday, June 23:
Immigrant Kids Are Suffering Trauma That Will Last Years (6 comments)
Hungering for Nuclear Disarmament (5 comments)
The Unsurpassed Power trip by an Insuperable Control Freak
JUNE 30: "Families Belong Together" rallies across the US
The Persecution of Julian Assange Proves That Western Values No Longer Exist
Towards A Progressive 21st Century Black Agenda
Why Can't We Sue the TSA For Assault? (4 comments)
Democrats are losing their fear of AIPAC and Haim Saban (2 comments)
National Suicide Point? (2 comments)
Thomas Farrell: David Brooks: Prophet of Cultural Gloom and Doom
Who Will Do Something About the Looming Retirement Crisis? (5 comments)
Coat Messaging, US Politics and a Kashmir Tragedy Connection
Slow Suicide and the Abandonment of the World (12 comments)
A lot of water (and money) has gone down the river since 1964 for the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe
Friday, June 22:
America... Its Own Worst Enemy (4 comments)
Big Oil's Man In Foreign Policy (3 comments)
Spoiled Latvia's image in the international arena
How Did a Malignant Narcissist Psychopath Become the Most Powerful Person in the World? (62 comments)
The Baltic States are tired of NATO exercises (2 comments)
How The Washington Post Covers for a Top D.C. Official
The Morphing of Monster Trump (3 comments)
Destroying Lives - Reliving Terror (23 comments)
#Bringbackourgirls: How Trump made the US into Boko Haram (3 comments)
Trump Kidnapped More Young Girls Than Boko Haram, and Put Them in Black Sites (4 comments)
History Vindicates Those Who Stand on the Side of Justice (1 comments)
An Elite Coalition Emerges Against a Trump-Kim Agreement (4 comments)
Social entrepreneurship: Partnership platforms for sustainable societies
Florida's Illegal Slaughter Farms
Part 1: MI6 intelligence has always been an anti-Soviet/Russian "Rumor Factory" (1 comments)
Two Souls (1 comments)
The Trump Takeover of the Courts (1 comments)
Immigrant children tied down, hooded, beaten, stripped and drugged (4 comments)
Melania Out-Borowitzes Andy (11 comments)
All the President's Men: Stephen Miller
Thursday, June 21:
Living Through a Nightmare "With a Little Help from My Friends" (2 comments)
A World for All of Us, Not Just the Billionaires (9 comments)
Top US allies slam Trump for putting children in cages (2 comments)
The Courts Should Be Able to Intervene at the Border
God bless Laura Bush (6 comments)
The Entire Western World Lives In Cognitive Dissonance
Not only Is Trump's Refugee Policy Morally Wrong, it is Illegal in US and Int'l Law (3 comments)
Stop the Wars to End the Refugee Crisis (2 comments)
Wednesday, June 20:
Is Anti-War Fever Building in the U.S.? (14 comments)
North Korea Agreed to Denuclearize, but When Will the US? (3 comments)
Looking Back From Where We're Headed (2 comments)
Sexy metal: the missing element in the Korean puzzle (3 comments)
Jeff Sessions and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Are Quoting the Bible -- and These Nuns Are Not Having It (3 comments)
Lowering the Voting Age and Other Ways to Mobilize Youth: Away from Tragedy toward a Renaissance of Democracy? (9 comments)
I Remember When America Was A Free Country
The Is What Tyranny Looks Like: Where Migrant Family Separations Could Lead (29 comments)
Digvijay is only a continuation; it began with Savarkar (1 comments)
GMO Blowback Enlarges with South Korea Rejecting Canadian Wheat and Flour, Might Even Bite Back Bayer! (18 comments)
Fancy Bear Destroyed Bellingcat Credibility for #MH17 (4 comments)
For Our Rulers, Smearing A Dissident Journalist Is As Good As Killing Him (9 comments)
Tuesday, June 19:
Celebrity Deaths Bring Out the Worst In Us (2 comments)
Good Germans (2 comments)
Lie la lie, lie la la la lie lie, Lie la lie, lie la la la la lie la la lie
"Trump Creates Crises & Preys on Fear": Rep. Jayapal on Policy of Separating Kids from Parents (6 comments)
Gerrymandering, Impartial Redistricting, or What? SCOTUS Puts Off the Decision Again (2 comments)
Immigrants & Muslims Are Trump's Jews ... Until He Comes for the Actual Jews (2 comments)
AP or not AP, Is that the Question?
