The basic problems with our country lie with Congress, as that entity has "sold out." Each member of the House and Senate will cry out, "Not me, not me -- when the time for rendition comes. Now, believe in .us.
If anyone challenges the corruption rampant, One can be accused (as stated by the Gentleman from Pennsylvania on '60 Minutes') of attempting to "intimidate Congress." So?
We must vote for challengers, replace incumbents--who are collectively guilty " of cheating you. Your (secret) vote is the most important weapon available to The People in this country. It's not an AR-15 that succeeds for Change: it's the painful mission to cleanse the "Parliament of Whores."
The most powerful challenger can be a confederation of individual Veterans, each voting independently in their particular venue (secretly). If all the millions of Veterans will do their duty to change the flow of dollars and deceit, the course-of-history will be changed. Think about that.
Last year (in the presence of witnesses) a doctor at VAECHCS said I'd been sick for a "long, long time" (in care of the V.A.) and that if I had not gone to the E.R., I would have expired. After nine months in touch there, I CHOICEd to the University of Colorado's medics. Now, I'm up to Saturday scripting again! My extended report on the interlude with the V.A.'s attention may make interesting (?) future posts.
Who funds the V.A. (the most mismanaged department in government)? Who takes care of Veterans? There's no love for us in Congress, hell-bent to feather their own nest.
Pass the word.