The American elites have already divided into "bad" and "good" parts in order to turn Europe into food for Russia. Trump will take on the role of the "bad" American while his political opponents will remain "good" for the Europeans. Together they will make America Great Again!
The Greatness of Western Democracy as it is
Voters don't have to die and suffer for political goals. With technological, financial and political advantages, Western democracies have learned to solve political problems without creating problems for voters. Live in paradise without stress! It is this internal policy that is the main result of the dominance of Western democracies in the world. The loss of this opportunity will indicate the deprivation of Western democracies of a dominant role in the world.
At this moment, only one event can threaten the democratic paradise. This is a long-term conflict of high intensity. Direct entry into this conflict will force Western democracies to change their internal policies. That is, voters will again have to die and suffer in order to achieve political goals. And this will destroy the main result of Western dominance!
To maintain their dominant position, Western democracies need to avoid direct involvement in long-term, high-intensity conflicts. But if possible, force your enemies to participate in such conflicts. To implement such a strategy, it is necessary to fight with someone else's hands.
World War III=America Great Again
The events in Ukraine show how this happens in reality. Russia is directly involved in the conflict. But Western democracies are participating in the conflict indirectly, through Ukraine. Ukraine, like Russia, is directly involved in a long-term conflict of high intensity. But Ukrainians have less potential than Russians. Therefore, Ukraine will inevitably be destroyed. In fact, the West has turned Ukraine into food for Russia. When this political fodder runs out, a new portion of food will be prepared!
Which countries will become this food shows Trump's desire to leave NATO. It is a mistake to think that this is Trump's desire. Leaving NATO is the consolidated desire of all American political elites. Blame the Republican President smart solution. This will allow the allies' displeasure to be concentrated on one of the politicians. Other American politicians will remain friends of European democracies. This will make it possible to maintain political ties with Europe. Political connections will make it possible to provide assistance to Europe during the war. It is Europe that will become the next political fodder for Russia.
Using its unique geographic position, the United States will continue to keep Russia engaged in a long-term, high-intensity conflict. But in the second stage, European countries will be used for this. Since Ukraine will be eaten by Russia at the first stage of the conflict.
That is, leaving NATO is the United States preparing for a continuation of the conflict with Russia in Europe. The US will leave NATO. This will give the United States the opportunity not to fight with Russia. But America will continue to maintain the ability to provide assistance to its European allies, who, like Ukraine, will fight with Russia. By providing assistance, the United States will become richer. America already did this in the first and second world wars. World War III will be no exception!
That is, from the point of view of the American voter, this is normal. On the path to Paradise, the ends justify the means!
Donald Trump will get a lot of criticism. But he will endure it for the good of America. Other American politicians who criticize Trump for leaving NATO will then be able to enrich America by organizing supplies to Europe. So bad Trump and good other American politicians will work together to make the "America Great Again" project.
Bottom line
Of course we feel sorry for the Europeans. But these people sentenced themselves to death when they believed that the Russians are the enemies of the Ukrainians! The slaughter has already begun! Those who support this massacre today become victims tomorrow.
Apparently Orban and Fico began to guess about something. Their political position in the EU will help Slovakia and Hungary avoid destruction. France, which has nuclear weapons, will survive. And the UK, which left the EU in advance, will remain independent.
Russians know everything. And the Russians agree to participate in the project. Only Russian aggression can ensure US prosperity. Vladimir Putin said that Germany has lost its sovereignty to the whole world. American journalist Tucker Carlson helped him do this. The American and Russian nations are already collaborating on the project. Only both nations do this in their own national style. The Russians achieve victories at the cost of millions of victims and suffering. Americans achieve victories by trading and relaxing. To each his own! Everything is fair!