What Message Does Ref Rodriguez Send to the Children of Los Angeles?
Where's that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers? (2 comments)
Socialism exposed: thick lipstick on a global pig (12 comments)
Descent! (9 comments)
Trumpite Foreign Policy: Determined by Campaign Slogans (1 comments)
Julian Assange and the Mindszenty Case (5 comments)
Tom Curtis: Readers, get wise. Make a difference. (2 comments)
Monday, June 18:
Jeff Sessions as Mullah: His "Christianist" Version of Sharia Law (2 comments)
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb Could Rescind Aspartame Approval, or Could Continue Regulatory Failures and Genocide (2 comments)
Trump Creates American Moral Crisis (3 comments)
Simply unconscionable (1 comments)
Why we are suing Ohio and Kansas -- We CAN Reverse Purges (1 comments)
What's in Trump's "deal of the century"? The answers are in plain sight (4 comments)
The Tax Cut and the Pay Increase: Halfway There
Laura Bush criticizes Trump immigration policy as immoral (13 comments)
The IG Report Says the FBI Is Deeply Flawed. I Know. (4 comments)
Americans love Canada, not Kim
North Korea Can Never Trust the U.S.A. (9 comments)
Would God Really Snatch a Suckling Baby From Its Mother's Breast?
As scaremongering starts, this is your fight too!: Straight Talk for Younger People on Social Security (and Medicare) (5 comments)
Defence-Spending or worthy life for the Baltics (1 comments)
The North Korean Summit: Who is the "dotard?"
The Children's Hour -- A Showdown with Trump (5 comments)
Five die fleeing US immigration police as children spend Father's Day in jail
"They're Different from Us": The Profiteers of Prejudice (4 comments)
About Sectoral Balances, MMT, and Regulating for full employment and no hyperinflation (17 comments)
The Psychology of Splitting and Traumatizing Families (24 comments)
Sunday, June 17:
Rep. Beto O'Rourke: Taking Action on Detaining Children Taken Away from Their Parents (1 comments)
Murder Incorporated (1 comments)
Et Tu, Bernie? (20 comments)
How I spent this Father's Day Weekend as Pilgrim at MSD High in Parkland, FL (10 comments)
Kayhan interview: Shia arc or Zionist arc?
An Ode to My Father, Samuel Hubert Cox
Damage Control Dance, After Japan Suspends GMO Canadian Wheat Import Modified to Resist Bayer/Monsanto's Roundup (1 comments)
The Death of Indian Democracy? (6 comments)
Bringing Julian Assange home (2 comments)
The Republican Party Falls Apart, The Democrats Get Stuck (6 comments)
"That's my Betsy." (2 comments)
There's a Good Reason the GOP is Silent on Steve King's Racism
Trump Will Soon Purge Stephen Miller From His Administration (52 comments)
A Mile in Their Shoes (2 comments)
Corruption Is Bad, But Sabotage Is Worse
Child Abductions: A Conversation It's Hard to Believe We're Even Having (20 comments)
Saturday, June 16:
Big Oil CEOs needed a climate change reality check. The pope delivered (18 comments)
