The cautious and often-frightened Democratic leaders will usually, eventually, finally come around and do the right thing. And they do so because they are good at (sooner or later) listening to the will of the people.
That's why they need to hear from you and me right now. Give them the backbone and support they're looking for. Sign the Need to Impeach petition and let them see that the majority of us can't wait any longer to remove this dangerous man from office.
Here's the link once again. Share it and this letter with your friends and everyone you know who loves this country. Let's not wait until he gets us in a war to sign this petition. Let's not wait until he turns another million acres of federal land over to the oil companies. Let's not wait until he and Betsy DeVos dismantle what's left of our once-admired-around-the-world public schools. Every day at his EPA, at his ICE headquarters, at his FDA and elsewhere, his cronies are literally taking apart our American way of life, piece by piece -- and it will take years to rebuild after all the damage they are doing.
Can you really take one more day of this?
Please, I appeal to you, join with me and millions of our fellow Americans and sign this impeachment petition now:
I did. You must.
Thank you for helping to save this country and this planet.
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