If given a binary choice of a press pass for either: A. the Oscars or B. the final game of the World Cup; which event would a true red-blooded American patriot choose?
Mark Twain (do they still have a jumping frog contest in Calaveras County) seems to have anticipated the Fox in the journalism hen house when he proclaimed: "A man who doesn't read a newspaper is uninformed. One who does, is ill-informed."
Now the disk jockey will select some of his favorite "proud to be an American" tunes. He will play Arlo Gutherie's "City of New Orleans," Elton John's "Philadelphia Freedom" (wasn't that recorded in Santa Monica?), and the entire "Best of the Mamas and Papas" album. We have to go see (we missed him in Sydney) Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds at the Warfield (Monday or Tuesday). Have a "sitting in the club car" type week.
Fred Astaire
Valery Perrine
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