Border Angels Fight Trump's Borderland Brutality (1 comments)
Trump Effect: New Kingwood, TX business model: Lawn Care by 'White People' U.S. Citizens (VIDEO)
Americans won't "Sit Up" for Great Leader Trump, because They Don't Approve of Him (1 comments)
Democratic Senator Schumer Is a Dishonest Putz on Korea, Peace (4 comments)
Wage Theft: To Fight the Crime, Address the Motive
An Empire of Exploitation, a World of Misery, and the Revolution Humanity Cries Out For
The Gates of Hell are Closing Behind us: US-Saudi Horror Show Heats up in Yemen (6 comments)
To the Press, after 18 Months of Trump
Redemption of the Bully (7 comments)
Deena Stryker's "Russia's Americans" Shows Merits of Managed Democracy (1 comments)
Friday, June 15:
Blame Canada (4 comments)
Postliterate America (6 comments)
From Russia with love, as Putin kicks off soft power Games (2 comments)
Ohio's Junk Mail Trick Led The Supreme Court To Approve Jim Crow Vote Purge (1 comments)
Trump Uses the Comey Report to Cover Up His Guilt in the Russia Scandal (6 comments)
Manafort To Go To Jail; Why It's Significant Beyond Manafort (16 comments)
The 1968 Student Revolt in France: A Fifty Year Retrospective (2 comments)
Why Are the Poor Patriotic? (14 comments)
Something's Coming (5 comments)
'Progressive' Democrats need to reconnect with the American people; regain their trust (58 comments)
Suicide? No. Society Is Murdering Us. But There Is a Way Out. (8 comments)
Dog Hoarders -the Woodleys (17 comments)
The Military Industrial Drain (7 comments)
What Will We Do To Resist? an Editorial in the Santa Fe New Mexican, plus NY Times Editorial on Detentions (1 comments)
Fancy Bear Exposed Showing the People Behind the Hacking Group (4 comments)
White House turns to job fair because no one wants to work for Trump
Donald Trump, Russian Agent (4 comments)
Trump Effect: Republican Legislator - There Aren't Enough White Kids to Go Around in State Schools (VIDEO) (2 comments)
Thursday, June 14:
Major League Baseball in San Juan as a 21st-Century Marshall Plan
A Volatile and Still Highly Dangerous Situation: The U.S. Has No Right to Threaten Korea (and the World) (1 comments)
Bay Area Muslim Leader Has Her Award Rescinded by Interfaith Group After Pro-Israel Activists Objected (2 comments)
The Constitution and the Lawmen are Coming for Trump -- He Laughs! (1 comments)
Tomgram: Engelhardt, A Twenty-First-Century History of Greed
How the Corporate Media Enslave Us to a World of Illusions (2 comments)
Our Throw-Away Society (1 comments)
Erdogan's "Trojan Horse" In Macedonia
What Else Canadians Should Be Sorry For -- Besides Burning the White House (4 comments)
Wednesday, June 13:
The Plight of Birds and the Hand of Man in the Sixth Mass Extinction
Premarin - Still a Cruel Product (7 comments)
The key word in the Trump-Kim show (1 comments)
Is Europe Too Brainwashed To Normalize Relations With Russia?
