President Barack Obama year 2010 Predictions
President Obama is in Jupiter main period and Mars sub period which is coming to an end of Feb 28th, 2010. This is indeed a difficult period as Mars is the Badhaka (obstruction) planet in his astrology chart, and transiting Mars in his chart is retrograde and is apecting natal Jupiter and transiting Jupiter the mahadasha lord at same time. To add insult to an injury the ascendant lord Saturn in Obama's chart went retrograde on Jan 13th, 2010, and it will remain retrograde until end of May 2010. Transit Saturn from Virgo aspects President Obama's 10th house lord of job natal Venus in Gemini at 8 degrees and 33 minutes. This attributes to the democrats defeat in the recent elections for the Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, and the Health care Reform being in jeopardy. President Obama has all the skills and capable of doing a good job but still he can not because transit Saturn aspects the natal Venus the ruler of his house of Job. If you see the planetary configuration back on Jan 20th, 2009, transit Jupiter was aspecting his natal Venus, when he got elected as President of US.
President Obama will enter Rahu sub period in Jupiter Main period Feb 28th onwards. Rahu has entered the 10th lord Venus's constellation, and will remain there until Sept 29th. Saturn the ascendant lord will become direct in President Obama's chart in end of May 2010, and Mars the badhaka planet will leave cancer sign and stop aspecting his ascendant in end of May 2010 as well. So President Obama's period will improve starting june 1st. Saturn, his ascendant lord will be direct and in a very strong Sun's nakshatra, and Jupiter the mahadasha lord will be very strong in Saturn's nakshatra. But transit Saturn from Virgo will continue to aspect President Obama's 10th house lord natal Venus until end of Sept 2010. The second half of this year looks very good for President Obama especially after September 2010, except some disturbance in end of July and beginning of August 2010 when Saturn the ascendant lord and Mars the badhaka planet will be in conjunction in Virgo sign. So President Obama's time is not good until June 1st 2010, but the period after September 2010 looks very good to pursue and achieve his goals and when he will be able to dominate and defeat his opponents.
Gurmeet Singh Jan 30th, 2010
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