If you're like me, then you've become extremely tired of church and state NOT being separate. You've also become tired of tax-exempt dollars being spent on maintaining discrimination against tax-paying LGBT Americans.
You've heard the arguments of how our forefathers built this country on the foundation of "Christian" beliefs, therefore because some "Christians" believe homosexuality is a sin, then all homosexuals should have to live a second class life of shame...I don't buy it!
Our forefathers built the foundation of this country on the freedom of religion, and even though it's not in the constitution, they built it upon the principle of separation of church and state. I have grown increasingly tired of tax-exempt "religious" organizations dictating the rights of tax-paying citizens. The U.S.A. is NOT, I repeat, IS NOT a "Christian" nation, but again, because we've allowed political intervention from various religious organizations, not all people are equal in this nation.
Anyone can see there is a definite push by the religious right in this country to keep their political stronghold on our government, one that was welcomed as George W. held the door wide open for them during his administration.
There are very clear dangers in this. There is no religious persecution as those who are anti-gay would want people to believe. No one is trying to silence their voices. If you don't like me, that is your right, and you also have the right to say whatever you care to say about LGBT Americans, but the pushing of religious agendas onto society as a whole has to stop. All LGBT Americans are asking for is equality. They're not asking anyone to be gay. They're not asking anyone to give up their first or last born for adoption by gay couples. They're not advocating polygamy or child molestation. A marriage one enters into does not affect the life of anyone outside of that marriage. What people are asking for here is equality...they want the same rights that everyone else takes for granted, including the right to marry the one consenting adult they love.
"But, marriage has always been defined as"...but, but, but...but nothing. I, for one, am tired of the reasons excuses. Take the Bible out of the argument, and there are no legitimate arguments against marriage equality. Tell me one reason why, in a country based upon religious freedom, should the Bible be dictating law? It should not...not now, not ever!
Rise up and let your voice be heard. When was the last time you emailed your congressman? When was the last time you spoke out? When was the last time your wrote your local paper? SPEAK UP NOW AND SPEAK OUT LOUD! You have a voice, let it be heard.
Do your part, and help keep those who stand against equality from using the Bible, or their personal religious beliefs from dictating liberties and rights. Take a stand! Step up and do something.
I would challenge each and everyone of you to take 5 minutes to write a letter asking that religious ideology no longer is allowed to mandate laws. I would also ask you to question why tax-exempt money is allowed to be used against tax-paying citizens. Then, take 1 minute everyday to send that letter to a different publication, to a congressman, to a local politician via email.
Let's all do something to let our voices rise up and be heard. Our opposition is loud, and they have a tax-exempt financial advantage. We can not afford to waste anymore time. We can not rely on the few, or those in positions of higher power to do this for us...WE HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION! WE HAVE TO COME OFF THE DEFENSE AND BECOME THE OFFENSE. STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT...IT'S EASY, IT'S FREE! Be polite, but assertive, keep it short, and be factual. Let people hear that religious beliefs should NOT dictate rights! This is the U.S.A. ALL AMERICANS, including LGBT Americans deserve equal rights. We should never have disclaimers on rights. It should never be "*liberty and justice for all"...*certain restrictions apply!
Again, 365 days should result in 365 emails. If only 5% of the U.S. population would do this, that would result in 5,621,980,773 emails per year! That's right, over 5 billion!
Please take the time to join me. Please give less than 5 minutes of your day to send an email! We have to be heard! Read more at gayagenda.com!