John McCain's timeless truths (22 comments)
Trump-Kim Summit Raises Cautious Hopes for Peace
Sweden's Military Madness (3 comments)
Defending the environmental defenders
North Korea: Pelosi versus Peace (11 comments)
Memo to the Lying-Racist-&-Hypocrite-in-Chief: Trump trying to make a big deal of offering 'pardon' to Muhammad Ali (1 comments)
Rudy Giuliani's soon-to-be third ex-wife says he was cheating ... again. And where is Rudy? (3 comments)
A First Experience with Ranked Voting (11 comments)
Aiding and Abetting the Killing of an Open Government (1 comments)
Obscured American: Benny the Landlord, Casanova and Covert Operator
Has Bernie Turned a Corner on the Military? Watch and decide for yourself. (4 comments)
Chris Hedges Dismantles the Trump Administration, in video labelled "best ever." (4 comments)
Expanded War, Hunger, Disease, Death in Yemen No Big Deal to US
One cheer for Trump: However Tenuous and Whatever His Motives, Trump's Summit Agreement with Kim is Praiseworthy (1 comments)
Keep Resisting! (1 comments)
Tuesday, June 12:
Dear Jeremy Scahill: Yes, The Democrats ARE Part of the Problem--So Stop Pretending They Can Be Part of the Solution! (3 comments)
How Did the Supreme Court Give a Green Light to Massive Voter Suppression? (6 comments)
Are YOU Brainwashed? (3 comments)
Jim Crow Supremes Enshrine Voter Lynch Law and May Have Stolen the 2018 Election for Trump's GOP (2 comments)
Understanding Jewish Power (2 comments)
The Importance of Supporting Aggressive Progressives for Very High-Leverage Offices (2 comments)
The War of Hunger That Afflicts the World's Poor
An Urgent Message to Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Japan (3 comments)
Dissecting Trump's Efforts to Place Himself Above the Law
Let's Call the Farm Bill What it is: Corporate Welfare (1 comments)
Social Crisis in Gaza: Bartlett Pierces the Fog of War Lies and Omissions Toronto's Al-Qud's Day Rally (1 comments)
Negotiations? 3rd World Nations Be Aware! Americans Napalmed & Bombed Out All 38 N.Korean Cities! (6 comments)
Morally bankrupt ~~ Children in Cages! From US Senator Jeff Merkley (20 comments)
We can STEP up with The Lynx or choose National Suicide by Trump-Pence (12 comments)
Where is Trump Going after the Summit?
Trump and Kim Jong-un meet in Singapore (2 comments)
Let's Continue Progress Toward Peace in Korea
Monday, June 11:
Cryptocurrencies And Drug Legalization
Retrospective No. 4: "On the 'Baker's Case' and LGBTQ Rights"
In The Western World Truth Is An Endangered Species: Come To Its Support
Knesset foils efforts to end Israeli apartheid (2 comments)
Wage Theft: To Fight the Crime, Attack the Motive (1 comments)
"Establishment Wins" Are Bad for Democrats -- and the Country (1 comments)
Lessons From A Tweet Gone Viral
'Survey' says: It's the media's fault
Pious Homophobes Win One (4 comments)
The Constitutional Crisis is Now (1 comments)
The World According to Seymour Hersh
Trump's Relentless Lies Demand We Make Truth-Telling Great Again
Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news
Sunday, June 10:
Scapegoating Iran (5 comments)
Five Things You Need to Know in Light of the Upcoming Supreme Court Abortion Case
How a North Korean Disarmament Deal Might Look
Overview Of Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change (4 comments)
After Trip to Gaza, Anthony Bourdain Accused World of Robbing Palestinians of Their Basic Humanity (4 comments)
Shorter Pope Francis to Big Oil : You're Going to Hell if You don't Go Green (3 comments)
Donald Trump is costing us one precious thing: time (2 comments)
For Captured Regulators, Repealing the Volcker Rule is Child's Play (1 comments)
Trump the Politician: Anti-Abortion vs. Anti-Immigration
Philippines Drug War, Joel Montallana (1 comments)
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Colorado Cake Shop Case Is Major Step in Embedding Anti-LGBTQ Bigotry into Law (5 comments)
Trump EPA to shred rules on toxic pollution (9 comments)
Saturday, June 9:
Aspartame Creates Diabetic And Obesity Epidemics - Read The Medical Facts (9 comments)
A Plan For The Nation (4 comments)
What Pranab wanted us to pay heed to on Hedgewar (1 comments)
Why Blended Primaries Are an Assault on Democracy (5 comments)
"Pro-Family" Homophobia Rips Families Apart (1 comments)
There Are No War Heroes. There Are Only War Victims. (30 comments)
Trump's Justice Dept Escalates Its Crackdown on Leaks by Seizing New York Times Reporter's Phone and Email Records (4 comments)
On Celebrity, Trade War and Nuclear Peace
If You Inject a Stream of Raw Ignorance Into a Vat of Gaseous Arrogance, What Does It Produce? (6 comments)
Anthony Bourdain Knew There Was Nothing More Political Than Food (2 comments)
Before You Give Your Computer to the Geek Squad (3 comments)
Anything Can Happen Day (2 comments)
Friday, June 8:
Toward Sustainable Activism (1 comments)
Sacrificing Gaza: The Great March of Zionist Hypocrisy (2 comments)
Thank God Congress-JDS; for there is Indian Express (1 comments)
Ecuador Continues Playing Hardball With Assange (1 comments)
Monsanto Name to Disappear in Merger, and Bayer's Intentionally Giving AIDS to 5 Nations Remains Unpunished (15 comments)
Is Trump Supporting Ending Fed Law Against Marijuana To Spite Sessions? (11 comments)
Canadian News Fabricators regarding the So-called "Syrian Opposition" (2 comments)
Men and women of all ages and races fighting together: A Mass Movement to Save and Expand Social Security & Medicare (29 comments)
Election Omens: Blue Wave or 2018 Flushes?
