If you've read any portion of "The Audicity of Hope", though, you see what mega-intelligence and what a vast fund of historical, economic and political information Obama has. When we think of the midget mind of our current "office-holder", we are brought to the undeniable realization that George W. wouldn't be able to write HALF the quality of Obama's book even WITH a ghost writer ... and without one, the book would be extremely sophomoric. And "sales" would be laughable. When I heard W. say he'd read the Iraq Special Committee's Report, I had to laugh. What he meant (and should have said, if he wanted to be honest) was he had his staff read it and "fill him in". And will he read Obama's book? You know the answer.
So, what kinds of tactics can we expect to see, and what might be used to counter the SWIFT-BOATERS? 1. First, they need to be shamed for using divisive, dirty campaign attacks. And each one of them should be identified as a RACIST for the ones they use. They must be shown to be of the George W. Bush alienation philosophy ... endorsing corruption and willing to lie and cheat to win. 2. They must be identified with the Iraq fiasco. 3. They need a label, so "BOOGIE MEN" is as good as any. Trying to scare the public from voting for the best man. 4. The qualifications and lack thereof need to be high-lighted for each member of the SWIFTIES. 5. Their past record for ugly campaign tricks ought to be brought "front and center". They must not be allowed to hide behind anonymity.
Call them a the GANG THAT BROUGHT US THE FAILURES WE'VE HAD TO PUT UP WITH IN BUSH'S ADMINISTRATION. His policies have been to alienate and make enemies.
Underscore Obama's intellect and foreign policy moxy.
Point out that here we have nation-healing opportunities seldom seen and what we've HAD is a CONSERVATIVE AMOUNT OF ABILITY IN George W. The NATIONAL DEBT IS AT A RECORD HIGH AND ZOOMING UPWARDS. All too much emphasis has been placed on WIDENING THE GAP between WEALTHY and BEGGAR. More and more middle-class people are finding themselves reduced to LOWER-CLASS economic status; and this is a formula for REBELLION and civil strife. A VOTE for the SWIFT BOATERS IS A VOTE FOR A SINKING PHILOSOPHY.
In short, let's get ourselves set NOW for the dirt that's going to fly. Much of it is predictable.