Here's What America's Election Experts Think It's Going to Take to Fix Our Democracy (1 comments)
Ivanka and Kim teaming up on prison reform will only lead to big losing, all around (1 comments)
Does Loving Truth Make You Hostile to Religion? (10 comments)
Democrats Have Now Flipped 42 State Legislative Seats From Red to Blue
Rapidly becoming irrelevant in America: the principles of ethics and morality (6 comments)
Trump lawyer Giuliani is more unpopular than even Trump himself (1 comments)
Debate with Conservative obsessed with constitutionality of health care as a right (VIDEO) (2 comments)
Thursday, June 7:
Naomi Klein: 4,645 Deaths in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria Were "State-Sponsored Mass Killing" (1 comments)
Still Waiting for Evidence of a Russian Hack (9 comments)
North Korea has taken big steps. Now it's Trump's turn to show goodwill (2 comments)
So He Thinks Canada Burned Down the White House In The War Of 1812 (1 comments)
Trump Weaponizes Pardon Power: Scorched Earth Campaign Against Law
What Took Down ACORN May Take Down the Rest of Us (1 comments)
US primary elections in eight states confirm rightward shift by Democratic Party (17 comments)
Who was Supposed to be Trump's AG?
Wednesday, June 6:
On the Brink of Fascism in the U.S.: The Role of the Ruling Class, Part 2 (11 comments)
50 Years After 1968, Can the Young Change Politics? A Striking New Poll Says Yes (1 comments)
Slogan Voters -- The Road to Political Masochism (1 comments)
Justice and freedom for Julian Assange mean free speech for us all (4 comments)
The Unconstitutional Census Power Grab (1 comments)
Going "Full Dictator"? Trump Claims He Has Right to End Mueller Investigation or Pardon Himself (1 comments)
Why Bin Laden Attacked Us (500k Iraqi children, Israel, and Oil) (23 comments)
Irony died a million deaths in Tharoor's column (1 comments)
When Bobby Kennedy Proposed a Radical Rethink of the Measures of American Progress (1 comments)
An Open Letter To Prime Minister Netanyahu (3 comments)
Climate justice is integral to development justice
U.S. Blames Northern Lights on Russia, Imposes Sanctions (91 comments)
There Is No 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card for the President (4 comments)
Pardon Us Bobby for What We Have Undone (6 comments)
Guess who is saying that there was no Collusion
Trump-Blagojevic Pay-For-Play: Chicago Trump Tower Tax Breaks Bring Pardon
"Progressives" Against (Economic) Progress
Bye-Bye Monsanto, Hello Bayer-- the New Most Hated Corporation (14 comments)
Tuesday, June 5:
Postcard from the End of America: Callowhill, Philadelphia (1 comments)
The Blatant Conspiracy behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy's Assassination (18 comments)
The Absence of Diplomacy Is Isolating Washington
Why Donald Trump Disinvited the Eagles From the White House (1 comments)
Rebellion in America? Not likely (4 comments)
No You a**holes, Obama Did Not Do It Too (2 comments)
Throwing Shade, Not Light, on Youth Voting (2 comments)
Trump's Nixonian Moment has Arrived (2 comments)
How an Anti-Semitic American Law Helped to Create the State of Israel and a Whole Lot of Trouble (6 comments)
In Unanimous Vote, House Says No Legal Right to Attack Iran (9 comments)
God's Word On Abortion (23 comments)
Monday, June 4:
Why India is ignoring US sanctions and sticking with Iran (2 comments)
For Minimum Decency, A Maximum Wage (6 comments)
Taboo Word for Vagina Distracts From Inhumane Trump Policy (5 comments)
"A Source of Positivity All the Time": Remembering Palestinian Medic Razan al-Najjar, Killed by IDF (4 comments)
A Second American Civil War? (7 comments)
The Pushback Against Ending Corporate Rule (5 comments)
The U.S. at War with Itself (1 comments)
War, Peace and the Significance of Color
The Peoples' Capitalism (5 comments)
Intolerance, the Freedom Carcass and the Triptik to the Apocalypse
Permanent State Versus The People. The Regime Change War against Syria (2 comments)
Religious Right Wing Evangelicals' True Colors Exposed (6 comments)
Creativity Should Not Be Compelled By Law (6 comments)
Many Germans Fed Up with US (11 comments)
Mainstream fake-news: the devious limited hangout (4 comments)
Tangier Island Is The Earth (4 comments)
Authoritarians, Plutocrats, and the Fight for Racial Justice (1 comments)
Sunday, June 3:
The Second Sight of W.E.B. Du Bois (2 comments)
How to make tourists unwelcome and citizens sick: Welcome to Police-State America, Weary Traveler (3 comments)
Whatever You Think of the Trump-Russia Investigation, Whistleblower Reality Winner Deserves Your Support (2 comments)
Why the Bombshell Trump Letter Could Be a Big Problem for Donald Trump Jr. (2 comments)
Flotilla Continues Towards Gaza to Challenge the Blockade (1 comments)
Trumperial Presidency (2 comments)
Trump might be leading the US to another meltdown (4 comments)
Trump's New Proposal Is Another Attempt by the Government to Control Women's Bodies (2 comments)
Saturday, June 2:
Time to Take Off The Gloves (1 comments)
Sortition: Government by Jury (8 comments)
After fig leaf polls: Field Marshall el-Sisi sworn-in for second term as President of Egypt
Opposition hasn't paid heed to Rajnath's words (1 comments)
Donald Trump officially declares himself above the law (1 comments)
Trump war against Mueller will make Dem midterm turnout soar (3 comments)
Oil and gas geopolitics: no shelter from the storm
Under Trump, the Israel lobby is a Hydra with many heads
Strong as Death (4 comments)
Where Does Money Come From, Who Controls It and How? (24 comments)
Whose Country Is This? Is the Constitution Even Welcome Here Anymore? (2 comments)
Utter Contempt (13 comments)
The Jig Is Up On Russia Fake News -- But Who Cares? (5 comments)
Political Parties Should Say What They Mean. The Libertarian Party Does. (7 comments)
Samantha Bee Has NOTHING to Apologize For (6 comments)
Friday, June 1:
Why the Only Answer is to Break Up the Biggest Wall Street Banks (11 comments)
The Message From Saudi's "Reformist" Crown Prince to Saudi Women: Shut Up And Drive (4 comments)
Tonight... (1 comments)
Democracy Is Fighting to Survive the Rise of Western Authoritarianism
Hate Speech Advocate, who got Roseanne Barr Fired, Running Trump Mideast Policy
Book Review: Healing the Land with Tao by Gary Lindorff (5 comments)
Bolton Flunky Fleitz Raises Stakes for Iran
Moreno: Assange Can Remain At Embassy, So Long As He Doesn't Practice Journalism (4 comments)
A Nation That Doesn't Know War: America Celebrates Memorial Day
All the President's Men: Mike Pompeo